[3.9](Updated) Durimon's Purifying Flame Miner, Starter, Extremely Cheap and Crazy Damage

Errata: wrong pob.
Still confused on the possible transition from leveling => CI => Shav, Gear importance, etc.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von CloakedJester#0653 um 29.12.2019, 03:05:01
Is it worth to use skitterbot if we manual detonate mines?That bot takes forever to detonate so I just manual detonate it?

Skitterbots are used to shock and chill the enemies rather than detonating I'm pretty sure.

Yes, which is a lot of extra damage when combined with Explosives Expert. And, yes, manual detonation.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von GreyLensman#5323 um 29.12.2019, 09:36:35
What's the point of "#% spell damage leeched as energy shield"? I don't see any uniques equipped in PoB that enable this leech from mines? What am I missing?
Any advices on gear improvement?

Looks like Durimon ditched his threads again. Just like last league after a few weeks, what a surprise.

Only thing I'll note/question is what's up with people using Pyre? Seriously seems like a waste of a ring slot, can get another rare ring with ES, res, even a bit of fire damage % on it, or invest a bit more into a Circle of Anguish with Herald of Ash mana reserve and fire damage or HoA buff effect for more dps.

There's not really much of a reason to use Pyre in this build since it's not making use of base cold damage to fire to chaos converting multi-dipping shenanigans.
ExileDoc schrieb:
for me personally i regret going into the final build

i don't think i gained anything game changing for my investment

sirus 1 shot my 6150 ES it was awaken lvl 4 idk about lvl 1 but i'm aiming for awaken lvl 8 and i don't think this build is worth the 11ex

other things my 2900hp 190k avg mine dmg is alot quicker and 1 shot conquerors really fast with the final build takes a lil bit more time for more survivabilty
although i'm still squishy

i'm not really happy about the 11ex upgrade + regret orbs

the final build is great for mapping and more saver but it's really easy to dodge stuff and kill before it kills you except when you take more time cuz u don't have the dmg to burst b4 it even breath his first air in the atlas xD, some t16 metamorph 1 shot me and when i were playing my glass cannon 2900hp i 1 shot it easy without a sweat or even being close to touch me

what i was expecting with the upgrade is it will be as the title said but with the upgrade i should be more crazier not still squishy and nothing really changed i 1 shot mobs like b4 noting changed but bossing take a bit more

i were killing conq + metamorph t16 awaken lvl 3 when the fight starts BOOF doesn't exist

now 2-5 more sec to kill it the thing i'm sad about is sirus 1 shoting me xD

it doesn't feel right for me with the upgrade i did

maybe i'm doing something wrong or maybe the build can't handle sirus or me the player suc but op didn't upload sirus kill

so please someone enlighten me show me da wae

Dont give up yet.

Im playing glacial cascade mine, beat lvl 8 awakened Sirus deathless. You will get one shot if you have less than 8k es.

Thing is, you won't beat sirus without understanding his mechanics first.

This 5c ring for example, will prevent you from getting killed by his machinegun beam during the 4th stage.

Mapping with miner is great too.

I suggest helmet enchant for mapping, best in slot imo. Pop smoke mine, get free 60% increased ms for 13 seconds.

Machina mitts will basically make you almost immortal on lvl 8 awakened t16 maps, and will let you facetank meta bosses 90% of the time.

Fluffymonkey7 schrieb:
ExileDoc schrieb:
for me personally i regret going into the final build

i don't think i gained anything game changing for my investment

sirus 1 shot my 6150 ES it was awaken lvl 4 idk about lvl 1 but i'm aiming for awaken lvl 8 and i don't think this build is worth the 11ex

other things my 2900hp 190k avg mine dmg is alot quicker and 1 shot conquerors really fast with the final build takes a lil bit more time for more survivabilty
although i'm still squishy

i'm not really happy about the 11ex upgrade + regret orbs

the final build is great for mapping and more saver but it's really easy to dodge stuff and kill before it kills you except when you take more time cuz u don't have the dmg to burst b4 it even breath his first air in the atlas xD, some t16 metamorph 1 shot me and when i were playing my glass cannon 2900hp i 1 shot it easy without a sweat or even being close to touch me

what i was expecting with the upgrade is it will be as the title said but with the upgrade i should be more crazier not still squishy and nothing really changed i 1 shot mobs like b4 noting changed but bossing take a bit more

i were killing conq + metamorph t16 awaken lvl 3 when the fight starts BOOF doesn't exist

now 2-5 more sec to kill it the thing i'm sad about is sirus 1 shoting me xD

it doesn't feel right for me with the upgrade i did

maybe i'm doing something wrong or maybe the build can't handle sirus or me the player suc but op didn't upload sirus kill

so please someone enlighten me show me da wae

Dont give up yet.

Im playing glacial cascade mine, beat lvl 8 awakened Sirus deathless. You will get one shot if you have less than 8k es.

Thing is, you won't beat sirus without understanding his mechanics first.

This 5c ring for example, will prevent you from getting killed by his machinegun beam during the 4th stage.

Mapping with miner is great too.

I suggest helmet enchant for mapping, best in slot imo. Pop smoke mine, get free 60% increased ms for 13 seconds.

Machina mitts will basically make you almost immortal on lvl 8 awakened t16 maps, and will let you facetank meta bosses 90% of the time.

In your opinion, what do you think does more damage overall for single target? Purifying Flame or Glacial Cascade for a miner? The threshold jewels on GC basically allows it to do triple it's listed DPS since it throws in an extra burst per jewel (max of 2). Though PF has a much higher base damage amount along with it's effectiveness of added damage.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von reciprocate#3631 um 29.12.2019, 17:47:08
Fluffymonkey7 schrieb:

Dont give up yet.

Im playing glacial cascade mine, beat lvl 8 awakened Sirus deathless. You will get one shot if you have less than 8k es.

Thing is, you won't beat sirus without understanding his mechanics first.

This 5c ring for example, will prevent you from getting killed by his machinegun beam during the 4th stage.

Mapping with miner is great too.

I suggest helmet enchant for mapping, best in slot imo. Pop smoke mine, get free 60% increased ms for 13 seconds.

Machina mitts will basically make you almost immortal on lvl 8 awakened t16 maps, and will let you facetank meta bosses 90% of the time.

thank you

he has 5900 es in pob and i have 6150 around that i really didn't expect sirus will 1 shot me i learned the mechanics it's easy the big ring or circle around him make storms lose aggro of u and get out of his arena the big circle he's making around him

and the storms lure etc

nothing diffcult ,, but he's 1 shoting me like i walked into him with tabula
at the start he's doing 2k-4k dmg but suddenly he 1 shoted my full 6k es

i even saw ppl with 10k es they almost got wiped sometimes

for me i didn't have any chance to see a 4th stage 7 sec in the fight .. suprise 1 shot

i even called for a carry a dirty summoner came and didn't last like i did he enter the door ,, 2 sec he's dead xD and saying i fked the arena 3 portals wasted ,, i didn't think i fked anything up it's same as the guide of grimmeo forgot his name ,,so i wanted to see for myself if i really fked it up ..i entered he was inside the storm i got inside his ring waited the storm get out nothing really fked up for me and the summoner claimed he did A8 sirus no problems but i fked the arena @_@ i don't know how i fked it up since i didn't aggro any storms i came from top real quick entered the fight and died even after he raged quit i still don't think it's fked all i had to do is wait for the storm get out and fight him my only problem was the 1 shot the mechanics i don't think it's really that hard

durimon now doing another build less than 3exalt flicker tankiness t16 meta

and he might upgrade the dmg and it might cost more

i think maybe with Machina mitts he's upcoming build might be really strong

++ mapping wasn't really a problem the problem is this sirus

thank you again + sry for my bad english .

ExileDoc schrieb:

durimon now doing another build less than 3exalt flicker tankiness t16 meta

and he might upgrade the dmg and it might cost more

Betcha in less about a week he'll ditch that too and move on to another one, or just quit the league entirely.

On a side note, check out Balormage's video. He ran LL ES PF Miner and went to Delve 700+ with an Aul kill with it last league.

[edit] fixed link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02CH60dsTS8 (guide)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQY4gUczLao (aul kill depth 733)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von reciprocate#3631 um 30.12.2019, 01:04:48
reciprocate schrieb:
ExileDoc schrieb:

durimon now doing another build less than 3exalt flicker tankiness t16 meta

and he might upgrade the dmg and it might cost more

Betcha in less about a week he'll ditch that too and move on to another one, or just quit the league entirely.

On a side note, check out Balormage's video. He ran LL ES PF Miner and went to Delve 700+ with an Aul kill with it last league.


that's a warframe video link lol xDD

the thing is 3.9 is alot diffrenet from last league the ressit + hp and defence of montsers has increased i think

i would like a tested one in A8 t16 maps or sirus

this build i used regret orbs 3 times .. the 1st when he didn't update here and only in his youtube channel then he updated it again and the final build

also the innocence staff in the start of the league got it for 1exalt but i were so fked till he update his build for crazy dmg and the staff droped half in price rip xD

but i really think we can make a very strong glasscannon with awakend added fire dmg lvl 5 +1 to supoorted fire skill gems and stack +1 to lvl of socketed gems i think we could reach stupid numbers

there's a reddit post we can reach gem lvl 37 and 42 or something with the expensive stuff ?
for me with just lvl 22 PF it was really crazy dmg imagine reaching lvl 37 or 29 on a budget what the damage numbers would be

also they say lvl 40 is the cap in pob i think

i can't w8 for some1 testing it wanna see da awakened powah and beyond xD

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