[3.23] 🧙♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES
So... as trading here is some kind of not allowed (very helpful... not like people in this thread would be especially interested in it *facepalm*) I just can say if you have any need in terms of weapons I can give you tips and possibly have something laying around that will help. We will have to check then, so this is just a post to support... -.-
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" Hi mate, you over-leveled your CWDT a lot, so it will only proc rarely. Much better that it procs all the time since it only has a very short 2-3sec internal cooldown. For damage, your weapon needs more stats, especially t1 or t2 added lightning damage to spells. Definitely replace your lvl 20 vaal trap with lvl 21, they're very cheap at 21 and it's far far better damage. Next get ulab lightning enchant on your boots, its a big chunk of permanently active damage. You also need to get trap throwing speed, it's a really great stat for increasing your output of dmg and also making everything just more smooth and responsive. A belt alone can have up to 30%+ trap throw speed (crafted with essence of zeal + bench craft trap throw speed) -- gloves can have 20%. Try get a better wise oak, 8% pen is substantially better than 5% and they're cheap :) Those are some things you can start to work on/chase, goodluck :) |
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" can you go over my char and tell me what to upgrade next im getting 1 shot with max block and block recovery with 7k ES and dmg does not feel that great Zuletzt bearbeitet von SimplyNextGen#4916 um 04.08.2021, 13:35:51
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" I will But guys, keep in mind a lot of these answers are universally the same. If I tell one guy he should get A, B and C and you're also missing A and B, then the answer is the same as reading this thread. Ok that aside, you defo need to remove that health flask and get a wise oak with 8% pen for your boss damage. Equally important and also super cheap 3c, get a lvl 21 Ltrap gem - a big dps boost. Boots ulab enchant is a big damage upgrade as well. You need an enlightem gem, unless you're already leveling one - and make a 4link as in the guide, with wrath, disc, skitter and enlighten. Throw speed on gloves and belt, another big dps increase. Your CWDT is not proccing IC (you overleveled IC to 4, instead of 3), so your defense isn't working and isn't passively boosting your defenses. Sigil is optional, but pretty nice if you remember to use it for the larger bosses just for the first stack of pre-trapping, though I wouldn't say it's required, not even with the many support gem nerfs. I would get a phasing flask instead of the stibnite. Being able to run through the packs while spamming traps is very helpful. Have fun and gl mate :) |
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Hello, thank you for the build. I have just started the late game (cross level 5, guardian) and I lack of damage despite an investment of 10-12 ex. I've looked at the previous comments and I know I'm missing the enchantment for the boots but for the rest I don't see. Thanks in advance to those who will help me!
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" You badly need a new weapon, as yours only have 2 stats, in reality only 110% with +1 lightning. It's missing important things like +lightning added to spells and global multiplier, but at least lightning added to spells tier1 or 2. Don't aim specifically for +1, its much cheaper buying a 110-140% 1h with lightning added to spells and multiplier than searching for +1 and you'll end up with much more dps from the other stats combined. Also lightning as extra chaos is good. You could easily get a better wand for 20-30c only and if you use POB to measure differences you can find a lot that would be an upgrade. :) You're also missing a big dps node in your skilltree, Annihilation. Arcane surge + flamedash is a good combo as AS gives a more multiplier every time you dash then. I don't see any trap throwing speed in your build, so this would also hugely increase your output. Gloves and Belt can have up to 50% combined throw speed. Your jewels also are very very weak. You can get double multiplier jewels for 5-10c each and they'll give you a much bigger dps boost than the hypnotic and blue jewel you got. On-kill effects don't work with traps (hypnotic jewel). Weapon search (adjust filter values based on your budget): https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/lGaqwO6TV Goodluck m8, hf :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von oestergreen#1184 um 04.08.2021, 16:20:42
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" are you using the correct lightning trap? You have socketed a second one in your shield. Besides that: - You specced out of the dmg nodes too early - no trap throwing speed - no good jewels - no flat damage on your wand (only "ok" wand, nothing good really) Guys, cmon. Ostergreen is literally repeating himself for like 8 pages now. Can´t u just follow what he is saying? Here is a list of the things u need for damage, can´t be that difficult, really: 1. Wand with 3!! good prefixes (I have 2 weapons for sale, hit me up if you need an upgrade) 2. 6-link!! Shavronnes 3. Level 21 Lightning Trap! 4. Enlighten 3/4, for ALL AURAS ACTIVE 5. Trap Throw speed eigher on the belt or on the gloves 6. GOOD JEWELS. 7. Quality and Levels on Support Gems 8. If possible, additional damage on jewellery/rings Just check this list and follow it. Especially point 6 is always ignored. Check the jewels I use right now for reference. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Vennto#1610 um 04.08.2021, 16:20:20
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Thanks a lot for your answer! For annihilation it is corrected. For the wand I will look for a better wand I thought that the +1 made up for the lack of spell damage. For the blue jewel don't understand how it is weak (26% spell damage, 12 critical and 7% shield)
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Another thing I don't understand is the craft "Trigger a socketed spell is not mandatory? You didn't include it in the search. Thanks again for your answer :)
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" because we are a crit-based build. Crit-multi, is as the name "multiplier" sais, a "more" multiplier while the 26% spell damage is only increased. That´s why increased damage falls off in the lategame, while crit takes over in terms of effectiveness. |
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