[3.10] Complete Cobra Lash Assassin Guide | >10m Shaper DPS | All content | Noob Friendly | Video
" Good point, didn't check jewel sockets when I changed from Ambidexterity to Dire Torment. Will change the PoB. " I don't know the current market, I only know it was way better to craft in Blight then to buy. But I'm sure you can decide that on your own, after checking the market. " Unstable Infusion |
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Hey MoosGames thanks for compyling this build guide! Its well written and perfectly organized, love it.
Leveling was a breeze. Im now hitting t14 maps, still on tabula, still with wasp nest. Had no luck with crafting/linking and looking at the prices for fenumus and the bases we need im just going to play along and hope to drop the stuff myself. i went for opportunistic while generating power charges with whirling blades + power charge on crit (+fortify). this works if you dont want to go unstable infusion. HFGL |
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I'm really liking this build. I'm in red maps but still need to craft most rares.
Should I craft 1 or 2 gemini claws or can I use 1 imperial? I don't have -mana on body armor. Also, should I reroll this claw? It's missing attack speed but the rest of the mods are good (except accuracy). Zuletzt bearbeitet von Yuzeru#3526 um 22.12.2019, 11:08:48
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" Body Armour and Claw are looking good. :) You can judge best if you need the mana from the Claw or not, I played with -to mana on my equip, because I liked to perma shoot. You are the only one who knows if you run out of mana or not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ |
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I'm playing a Bino's Cobra Lash that's progressing nicely in maps so far, but I end up almost never using Plague Bearer. It would be nice to get the extra damage against metamorphs or conquerors, but even with inc aoe plague bearer is small enough that it puts me in the range of a lot of their abilities.
So many things this patch can instantly kill me with 5k hp. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ithilir#1376 um 22.12.2019, 14:31:26
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" I was able to kill every boss except Sirus, cleared every map easily but with some adjustments. First PoB doesn't show your real damage since you won't be able to stack wither or use any Vaal skill. The totems will stay alive for no more than 1 second against awakener bosses. Also, plague bearer makes you so vulnerable to hits so is not worth to use it. Try to stack dodge and evasion as much as you can, use storm brand for power charges generation, allocate Ambush and Assassinate, get a nice amulet with +1 Chaos Skills, +1 Dexterity Skills to boost cobra lash, get 40% cobra lash more damage enchantment and allocate hp nodes instead of damage. You don't need more damage or chains to clear maps. My character is public if you don't know what mods to get. |
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Thanks for the build, it’s really fun. I’m playing it self-found in the metamorph league and I was wondering how proactive I can and should be about obtaining equipment and skill gems without being able to trade. As an example, I’m level 66 and haven’t found a piece of equipment with more than 3 linked green slots; should I be using orbs?
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Hey i was just wonderin how you get that boomerang effect on cobra lash like on your video. i don't like the Arrow effect so please tell me thanks!
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" The visual effect depends on whether you use a dagger or a claw. I agree that the claw effect looks better. |
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What fossils use to craft claws?
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