[3.10] The highest DPS miner - 1.5 shapers per second
" I have 166 Mana left after all Auras and can put all 23 mines and have 56 Mana left for Flame Dash. No idea how you can put only 8 mines with 130 Mana but u def do something wrong. ;) PS: Before you get Enlighten use "Righteous Decree" Passive node...this helps out a lot. |
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" I've just recently started using it so I have no idea atm if it's better for dps or not. There might be better options but i'm not sure, if anyone has any idea if it's actually worth, that would be appreciated. |
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yeah i just cant tell ... i feel like without it i basically 1 shot mob packs ... but maybe i just dont notice how many ticks they take to die unless they're being ragdolled across the screen like a cheesy movie...
any other experience would be greatly appreciated. |
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" Wave of conviction is purely used for exposure purposes. Remember Wave of conviction is supposed to have higher lightning damage than fire in-order to inflict lightning exposure. |
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" Got the same feeling, also on maps with multiple bosses or twinned maps I guess you lose dps cause the knockback split up the mobs. |
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" I ran Explosives Expert instead of Born in the Shadows, so I ran: - Pyromaniac - Bomb Specialist - Explosives Expert - Demolitions Specialist Is there any reason for taking Born in the Shadows over Explosives Expert except for defensive reasons? Zuletzt bearbeitet von rainmeadow#3553 um 20.03.2020, 12:06:58
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" Blind is a very powerful defensive benefit, but breaking it down a little it's kind of a mixed bag I guess. Being immune to blind hardly helps us. Taking 10% reduced damage is pretty huge however, and better than Explosive Experts 8% reduced area damage (albeit, most damage I find that I die from is probably 'area' damage). I'm not sure of a good consistent way of applying burning with this build cause elemental focus is so very good. You could flame dash over bosses which would work unless they move. If you do that, then the 30% crit multi from Explosive Expert outweighs the 30% increased damage from Born in Shadows immediately--however this only is going to come up in bosses which I think the build doesnt need any help in. For general clear, Born in Shadows will do better. 80% crit chance and damage pen to shocked/chilled enemies will however be better than the 30% increased damage from Born in shadows alone, and with 30% inc area our skitter bots will help them (though not much. Skitter bots AOE is only 30 units, which is just a hair bigger than blood and sand). My general opinion is explosive experts is better for bossing, and born in shadows is better for general clear. Ball lightning will apply blinds to far away opponents and get the benefit of its bonus damage without waiting on skitter bots and defensively is very very strong. If however you are mapping fine, explosive experts might be better. One interesting side note: Born in shadows wont help against the on kill effects that are in delirium, since those mobs are dead, while explosive expert will. |
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how much ex is needed to make a finished character?
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How much of an improvement is elemental focus in 6th link? Does it noticeably increase DPS ?
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" You can check these things in PoB. Assuming you're asking how much dps is gained between a 5L and a 6L, the 6th being ele focus - I get an increase of just under 50% in PoB (assuming BL, slower proj, minefield, high impact and inspiration as the first 5 gems). This is also using the tanky HC version of the build posted on page 1 of this thread, so YMMV depending on what gems and build you're using. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Parhelius#1519 um 20.03.2020, 14:13:29
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