You do realize that what you've done is essentially added those 2 modifiers to all your skills, not just vortex?
No wonder you think you have 700+k dps on your ice nova when you are running a 7 link.
I've made some assumptions in the PoB that seem to not be correct, e.g. vortex only having 10% chill as base value, fixed them now.
Enemies Chilled by Supported Skills have Cold Damage taken increased by Chill Effect
Enemies in Chilling Areas from Supported Skills have Cold Damage taken increased by Chill Effect
But bone chill does increase all cold damage taken, not only from supported gems, why would we invest 3 gems for vortex + chill effect otherwise?
This PoB should be correct:
(7.45*680*2+7.45*(241+162*2)/3)*0.98 = 11304.3816667, so still 11.3M DPS, if I'm correct.
Vortex only has 10% chill, with 116% inc. you get 21.6% chill, so enemies take 21% increased damage. I know more damage and increased damage taken are not the same, but I wasn't able to add "nearby enemies take 21% increased damage" to an item.
You can add a 'nearby enemies take %# increased elemental damage' mod to any item you want.
Thanks, this PoB should be accurate then.
(7.45*650*2+7.45*(230+154*2)/3)*0.98 = 10800.6126667 => 10.8m DPS without -9 cold res suffix on helmet and with 1 circle of fear.
I've tried Sirus with this setup and with inc. critical strikes instead of concentrated effect (For gem-swapping QoL) and even though I loose ~3m DPS on paper, it felt a lot smoother due to 100% crit chance, even without diamond flask and bottled faith.
For mapping this gem-setup felt best for me.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von todnesser#0146 um 15.04.2020, 06:47:45
sorry for this offtopic
but i need some kind of help before spend 50ex to swap gems from my current build, because i dont know anything about coc nova =)
this is an very alternative coc ci theorycraft based on my current equipment and items in my possesion
the only layer of defence is 17k es and the block from the shield
i think my attack speed its pretty low but i dont know if POB calculate all the assasin ascendecy
i still have 3 skill point left
sorry for this offtopic
but i need some kind of help before spend 50ex to swap gems from my current build, because i dont know anything about coc nova =)
this is an very alternative coc ci theorycraft based on my current equipment and items in my possesion
the only layer of defence is 17k es and the block from the shield
i think my attack speed its pretty low but i dont know if POB calculate all the assasin ascendecy
i still have 3 skill point left
if u use pob fork, aspd will be calculated properly as long as u ticked all buffs u using on config file.
Playing Kami's CoC ice nova assassin and had a question about Cospri's Malice and the cooldown recovery speed break points.
I'm using a level 4 awakened cast on crit support in my chest so I'm hitting the 14% break point for the ice nova in my chest, but have no other cooldown recovery since the next break point is 52%
My question is do I need at least 14% cooldown recovery speed on my boots or belt for the Ice Nova/Frostbolt/Frostbite socketed in my Cospri's Malice? I am at 7.5 aps so I'm at the perfect spot for the 14% break point but I'm not sure the gems in in my Cospri are affected by cooldown recovery or if I need to get the 14% cdr on my boots or belt.
I know I'm losing a lot of dps by going over the 0% cooldown recovery break point attack speed cap of 6.06aps IF cospri is affected by cdr. Any help or input would be appreciated, thank you.
Information I'm going off of:
Kami states that Cospri's Malice has a "fixed cooldown" and is not affected by cooldown recovery speed. Is there any way to test this? This is my first league and I'm still a noob when it comes to a lot of mechanics, theorycrafting, and testing.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von jujuqt#5546 um 15.04.2020, 08:01:47
sorry for this offtopic
but i need some kind of help before spend 50ex to swap gems from my current build, because i dont know anything about coc nova =)
this is an very alternative coc ci theorycraft based on my current equipment and items in my possesion
the only layer of defence is 17k es and the block from the shield
i think my attack speed its pretty low but i dont know if POB calculate all the assasin ascendecy
i still have 3 skill point left
You need to use the fork and tick elusive, then you should be at 7.1 APS.
Then you can also remove the stats you put on your megalomaniacs
Seems like an interesting iteration, though basically impossible to copy, only 24 split personalities with int/es online atm :D
80ex+ just for the split personalities, not even talking about a 1 passive voices :D
You need a frostbolt + frozen trail or your ice novas don't deal double damage, see discussion 1-2 pages before.
If you can't find a slot for the frozen trail, you might want to look into a different DPS skill.
Playing Kami's CoC ice nova assassin and had a question about Cospri's Malice and the cooldown recovery speed break points.
I'm using a level 4 awakened cast on crit support in my chest so I'm hitting the 14% break point for the ice nova in my chest, but have no other cooldown recovery since the next break point is 52%
My question is do I need at least 14% cooldown recovery speed on my boots or belt for the Ice Nova/Frostbolt/Frostbite socketed in my Cospri's Malice? I am at 7.5 aps so I'm at the perfect spot for the 14% break point but I'm not sure the gems in in my Cospri are affected by cooldown recovery or if I need to get the 14% cdr on my boots or belt.
I know I'm losing a lot of dps by going over the 0% cooldown recovery break point attack speed cap of 6.06aps IF cospri is affected by cdr. Any help or input would be appreciated, thank you.
Information I'm going off of:
Kami states that Cospri's Malice has a "fixed cooldown" and is not affected by cooldown recovery speed. Is there any way to test this? This is my first league and I'm still a noob when it comes to a lot of mechanics, theorycrafting, and testing.
Neither of them is right, as far as i know.
CoC and Cospris don't have a CD, but rather set the CD of the linked gems.
Therefore CDR reduces the linked spells cooldown, which works on both CoC and cospris.
So you put 3 gems into your Cospris, each one has a seperate 150MS CD, which get's rounded up to 165MS, due to server tick rate.
Each trigger of CoC/Cospris can only trigger one gem, so if you have two gems linked they alternate, with each of them having a seperate 165MS CD.
You can check this by putting 2 gems in your cospris or CoC setup and hitting some mobs, you can trigger the 2nd spell while the first one is on CD.
This means you have to multiply the APS breakpoints with the amount of gems in your links.
With 0 CDR and 1 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 6.06 * 1 = 6.06 APS.
With 0 CDR and 2 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 6.06 * 2 = 12.12 APS.
With 0 CDR and 3 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 6.06 * 3 = 18.18 APS.
With 14 CDR and 1 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 7.57 * 1 = 7.57 APS.
With 14 CDR and 2 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 7.57 * 2 = 15.14 APS.
With 14 CDR and 3 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 7.57 * 3 = 22.71 APS.
This means that if you have 7.5 APS and 2+ gems in your cospris, you only need woke CoC in your 6-link to not miss a single cast on either your cospris or coc setup.
Small example, assuming exactly 7.57 APS(132ms per attack):
0 ms: cd of gem1 is 0, gets triggered with 5 frames CD (165 ms), cd of gem2 is still 0
132 ms: cd of gem1 is still 33ms, cd of gem2 is 0, gets triggered with 5 frames CD(165 ms)
264 ms: cd of gem1 is 0, gets triggered with 5 frames CD (165 ms), cd of gem2 is still 33ms
396 ms: d of gem1 is still 33ms, cd of gem2 is 0, gets triggered with 5 frames CD(165 ms)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von todnesser#0146 um 15.04.2020, 08:23:48
Playing Kami's CoC ice nova assassin and had a question about Cospri's Malice and the cooldown recovery speed break points.
I'm using a level 4 awakened cast on crit support in my chest so I'm hitting the 14% break point for the ice nova in my chest, but have no other cooldown recovery since the next break point is 52%
My question is do I need at least 14% cooldown recovery speed on my boots or belt for the Ice Nova/Frostbolt/Frostbite socketed in my Cospri's Malice? I am at 7.5 aps so I'm at the perfect spot for the 14% break point but I'm not sure the gems in in my Cospri are affected by cooldown recovery or if I need to get the 14% cdr on my boots or belt.
I know I'm losing a lot of dps by going over the 0% cooldown recovery break point attack speed cap of 6.06aps IF cospri is affected by cdr. Any help or input would be appreciated, thank you.
Information I'm going off of:
Kami states that Cospri's Malice has a "fixed cooldown" and is not affected by cooldown recovery speed. Is there any way to test this? This is my first league and I'm still a noob when it comes to a lot of mechanics, theorycrafting, and testing.
Neither of them is right, as far as i know.
CoC and Cospris don't have a CD, but rather set the CD of the linked gems.
Therefore CDR reduces the linked spells cooldown, which works on both CoC and cospris.
So you put 3 gems into your Cospris, each one has a seperate 150MS CD, which get's rounded up to 165MS, due to server tick rate.
Each trigger of CoC/Cospris can only trigger one gem, so if you have two gems linked they alternate, with each of them having a seperate 165MS CD.
You can check this by putting 2 gems in your cospris or CoC setup and hitting some mobs, you can trigger the 2nd spell while the first one is on CD.
This means you have to multiply the APS breakpoints with the amount of gems in your links.
With 0 CDR and 1 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 6.06 * 1 = 6.06 APS.
With 0 CDR and 2 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 6.06 * 2 = 12.12 APS.
With 0 CDR and 3 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 6.06 * 3 = 18.18 APS.
With 14 CDR and 1 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 7.57 * 1 = 7.57 APS.
With 14 CDR and 2 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 7.57 * 2 = 15.14 APS.
With 14 CDR and 3 gems in cospris/coc, you can have 7.57 * 3 = 22.71 APS.
This means that if you have 7.5 APS and 2+ gems in your cospris, you only need woke CoC in your 6-link to not miss a single cast on either your cospris or coc setup.
Small example, assuming exactly 7.57 APS(132ms per attack):
0 ms: cd of gem1 is 0, gets triggered with 5 frames CD (165 ms), cd of gem2 is still 0
132 ms: cd of gem1 is still 33ms, cd of gem2 is 0, gets triggered with 5 frames CD(165 ms)
264 ms: cd of gem1 is 0, gets triggered with 5 frames CD (165 ms), cd of gem2 is still 33ms
396 ms: d of gem1 is still 33ms, cd of gem2 is 0, gets triggered with 5 frames CD(165 ms)
So the cooldown recovery speed from awakened cast on critical strike does affect the skill gems including the skill gems socketed into Cospri's? So I do hit the 14% break point for all skill gems? This is very relieving to know, thank you for the explanation.
So the cooldown recovery speed from awakened cast on critical strike does affect the skill gems including the skill gems socketed into Cospri's? So I do hit the 14% break point for all skill gems? This is very relieving to know, thank you for the explanation.
That's not what I tried to explain, it does not affect the CDR of gems linked in your cospris BUT CoC/Cospri's alternates spells, which means if you have more than 1 gem in your cospris, you don't need global CDR, only woke CoC in your 6-link to not miss a cast.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von todnesser#0146 um 15.04.2020, 08:53:39
So the cooldown recovery speed from awakened cast on critical strike does affect the skill gems including the skill gems socketed into Cospri's? So I do hit the 14% break point for all skill gems? This is very relieving to know, thank you for the explanation.
That's not what I tried to explain, it does not affect the CDR of gems linked in your cospris BUT CoC/Cospri's alternates spells, which means if you have more than 1 gem in your cospris, you don't need global CDR, only woke CoC in your 6-link to not miss a cast.
Ah I see what you're saying now, sorry I'm a bit slow. With 3 skill gems socketed into cospri's cooldown recovery speed isnt required for them regardless of your APS since each skill has it's own cooldown and cospri's alternates skill procs each critical strike. Thank you for explaining it a bit more for a dummy like me. :)