[3.13] Doomfletch Split Arrow Mines - Starter Viable - End Game Capable - High Damage, Low Budget

Taiowaa schrieb:
Hey everyone,

i´m really enjoying this build but somehow i´m really lacking damage when i see my pastebin it says something around 200k damage per use, but when i load BlaydeX15 pastebin its something around 700k.

i´m a casual player and i have some room for improvements but i´d like to understand exactly where they are.

i have no enchantment on boots and no ryslathas but those 2 things cant be the reason to make the damage skyrocket into the 700k´s.

so a little help is appreciated.
here is my pastbin link

I can not check PoB here but let's do some "back of the envelope"-estimations. The character has no +3 Split Arrow helmet enchantment yet, this means roughly 30% More Damage missing. The same goes for a Ryslatha's Coil which gives +30%-40% More Maximum Damage (albeit lowering the minimum rolls as well, leading to less of a DPS increase as it would initially seem). Let us therefore estimate another ~30% More Damage missing (high More Max Dmg roll, low Less Min Dmg roll). Since "More" modifiers are multiplicative, this is adding up already and if we apply these differences to the mentioned value of 700k, we get a lot less already: 700k / (1.3 * 1.3) ~= 414k.

You can try to see what difference these items would make by setting the helmet enchant to the recommended "+3 Split Arrow" in PoB and "equipping" a Ryslatha's there as well.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Benep#2290 um 16.07.2020, 16:08:39
Also, manually unallocate Perfect Agony in PoB. It's now giving rage instead of messing up your build. That'll add 30% onto your paper damage immediately :)
I can not check PoB here but let's do some "back of the envelope"-estimations. The character has no +3 Split Arrow helmet enchantment yet, this means roughly 30% More Damage missing. The same goes for a Ryslatha's Coil which gives +30%-40% More Maximum Damage (albeit lowering the minimum rolls as well, leading to less of a DPS increase as it would initially seem). Let us therefore estimate another ~30% More Damage missing (high More Max Dmg roll, low Less Min Dmg roll). Since "More" modifiers are multiplicative, this is adding up already and if we apply these differences to the mentioned value of 700k, we get a lot less already: 700k / (1.3 * 1.3) ~= 414k.

You can try to see what difference these items would make by setting the helmet enchant to the recommended "+3 Split Arrow" in PoB and "equipping" a Ryslatha's there as well.

thank you so far for this excursion. what i don't understand is how the split arrow helmet enchant increases the damage by und 30%. the 700k i was talking about ist the clear setup and not the barrage setup. with barrage its obvious that more arrows means more damage but for clear it does nothing but increasing the area.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Taiowaa#0040 um 17.07.2020, 02:12:41
Tanks for the great build, enjoying it very much!
Because i am on ps4, there are not many ryslathas coils on the market. Can i reroll the values of the range with a devine?
Taiowaa schrieb:
Hey everyone,

i´m really enjoying this build but somehow i´m really lacking damage when i see my pastebin it says something around 200k damage per use, but when i load BlaydeX15 pastebin its something around 700k.

i´m a casual player and i have some room for improvements but i´d like to understand exactly where they are.

i have no enchantment on boots and no ryslathas but those 2 things cant be the reason to make the damage skyrocket into the 700k´s.

so a little help is appreciated.
here is my pastbin link

The provided PoB that the OP gives is using legacy Doomfletch bows. That alone should account for a good 20% DPS discrepancy if you are using post 3.1 bows.
2 awakened gems, crafted crit flask, balanced Wise Oak, phys/crit/crit amulet, 120 crit boots, point blank corrupt, are what really puts the PoB over the top.
Could probably squeeze some more out of it, but it's a pretty well min/maxed build. (Keep making edits as I find significant chunks of DPS, sry)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mrguter#2342 um 20.07.2020, 12:27:43
Try Explosive arrow with high impact mines in pob for single target...
How do you deal with no regen maps?
Luca Explo schrieb:
How do you deal with no regen maps?

Switch for a mana flask with Flask effect is not removed at full mana
Zuletzt bearbeitet von grindcube#3909 um 23.07.2020, 03:59:50
Thanks for build idea, a lot faster then BL miner went with 2 curses on hit and cluster jewel with culling 40/40 done.

Sniped Prism with corrupted crit

Wanted to get % ele penetration instead got gem lvl

POB: https://pastebin.com/KKwB75AJ
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hergado#5142 um 26.07.2020, 05:26:38
Hergado schrieb:
Thanks for build idea, a lot faster then BL miner went with 2 curses on hit and cluster jewel with culling 40/40 done.

Sniped Prism with corrupted crit

Wanted to get % ele penetration instead got gem lvl

hey can u copy u paste bin

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