3.10|Stress-Free PoE| SLOW-MO ZOMBIES |Use Any Items You Want|1 Button Gameplay|Easily Customizable

Hi wrecker. Have you thought about build improvements? I have a couple of ideas:

Skitterbots. These little bastards have shock and chill attacks (no damage, pure ailments) - more damage, better slowing.

As our zombies attack with pure physical damage, there's are several other options for improvement.
1) Pride. Good attack bonus. Not sure, too much mana reservation.
2) Flesh and Stone. Will increase damage and defence.
3) Banners. War for better damage, Dread for survivability
Well, it's nearly impossible to have 3 auras (Hatred - 50% reserved mana, Temporal Chains - 35%) with this build if you don't spec into "lower reserved mana" nodes or wear suitable gear. And enfeeble+temporal chains are the best combo for this build, since dealing damage is not an issue here.

But of course, everyone can make their own variations if they like it and it's better for them.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von M_atrix#2043 um 14.03.2020, 09:09:19
Katalaeia schrieb:
... I've played this build 5 times over the course of 6 leagues.
Hey Katalaeia!

Once a Minion Lover, always a Minion Lover...
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Wrecker_of_Days#7691 um 14.03.2020, 17:51:59
Elocara schrieb:
Thank you for sharing your stress-free builds, they are keeping me interested in Poe longer than I ever was before.

And thanks for the help again!
You're very welcome Elocara. I'm glad they are helpful! SSF is my favourite way to play any RPG. I just love it.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Wrecker_of_Days#7691 um 14.03.2020, 17:52:16
ToJestNapad_ schrieb:
Nice , simple build. Leaves a lot of room for experiments :D i like it !
Hey ToJestNapad_!

Thanks! Ya, PoE is really turning into requiring flexibility. We'll see how all these things are carried into PoE 2 and how many of their changes are intended to be longterm.

https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Pip_n_Tip schrieb:
The following opinion is in regards to the ZOMBIE'S 6-link.

FF probably the hardest nerf to the zombies in this build. If you can call it "hard".
This build craves that extra aggro range.
I think you either run with FF or without it. No meatshield. I recall using the unique chest with 'supported by meatshield' for my zombies and it just was not good entering mid-game.
I tried many variations in my zombie links and FF was always put back in after a couple of maps. Not because of the damage but for the range.

We'll be just fine without that little extra damage.

Zombie on!
Katalaeia schrieb:
Pip_n_Tip schrieb:
I think you either run with FF or without it. No meatshield.

This is how I've felt about it since those two gems were added. I'd much rather have the aggressive Zombies and maybe have to resummon one a little more often than have tankier ones that don't want to go attack stuff.
M_atrix schrieb:
It would be cool if they put "aggressive minions" into a passive node somewhere. This way people could choose to run either FF gem or to go for the node.
Or the devs could just make them aggressive by default and let people have fun.

Zombies without FF just doesn't work (with this build). At all. Too clumsy.

Skeletons on the other hand are good without it. You just pop them on enemies and laugh (and zombies quickly come to help them). After I hit lvl 100 last league I put minion speed on Skeletons (instead of burning damage. Since I had "ignite" on my helmet, I thought burning damage was the best choice)... Wow. It made such a big difference in clearing speed (I should have tried it much sooner!). This time I will definitely go with minion speed (instead of life) from the start.
I agree Pip_n_Tip, Katalaeia, & M_atrix!

Though Feeding Frenzy had one of its damage perks removed, I hate the way the normal zombie mannerisms are. They attack and ignore enemies in the dumbest ways. I've found Meat Shield really only for defence. It can't be used offensively. Feeding Frenzy will always be on my zombies if they're a primary skill. I feel it's the way zombies should be by default.

Zombie on.

(Hitting 100...who hits 100...;))
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Wrecker_of_Days#7691 um 14.03.2020, 18:03:42
Rottim schrieb:
I just want to say thank you for this guide. Currently delving deeper into it and looking at my options but as someone who has loved the standard STR-stacking Baronmancer since Delve league this looks like a perfect fit to transition into with all the nerfs on the way.

I know it's been mentioned as an option already but I'm strongly considering going Commander over Mistress given we're losing a huge chunk of resists from Bone Barrier. And since Spirit Offering got taken down a peg, it doesn't seem worth it to have something like Flesh offering affect us anymore. Especially when the alternative is getting another 30% all resists. Now it's just a matter of slotting in an aura I actually want hitting myself. Probably will end up being Haste.

All that aside, thank you and everyone else in this thread providing useful tips and clarifications. Looking forward to another league of letting an undead horde smash everything.
You're very welcome Rottim!

Thanks a very kind post. I appreciate you taking the time to be so kind.

Ya, I'll likely take Commander of Darkness as well. Though, Flesh Offering isn't bad. I like to sneak in a level 1 Clarity for the bonus if I need it (for Commander). But resists aren't really an issue with only Rare gear. But that's me. Most people LOVE their minion uniques.

Thanks for the great post!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
DecayingStump schrieb:
I unshelved the Necro just to try out this build just because I've liked every Wrecker build I've ran so far.

I tried Erendel for a bit to get my skeletons to almost instant explode, and eventually went Mon'tregul's grasp for kicks. The damage seems pretty exceptional, but I could really go for a "go here" command of some kind for my big stupid zombies.

That said, I'm down to at least run it for a bit. Thanks for everyone's input in this thread, and keep on doing the best Thriller dance you can!
Hey DecayingStump!

You're very kind! Thank you! Make sure you let us know where you take the build. It's always great to see how people choose to gear their Minion Masters.

It's always nice to have you around.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Drklf schrieb:
I was thinking.. With Leash of Oblation and a 25% increased effect of offerings chest, perhaps, instead of the 4L CWDT, a fun option would be to use Cyclone-CWC-Spirit/Flesh Offering-Bone Offering. It should work fairly well while mapping as you won't be running out of corpses to use.
That's a great idea Drklf!

That'd be perfect! I'd probably use Spirit and Flesh. Think you'll have time to cast our skeletons?
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
svataru schrieb:
Hi wrecker. Have you thought about build improvements? I have a couple of ideas:

Skitterbots. These little bastards have shock and chill attacks (no damage, pure ailments) - more damage, better slowing.

As our zombies attack with pure physical damage, there's are several other options for improvement.
1) Pride. Good attack bonus. Not sure, too much mana reservation.
2) Flesh and Stone. Will increase damage and defence.
3) Banners. War for better damage, Dread for survivability
Hey svataru!

I am constantly thinking of other options for sure. It's the love (or curse) of PoE :). Going pure physical has a lot of perks for sure, like not need to care about EE. Adding Pride, Flesh and Stone, and War Banner are really strong. But Hatred still gives more damage to our minions with the rest of the setup that we have (tree/gems). It's not much a difference, but Hatred is a little stronger and for much less of a mana reservation. Also, I need space for Temporal Chains with Blasphemy. I do find EE a pain to deal with, but my love for chilling and slowing enemies so so great, that I'd likely keep this setup unless it was way too weak.

IF I wasn't so stuck on having Temporal Chains as an aura, I'd likely have Skitterbots in there instead.

I really like your suggestions and I'm glad you posted them! Every suggestion that's posted I look at and see if I've missed something. So please keep them coming.

Good post!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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