[3.9] Somayd's Blade Vortex Assassin | Map zoomer | All content | Endgame Farmer | Video Guide

Thinking of starting OOS + storm call and transitioning to crit bv once I get the required uniques. Should be buttery
Also, here's a thought about a tankier/slightly less damage version of the build for anyone concerned about that.

A few people are complaining about the tankiness of the build. I also felt super squishy when running the build as prescribed in the video. I think the issue is that having *near* to dodge cap for a second before it decays to 50-60% (while also having almost no evasion) makes it so you still get hit pretty often. While running juiced t16s things will one shot you every few maps (especially syndicate). So I respected most of the tree, added a frostbite on hit ring, immortal call (for one shots), dropped zealotry (we don't need it) for grace, and added frost bomb for bosses. This lets you have the vaal grace panic button for intense spots where you might forget to refresh your withered step. I stopped dying in juiced t16s and I clear faster with the movement speed from the grace Watcher's Eye. Hope this helps people.

Oh I also went with the crit chance hatred mod for Watcher's because it helps your HoI crit, which in turn greatly helps your chain reactions. The damage difference vs. Shaper/Elder between crit chance/conversion is negligible. Rich folks can get a double modded Watcher's.

Because we run the green nightmare jewel we can swap the amulet to an Aul's Uprising with Hatred/Zealotry/Grace for bossing (because frenzy charge generation is unreliable in boss fights). With this setup we would drop the Inc. Duration gem in our helm and swap in Zealotry. This would require 1 white socket but that shouldn't be too hard to get from Vorici T1.

Hey. what gem can be removed in 5 link carcass jack so that it doesn’t fall out much in damage?
Just FYI crit is not capped at 95% for 3 leagues already, I think. So, yeah.
budget version is around 12ex now :)
Just wanted to say, you don't need badge of the brotherhood to do this build. You don't even need a watcher's eye with hatred conversion. All you need is a hrimsorrow and the winter spirit notable cluster. I spec'd out of winter spirit recently because I bought an incredible watcher's eye for 2 ex. The real budget gear, minus the chest which I 6l'd myself luckily and the watcher's eye, is under an ex, and I am crushing maps happily!

p.s. I highly suggest anointing exceptional performance or the onslaught notable, and Inspiration support seems amazing for this build. I also suggest putting icebite in herald of ice, since it's not very good for BV without the frenzy charge maximum from the badge of the brotherhood. Also don't use PCOC unless you have 9+ charges.

Char name: DragonChoker
Just started this league and ofc all the "mandatory" items are hell of expensive... Luckily they are not realy mandatory. Since divinarius is a league specific item its not a cheap Alternative either. So i went with tulfall as weapons since Power Charge Generation is no problem at all. Currently just lvl 72 and all super bad cheap gear but works fine so war.. I just need to play a little more defensivly than i did back 2 leagues ago when i played bv as a occultist ci build
Could someone help me out with what item I should upgrade next? I'm getting absolutely deeeestroyed in red maps char name is DrNomNom
Danneyo schrieb:
Could someone help me out with what item I should upgrade next? I'm getting absolutely deeeestroyed in red maps char name is DrNomNom

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