[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

Curses during maps are completely irrelevant, if you don't use too many unique flasks. Just craft 4 flasks:

- immune to curses (remove curses on use)
- immune to freeze / chill
- immune to bleeding (remove bleeding on use)

During mapping, you should have a 100% uptime on those three flasks, so we don't care about curses.

Hell, i don't even need my life flask anymore, just have it as a last line of "Oh fck, i ishould NOT have been standing there!". Need it maybe twice every 10 maps, thx to double-Surging Vitality + Diadem + MoM.

You should also quality your skitter bots, which gives the bots +movement speed. Helps a lot. It's also not only about the shock, but also about the chill, which is already defensive.
Just posting my take on the build.


Still missing some ez upgrades like 3 notables large cluster jewel and levels on the woke gems. So far my deaths are 90% my mistakes and 10% because of my potato pc. The build can deal with all the content minus hall of gm. Great build thx grobbs.

raziekeljr schrieb:
Hello, I have another question.
I just picked up the amulet and socketed Skitter bots but I wondered if this was still the suggestion? They seem to trail behind me but are still low level. Now I understand about squeezing all the possible damage (shock) out but could something else be better defensively?

I just hit level 83 and skating through delirium is quite fun but always feels like I'm one mistep from death. But it seems most of mine are from getting stuck on terrain. Vulnerability maps are definitely a bad idea for my character. I have not gone higher than T9 at this point.

6 Link Dendrobate 35C
Bino's 1C
Ring 12 C
Helmet 20 C
Amulet 30 c
Cluster jewel 15C (Grim Oath and Overwhelming) Large
Boots 3c

Still need a cold point I guess.
Most likely I will not be able to get the gloves, a degen cold point or the specific cluster jewels so I estimate I will have 1/20th of the actual build. I'll have to revisit and respec my tree at some point too I guess. Been avoiding Pob sometimes just get too stuck in there. thanks for the tips

Buy Cold Iron Point dagger asap. I was running same setup as you earlier, except i got tabula+2 gems. U shouldn't have any problems till like t14+. After CIP u should aim for helmet, because of mana problems. This build spikes in survability and especially damage with gear.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von belcikz#6605 um 08.04.2020, 06:26:29
My Stone golem die almost instantly. Any suggestion to replace?

I use HoA, Malevolence, Despair, Aspect of the Spider, Skitterbots. so i have 100% mana reserved.

If I remove Sitterbots for Flash and Stone i have 10 % mana free. Any sugestion for deffensive or offensive aura?


Hrm running out of things to spend currency on. I think my only real upgrades from here would be a % life belt, or maybe getting some more resists on belt and boots to use a second circle ring? My boots do have an open suffix, could always yolo slam for cold resist. Or hunter exalt for tailwind or poison dmg faster.

25mil shaper dps and 5.4k hp. I also bought a 'cannot have corrupted blood on you' thread of hope.

edit: interesting that 'poisons deal damage 10% faster' doesn't increase my dps in PoB. It increases the poison dps, but not the 'total dps inc poison'
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Shaddolf#0993 um 08.04.2020, 07:40:16
Shaddolf schrieb:

edit: interesting that 'poisons deal damage 10% faster' doesn't increase my dps in PoB. It increases the poison dps, but not the 'total dps inc poison'

The reason for that is, that the poison dmg overall stays the same. If you do 10k DMG over 10 seconds, you do 1k DPS. 10% faster means, you do 10k over 9 seconds, which results in 1.1k DPS - but your poison also expires 10% faster. So yes, your DPS is higher, which helps us on boss fights and increases our clear-speed, especially if you got explosion-mods somewhere on your gear. It helps with faster boss-transitioning, but it doesn't help with overall dmg.

Also, i have to crush your dreams - "Corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" doesn't really help us that much. Corrupted blood is not the same as bleeding. Corrupted blood is a debuff, which also causes bleeding. But since the "Corrupted blood..." modifier does only prevet CB and not bleeding, we'd still need a flask with "Immunity to bleeding / remove bleeding on use" mod to be safe. You get CB from Nemesis monster or Bloodline monster with that affix. I ran over 100 maps using the bloodline modifier and didn't get corrupted blood once, even without such a corruption on one of my jewels. So, just saying - it's ok if you get it for a little extra currency, but especially good jewels with that corruption do cost a lot of currency, and at least for this build, it's not worth that much.

If you want to spend money on stuff, i'd recommend a helmet with an enchant (malevolence has reduced mana reservation) or maybe a corruption (90% mana multiplier to socketed gems). That way you could replace your stone golem with Flesh and Stone.
_Alcatraz_ schrieb:
Fleshed out my version of the build, here is what I did differently

Instead of going for scion life nodes I went down to the jewel socket by point blank for third large cluster. As a result I have 3x unspeakable gifts + obliteration for 50% pop also have a medium maglomaniac with another unspeakable gifts. The benefit is unlike a pop chest or asenaths my explosions kill packs entirely including rares and can chain two screens away. On blight incounter the red solid trail on minimap chains completely every time. Cluster jewels just flat out beat our "vanilla" passives. With 3x large clusters you can stack cry wiolf for example for 500-600% inc dmg rallying cry.

However I only have 4.1k hp so here is what I did with defenses
I have 90% chaos resistance + timeless jewel that converts 50% elemental damage taken to chaos. So effectively have 90% chaos and 82.5% fire, lightning cold. (antivenom, golden rule 3% max chaos res jewel)
Then abuse this further with

Shield charge + fortify (shield charge is insane with high ms on non maze maps.)
Immortal call set up with enduring cry, this build has great skill duration.
Elusive caps dodge chances for both spells and phys thanks to atziri step.
Aspect of spider + skitter bots, curse hindering jewel, impressence dmg reduction aoe, asenaths blind and temp chains. Basically almost every item is focused on dmg mitigation.

There are very few "BS" deaths, almost every death is because im talking to alva or zana or betrayal and stand still.
Shaper and sirus 5 were super easy, only died when I forgot about a mechanic but survive almost all attacks / beams to move away or pot.
Simulacrum deathless didnt even look at mods, didnt even see what boss looked like he melted (didnt even switch to binos or coralitos lol) instantly poping all mobs that spawn except wave 19+20

This guide made me confident to try my first ever poison build, thank you

Im running a similar build, dont you feel unsafe maxing chaos resistance with golden rule? like if you are not poisoned and get hit, it will deal way more damage.
When I pop atziri flask my chaos res is 75% so take no extra damage, when I start clearing the rest stays at 90% as long as I clear.
double post
Zuletzt bearbeitet von _Alcatraz_#6002 um 08.04.2020, 10:11:20
Bump follow up:

Any suggestions on what to aim for next?


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