pqpvsf schrieb:
I did a post yesterday mentioning how much I liked the build and how fun was to play it even tho it was a bit squishy. Since then I've been reading people talking about the squishyness of the build.
I'll share a bit of my experience in case some one is uncertain about it.
I did a 1 day rush with this build in standard yesterday so I could play endgame content with it to see if it would fit as my starter. Indeed the build is a bit squishy as I even mentioned myself. Even though, the build has so much damage that it wont be a problem most of the time. I was running t16 maps going into the middle of mob packs with Plague bearer + blood rage and the sustain was pretty decent. You kill almost everything before they get even a slightly chance to hit you back. When it come to bosses it is a little bit trickier since you will get one shot'd if you don't pay attention or try to face tank it. You DO need to know mechanics and have the patience to attack and evade and kill it taking your time. No big deal tho if you play the build the right way. Since I was in standard I had currency to gear up the build but I didnt want to try it with a huge budget so I kept it low (something about 5-10ex) and I kept The Wasp Next because I wanted to try t16 with it. After I had success completing it then I changed weapons only too so how even better the build would get.
My point is if you are uncertain of the build because of it being squishy, understand this is all about taking ur time and playing as the build is supposed to. The build has a lot of DPS potential and can go pretty decent in endgame content. You only need to make sure it fits your play style. Also you can change some nodes to get more sustain if it is getting too hard for you.
I'm starting my league with this in a few minutes and I feel very happy I had the opportunity to find this guide and try this build before the new league.
With the new clusters in passive that adds 300% extra to poison hit and other stuff it seems the build will get even more potential even tho fossils were nerfed.
Once again I thank you for making this build available with so much detail and orientation. This is a lot of fun to play! Hope you have an amazing league.
Yeah, this is a pretty good analysis. The guide is just a helping example of how to build your char, but you adept accordingly to your gear choices, skill/playstyle and rippyness of the league. :)
SilkySlim schrieb:
Whats the best way to handle the chest piece now? It looks like the Mana Cost mod is on Warlords, while Life % and Crit are on Hunter/Elder.
Well, either get a double influenced craft or drop one of the mods and either play with higher mana sustain from mana leech claws. I'm sure you can find a way to adept, since you were already able to find out what influences are needed. :)
TheAtrocity schrieb:
With how rippy the league is currently, I've been debating dropping some of the crit and crit mult nodes in favor of pathing to the new notables. 300% dmg on non poison + %hp + maybe either elusive or Herald passive might offer more damage, and more survivability?
Yeah, I assume it's better to adept the tree to take some more survivability options this league. We have Elusive from Ascendancy and Withering Step, not sure what the new passives give, but if it buffs Elusive even more, it's probably not bad.
How do you deal with insufficient int while leveling up?
I crafted int on some of my random items but it seems I'll need a lot more for some claws and some of the gems.
XanTheInsane schrieb:
How do you deal with insufficient int while leveling up?
I crafted int on some of my random items but it seems I'll need a lot more for some claws and some of the gems.
Yeah, just use Amulets and Rings that have Int or you can grab a 30 Int node somewhere on the tree. It's like that on every build, during leveling you will encounter a time where you are missing some attribute to level your gems and you have to get inventive to find it somewhere.
So I fucked up pretty hard and bought a Sporeguard, not considering how hard it would be to get 4G2B. Is there any reasonable way to do this, or am I SOL and better off reselling it?
what is your impression on using second wind support with plague bearer
Edit: nvm i am an idiot it doesnt seem to do anything
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Biofoard#0583 um 15.03.2020, 22:27:50
For the begin, why not recommend Multistrike for more flexibility ?
Is the damage loss so much, that it's impossible to play with it or what would you say ?
I can't test it, I don't have this char at the moment.
Could this build work with cherrubim body?
SilkySlim schrieb:
So I fucked up pretty hard and bought a Sporeguard, not considering how hard it would be to get 4G2B. Is there any reasonable way to do this, or am I SOL and better off reselling it?
Unless you get extremely lucky, 4 off colors is always hard to get
At avarage you're probably looking at 2K chromes
Isn't this build using any of the new Cluster Jewels?
most1010 schrieb:
For the begin, why not recommend Multistrike for more flexibility ?
Is the damage loss so much, that it's impossible to play with it or what would you say ?
I can't test it, I don't have this char at the moment.
It's mostly the "Melee" flag on Multistrike Skill which keeps it from being recommended and working with the "Projectile" flagged ranged Cobra Lash skill.
16vor1006 schrieb:
Could this build work with cherrubim body?
Yeah, but it's not a good choice. You can however use it if it drops for your with some links during the leveling process or if you can get it really cheap 6L, since it's ofc better then Tabula Rasa.
UnMuffino schrieb:
Isn't this build using any of the new Cluster Jewels?
It could make use of some, but they drop so random that I would not recommend them in a general build guide. If you find some cool combination that you are using, let us know. :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von MoosGames#2535 um 16.03.2020, 07:01:53