[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

woooooorm schrieb:

1)Managed to aug t6 crit multy
2)Rage crafted pref cannot be changed + t4 aisling
3)Aisling hit crit chance for spells
4)Rage annuled t6 crit multy
5)Veiled mod turned out to be crit multy too
6)Crafted cast speed on bench to lock it
7)Aug caster and hit t1 crit for spell again

What a rollercoaster of emotions xd

Definitely can't argue with the results!! Gz ;D

and in response to the previous posts;
Yeah, I'm just trying to make it affordable to *most* people ;P
I even have a feeling that 13ex isn't the ceiling for that jewel, I think it'll keep going up, because the Charisma node is just that big of a deal and next league it probably won't start out nearly as low as it started this league, as more ppl will have builds planned for it.

In cheap *news* though, the escape glancing jewel that i'm using, is only 40-50c and gives access to a nice chunk of block + the strong sanctum node, pretty much the same nodes as the massive ring, except for Sanctity.

But with your own comments towards how great it feels overall with the supreme ego escape jewel, I almost feel I need to have 4 tree's now in the POB;P
1 for balanced/starting out.
1 for min/max damage (big budget) bursting bosses in 1 second etc etc.
1 for tanky on a reasonable budget.
and now 1 for tanky min/max (tanky on a big budget;P) with this supreme ego escape jewel and the massive ring thread (that one is also quite expensive no? I couldn't search it for some reason... they haven't updated the trade page filters for it apparently? o.O -- and obviously Aegis Aurora and 1 enlighten).

They all seem like really useful tree's but for different playstyle/budgets and stages of league progression. :)

oestergreen schrieb:

They all seem like really useful tree's but for different playstyle/budgets and stages of league progression. :)

Well, I think that such tree might be useful/interesting for some folks, at least I really enjoy it :)

Tho my variant is not optimized yet by any means, so it still require some work

PS. To buy massive thread of hope, just search for any thread of hope, and click on the ring mod on any jewel in search results, it will sort massive ones on top
I got my for 1ex or so, Idk bout their price right now
woooooorm schrieb:
oestergreen schrieb:

They all seem like really useful tree's but for different playstyle/budgets and stages of league progression. :)

Well, I think that such tree might be useful/interesting for some folks, at least I really enjoy it :)

Tho my variant is not optimized yet by any means, so it still require some work

PS. To buy massive thread of hope, just search for any thread of hope, and click on the ring mod on any jewel in search results, it will sort massive ones on top
I got my for 1ex or so, Idk bout their price right now

ah of-course, thanks!

.. FML :p they start at 14ex now equal to the supreme jewel LOL

I'm gonna have to actually farm currency this league to test all the new jewels haha ;D glancing jewel is remaining super cheap though (55c) and offers almost the same identical points in terms of the block stuff and getting sanctum for 1 pt.

We'll see though, it's always hard to predict the price on new interesting items that many people wanna test in their builds initially.
Hey all,

so I got my build up and running and started the first tiny special crafting projects. With that in mind I wanna talk to you about recombinators, which help a lot when crafting new gloves. Here are double-shaper-mod gloves that I´ve managed to create far cheaper than ever before:

All you wanna do is alt-spam for the shaper mods and combine them via the armour recombinator, make sure u only have 1 suffix OR prefix per gloves so you limit the mod-pool and then u have a respective chance of 60% x 60% to get both on your item, which result in roughly 1/3 success-rate.

Facing the fact that alterations are at 1:5 chaos right now (most likely due to the effectiveness of recombinator-crafting I guess), this is the far cheaper version than going for the 1900-alt spam to get the double mods.

Also, in the 1900-alt variant you only are hitting towards t3 mods at least, while you can basically guarantee double t1 mods with this recombinator-method. For people truly minmaxing this is worth attempting.

How to go from here then afterwards:
For truly minmax-gloves you would do the following steps:

1. Imprint the double shaper t1 gloves
2. Use harvest "add 2 high-tier mods to a magic item, turning it rare", hope that it adds good rolls with double prefix or double suffix augments.
3. In case you have good results with now 2 prefixes and suffixes, you could craft an open mod and yolo leo-exalt slam.
4. In case you have now 3 good suffixes, you can´t really do that much more as influence-items do not allow defense augments via harvest. I recommend one craft for eigher flat or % ES and just yolo-leo slam the next one.
5. In case you have good triple prefix now, which is the best outcome, you can attempt to craft multimod + prefixes cannot be changed into aisling, giving you a 66% chance that the aisling-annull removes eigher the multimod or the prefixes cannot be changed. Then you can unveil (basically you could block for attributes first if you want but since we are also dex-starved without Mageblood leaving dex+int open is not the worst option) and craft your final mod.

If something is unclear or someone else has a better idea, let me know. I think for now this is the best way for truly endgame gloves.

Edit: from an economic standpoint, this only works on sorcerer gloves, as those cost 10c per try while fingerless silk gloves cost 1 - 1.5ex so in order to get the double mods going you would have to sacrifice 5 pairs at least, which result in 5-7.5 exalts just for the base type, and only if you hit your average, not counting additional fails due to variance. With that price in mind you can go back to alt-spamming them to get the double shaper mods.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Vennto#1610 um 02.06.2022, 04:14:16
Vennto schrieb:
Hey all,

so I got my build up and running and started the first tiny special crafting projects. With that in mind I wanna talk to you about recombinators, which help a lot when crafting new gloves. Here are double-shaper-mod gloves that I´ve managed to create far cheaper than ever before:

Seems like a good way to craft gloves, if we are speaking about omega min maxing

Tho I'm not sure it's a cost effective one, in terms of money+effort/power, too much rng, cos realistically speaking, on imprinting/slamming step you need to hit both high flat and % es, to end up with at least 200+es result
And chances for that are quite miniscule

Imo it's better to do it that way:

1)Get sorcerer gloves with high ilvl
2)Perfect fossils till 29-30% qual
3)spam dense fossils till decent es
4)apply any eater of worlds ichor
5)use eldritch chaos till suffixes are good enough for you
5.1)use eldritch annuls/exalts if needed
6)use any eater of worlds ichor till +1 pierce implicit
7)use exarch orbs till trap throwing speed
(8-11%,depends on orb size)
8)finish with any bench craft (likely resists)

All in all, if we compare to your method, we trade around 10 TTS and some misc damage increase for higher ES, easier to get resists, and additional pierce

I ended up with pretty decent pair following this method, not the best one (potentially recraft them after I will sort out my jewels), but this pair has nice value for its price (was about 200c total)

But again, i guess that in min-maxing situation, when you can burn as many imprints as you want, you method potentially can create more powerful item, won't argue that xd
Zuletzt bearbeitet von woooooorm#1918 um 02.06.2022, 07:02:48
woooooorm schrieb:

Tho I'm not sure it's a cost effective one, in terms of money+effort/power, too much rng, cos realistically speaking, on imprinting/slamming step you need to hit both high flat and % es, to end up with at least 200+es result
And chances for that are quite miniscule

I guess that in min-maxing situation, when you can burn as many imprints as you want, you method potentially can create more powerful item, won't argue that xd

Oh totally, no doubt about that. From a perspective of value vs. output this is by far inferior to your option. It was just an informative tip for people that want to minmax and go for the double shaper mods for traps, as those are in a vacuum pretty powerful. Especially when you´re using Mageblood you are missing out on a lot of potential throw-speed from the belt-slot, where I usually gotten it twice - once via unveil and one crafted mod. So I had to look for other pathways to get it - jewels come to mind but ideally you want quadrouple damage or ES + triple multi jewels, so sacrificing throw speed on those is also not optimal.

In the past I´ve crafted a few of those gloves for my trappers (this was pre-eldritch currency though, so there weren´t really alternatives):

As you see, it´s not completely impossible to hit at least one decent ES-Mod. The harvest crafts go for 50c, and with the new tech I described above you can get a pair of sorcerer gloves with the double mod for a reasonable price, when you are okay with sacrificing a bit of Resistances or ES. Could u craft a very decent set cheap like this? surely not, then I would go with your variant. But if you eigher want to minmax OR prioritize the shaper mods, this is a possible way to go about it now due to the recombinators when before it was a pure alt-spamming torture :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Vennto#1610 um 02.06.2022, 09:00:53
Vennto schrieb:

Oh totally, no doubt about that. From a perspective of value vs. output this is by far inferior to your option. It was just an informative tip for people that want to minmax and go for the double shaper mods for traps, as those are in a vacuum pretty powerful. Especially when you´re using Mageblood you are missing out on a lot of potential throw-speed from the belt-slot, where I usually gotten it twice - once via unveil and one crafted mod. So I had to look for other pathways to get it - jewels come to mind but ideally you want quadrouple damage or ES + triple multi jewels, so sacrificing throw speed on those is also not optimal.

In the past I´ve crafted a few of those gloves for my trappers (this was pre-eldritch currency though, so there weren´t really alternatives):

As you see, it´s not completely impossible to hit at least one decent ES-Mod. The harvest crafts go for 50c, and with the new tech I described above you can get a pair of sorcerer gloves with the double mod for a reasonable price, when you are okay with sacrificing a bit of Resistances or ES. Could u craft a very decent set cheap like this? surely not, then I would go with your variant. But if you eigher want to minmax OR prioritize the shaper mods, this is a possible way to go about it now due to the recombinators when before it was a pure alt-spamming torture :D

yeah, i mean, i agree with all your points
if i decide to really min max the shit out of build, i will go with your way for sure, with double shaper mods, for power and for flex ofc :D

After all i was making similar ones in the past where there were no eldrich currency, heh

While we're showing gloves ;p

fine, the multiplier was overkill.
This is the worst build. It's just the worst. The quick guide says one thing, the form says another, the character's author has another. [Removed by Support]
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Lisa_GGG#0000 um 02.06.2022, 18:12:13
Second time doing your build, and even if during this league things got messy, I've managed to play around with the tree and found a good spot for me (a mix between the mix/max'd and the tanky one).

This is my current equip:

I'm planning to change the belt for a good stygian and starting to corrupt the chest hoping to get a +2/+2, what do you think?

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