[3.10] The highest DPS miner - 1.5 shapers per second

Ollebert schrieb:
HoGM Viable?

I have finished HOGM for the first time. Other builds I have played couldnt do it.
1st map was wasted but the second was easier with the right tactic.
Dont get to close to the force field, place all your mines, trigger enemies and detonate while staying mobile.
can i start with this build ? budget ?
Anyone else having issues with the detonation sequence using the tremor rod? I'll throw down all my mines and press detonate and then after 2 seconds start throwing more and it will only detonate about half the mines. Does the detonation sequence not work with this anymore or am I understanding this item incorrectly?
Clintie schrieb:
punisher321 schrieb:
this build is not playable Kappa spent like over 50 ex on gear and shit and dying like a lil bit$$ Huuuuuge dps but 0 survi

yeah, survivability too low, and i dont know what to do with it :/

may i ask whats your current life pool? is it below 6k? if yes , you can trade that damage nodes (crit multi , crit chance, lightniing damage) into %life and its not a big difference in damages. I did the same and can achieve 8k life that can 1shot conqueror + sirus phase 1-3. but yeah still needs 2-3 shots for the last phase because it has 75% life instead of 25% for each phase. you can get the damage from awakened lightning gem lvl5 , BL lvl 21, bottled faith. i know its a huge expense but its well worth it
How exactly can a small radius Thread of Hope reach Phase Acrobatics from the jewel socket you have alocated in your softcore PoBs (following the Kaom's one).

You don;t have the cluster jewel slot allocated, you have the other one a bit lower. And I don;t think that even a very large Thread of Hope can reach Phase Acro from there.
lvl 92 I just defeated Sirus on awakener 6. For the first time.

I am life based, using kaoms. Have 6.5k life and Large, 2 medium, Small cluster jewel setup. I do not have constitution nodes on tree.

A big game changer was getting the Knockback on the large jewel. Thunderstruck. It helps alot with survivability it seems. Damage is plenty good mapping and bossing T16's with delirium.

I have kaom's, 6L tremor, helm enchant, and the rest is 50c each gear. Cheap flasks. I have 21/20 ball light gem, but rest are 20/x gems.

Conductivity curse on ring.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Coach_S#0840 um 03.04.2020, 18:41:39
KatKira schrieb:
How exactly can a small radius Thread of Hope reach Phase Acrobatics from the jewel socket you have alocated in your softcore PoBs (following the Kaom's one).

You don;t have the cluster jewel slot allocated, you have the other one a bit lower. And I don;t think that even a very large Thread of Hope can reach Phase Acro from there.

You're probably looking at the PoB from "Leveling/Budget" section, which seems to be a bit outdated.
What you should check actually is PoB from "Pastebin" section (it's in the middle of guide) which is the correct build.

In that PoB, "Threads of Hope" jewel is placed properly in the cluster jewel socket. In game, this will result in something like this:

(Edit: I could unlock Silent Steps, but reverted it because it makes more sense to take it after unlocking "Born in the Shadows" Saboteur passive)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Savagekrosa#2506 um 03.04.2020, 19:10:44
Savagekrosa schrieb:
KatKira schrieb:
How exactly can a small radius Thread of Hope reach Phase Acrobatics from the jewel socket you have alocated in your softcore PoBs (following the Kaom's one).

You don;t have the cluster jewel slot allocated, you have the other one a bit lower. And I don;t think that even a very large Thread of Hope can reach Phase Acro from there.

You're probably looking at the PoB from "Leveling/Budget" section, which seems to be a bit outdated.
What you should check actually is PoB from "Pastebin" section (it's in the middle of guide) which is the correct build.

In that PoB, "Threads of Hope" jewel is placed properly in the cluster jewel socket. In game, this will result in something like this:

(Edit: I could unlock Silent Steps, but reverted it because it makes more sense to take it after unlocking "Born in the Shadows" Saboteur passive)

You are absolutely right, thank you.
Quick couple of questions. How do you manage multiple projectiles from each mine and why slow projectile support? Also, does the mana drain get any better? Thank you in advance.
Did about 5 to carry guild m8s this league. You only face problems if you get Carrasco_Santo_Dodger. This dude is a pain in the ass.

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