3.10|Stress-Free PoE| SLOW-MO ZOMBIES |Use Any Items You Want|1 Button Gameplay|Easily Customizable
"Hey Korpivaellus! Nice to have you around! I love hearing about people's modifications. Awesome ring! That's really cool. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Arc is more versatile though, if you have a Vaal version. You can cast it yourself when it matters most. With Vaal Arc you can hit a whole screen of monsters! It's especially good vs Legion, in blight maps and when your screen is just full of monsters. + Arc can chain to monsters behind you or make a sharp turn through the doorways, and the main thing - Arc can apply shock (Vaal Arc does this 100% of the time)! Which makes monsters take much more damage from any damage source. Don't know if BL can apply shock tho, never seen it do it. Zuletzt bearbeitet von M_atrix#2043 um 25.03.2020, 17:48:07
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" I have to say I don't see the ball lightning or enfeeble on you either, maybe it's just too much going on on screen for me to see. I can see enfeeble when I cast it manually though. I do see the offering, I can see that on my character as well, so that works. I'm actually only doing T1 maps and can't do delirium or other events. But last thing I did yesterday was a Syndicate run and finally got chaos resist AND +1 Zombie/Skeleton, so I'm gonna go tinker a bit at the crafting bench and see where that gets me. I do want to play, I just feel a little stuck right now. Need that helmet and wand, but need to do a couple more levels for that! The ring around your character, is that bone armour or just a visual effect? I thought bone armour needs to be cast on cd? I haven't done the merciless lab yet, don't think I can just yet, so I'm not familiar with the skill. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Elocara#5289 um 25.03.2020, 20:30:23
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" Watch at 8:30, you will see ball of lightning several times in a few seconds and a green enfeeble icon on the lower right monster on 8:34 ^^ Zuletzt bearbeitet von M_atrix#2043 um 25.03.2020, 18:59:22
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" Hey elocara are you hearing a sort of thumping sound when you take damage? I don't see Ball Lightning proc at all ever - the only sign I have that it is in fact proccing is the occasional 'whumph' sound and small green floaty things above enemy corpses. |
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" I see the one enfeebled monster, yes, but still no lighting ball. XD |
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" There's a lot of loud noise, my sound effects are very low volume, so I mostly hear the loot drops, hehe. |
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Just did my first Simulacrum.
Managed to complete 15 waves. Died 6 times on waves 15-16. But what the actual F. The arena is so small. A dozen of bad modifiers which buff monsters and completely diminishes your resistances. One of the bosses has big AOE which can hit you easily even if you don't see where he has landed. I can't imagine a single HC character completing this thing on the first try without dying. The rewards are good, but man Sirus looks like a toddler compared to this whole encounter. Oh and of course: small area + hundreds of monsters spawning at the same time = fps drops to single digits. --- And I don't know why, but this league it's nearly impossible to get T14-T16 maps to drop (running T16 maps drops me T11 ones on awakening level 6 with 132/154 completed bonus objectives, wth...). Even though 75% of the time I run rare maps with +80-100% item quantity - maps are not dropping. *Sigh* This league is 0 fun. I guess they don't want players to play SSF. |
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Thanks for the replies GrunkleBob and M_atrix.
It sounds as though we would cast Arc ourself - along with keeping skeletons up. So a more active playstyle. Doesn't the Vaal Arc take time to recharge with souls before you can use the Vaal skill? Also, how high would you level Arc and other gems in this setup if we still want CoH to proc some curse or other? |
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" Yes, Vaal Arc does take a bit of time to recharge it, but not as much as Vaal Skeletons. If you run level 1 Cast when damage taken gem, you can use level 8 Arc for it to proc. |
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