[3.11] Poison Blade Vortex Assassin (Carried me to level 100 / delve 600+ / Aul / Sirus A8 viable)

TomHanks83 schrieb:
Luan_LaW schrieb:
Is this build viable to adapt CI?
Any tips for adapting?

This has been asked before in the thread and is not advisable. Read through the previous pages for more info.

I've missed the answer when i was taking a look trough the post.
I decided to drop the CI, to much trouble to keep a good amount of ES, the build was going to be very costly.

TomHanks83 schrieb:
RenQt schrieb:
Tom hanks , the reason u dont need the 4% is becouse ur Nostalgia ring is corrupted with 2% Mana reduced. Which tipps u exactly over for all the auras. Nice find!
Meek jewel gives me about 400 life atm. don't know how much herb gives ( 5 nodes vs 3 )
i also get resistances capped with going for might of meek.

Add me ingame if anyone want to talk about the build:)!


Damn it, I hadn't noticed this! I had the ring before I got an enlighten, so I didn't know. In any case, I was able to fit all auras using an Enlighten 3. If anyone can afford a lvl 4, they won't need those points either. The real difference is getting vitality to the helm and the herald somewhere else.

(EDIT) I hadn't noticed, but it doesn't matter. This mod has no effect on mana reservation whatsoever. It is as I said before: by placing Vitality in the helm instead of HoA, you will be able to have all auras and curses with an Enlighten 3 and drop 2 points from the tree.

I recommend getting "intuitive leap" -> charisma + reduced mana reservation. it is cheap and must work.
-Cospri's will is a good cheap option early
- Without mistwall build feels realy squish even if you have like 6k+ life I recommend dropping 1 cold iron and going cold point + mistwall. if you don't have asenath don't use cold iron point. clear doesn't feels thaat good.
-for curse maps , drop atziri promise and use curse immunity flask
How You doing?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von quantondev#0472 um 28.03.2020, 23:33:39
QuantumTanri schrieb:
I recommend getting "intuitive leap" -> charisma + reduced mana reservation. it is cheap and must work.
-Cospri's will is a good cheap option early
- Without mistwall build feels realy squish even if you have like 6k+ life I recommend dropping 1 cold iron and going cold point + mistwall. if you don't have asenath don't use cold iron point. clear doesn't feels thaat good.
-for curse maps , drop atziri promise and use curse immunity flask

Mana reservation is not an issue in our discussion above. It is *solved*, just differently, without using skill points. It suffices to have a Circle of Nostalgia with 37%+ reduced mana res (mine is 38%, actually, so maybe 38%) and having Vitality in the Devouring Diadem instead of HoA.

The only reason to have HoA in the helm is if you want it to get that +1 lvl for damage, but honestly, I don't think we need it at all. To me, HoA is in the setup just to allow the bonuses of a nice Circle of Nostalgia. Having HoA in the helm costs 2 points or, in your solution, a jewel choice +1 point. I don't think it is worth it. We can do better with those 2 points or jewel choice, especially due to the new cluster jewels.

I agree to you that Cospri's Will is a nice option for body armor. What would you anoint your amulet with then? :)
TomHanks83 schrieb:
QuantumTanri schrieb:
I recommend getting "intuitive leap" -> charisma + reduced mana reservation. it is cheap and must work.
-Cospri's will is a good cheap option early
- Without mistwall build feels realy squish even if you have like 6k+ life I recommend dropping 1 cold iron and going cold point + mistwall. if you don't have asenath don't use cold iron point. clear doesn't feels thaat good.
-for curse maps , drop atziri promise and use curse immunity flask

Mana reservation is not an issue in our discussion above. It is *solved*, just differently, without using skill points. It suffices to have a Circle of Nostalgia with 37%+ reduced mana res (mine is 38%, actually, so maybe 38%) and having Vitality in the Devouring Diadem instead of HoA.

The only reason to have HoA in the helm is if you want it to get that +1 lvl for damage, but honestly, I don't think we need it at all. To me, HoA is in the setup just to allow the bonuses of a nice Circle of Nostalgia. Having HoA in the helm costs 2 points or, in your solution, a jewel choice +1 point. I don't think it is worth it. We can do better with those 2 points or jewel choice, especially due to the new cluster jewels.

I agree to you that Cospri's Will is a nice option for body armor. What would you anoint your amulet with then? :)

"Corruption" ~9% more shaper dps
"Discpline and Training" for life
I think this both is best in slot.

And instead of skitter bots I recommend aspect of spider as it has more slow and consistent damage increase. if able to get more mana reservation both together is op af.
How You doing?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von quantondev#0472 um 29.03.2020, 16:33:13
one question, ive look thru the gears u guys using, why didnt use wither setup
Hm, atm im trying to craft explosion chest + additional curse, its worth it? Or better use carcass/kintsugi?
And with this chest and asentah's gloves its better use cold iron point or bino for clearing? Trying to get some equipment before lvling
RichRamp schrieb:
Hm, atm im trying to craft explosion chest + additional curse, its worth it? Or better use carcass/kintsugi?
And with this chest and asentah's gloves its better use cold iron point or bino for clearing? Trying to get some equipment before lvling

With asenath you don't really need explody chest in my opiniona and bino/cold works fine once you get the gloves. You could go explody chest + DOT glove but that would bring your budget into the mirror tier.
duabijitelur schrieb:
one question, ive look thru the gears u guys using, why didnt use wither setup

You can get wither debuff from totems or withering step skill. Hope this helps :)
Can someone please check my build and tell me where to go from in build?

I got a decent amount of dmg but still struggle in t16 deleruim

The main problem is dieing a lot

The gloves are way 2 expensive for me atm

Any recommend things to do to boost my survivilty? What to aim for next?

And I did someone else build and started to change for this build so the gems in the body armor might be difrenet

Ty in advanced :)
Hi guys, I have same questions
How can we get benefit from Wind Dancer? I saw it took a lot of passive points and sound like it doesn't worth it.
And if I already cap my resistances, should I respect bandit to 2 passive points?
Thank you for the build!

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