[3.23] 🧙♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES
" 25% to nothing 25% to brick to rare 25% for white sockets 25% for random implicit |
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First things first, thank you very much for the effort and the build.
Gonna give my two cents. I wouldn't recommend it for a league starter. it is a late bloomer, seriously lacks in defenses if you dont have some specific items and it was very hard and slow to level. i had spent around 4-5 ex on it just so i could start doing red maps without dying constantly. keep in mind this is my third character this league so i had shavrones and stuff in my stash already. that being said, it has serious potential with ES on block, LT can dish some good damage given the boss does not move a lot and all in all has good screen clear. i dont have gear near good enough as yours cause i have been playing only for 2 and a half days and this is just my impression for now. could be doing something wrong. what would you recommend next? thread of hope? new wand with trigger on hit? more ES one gear? i am all ears now that i got the build going. thanks people, the guide is great and the build should perform pretty good in endgame. EDIT:forgot to link the gear EDIT2: i bought a trigger weapon really cheap Zuletzt bearbeitet von dsimek11#0290 um 28.04.2021, 19:48:04
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With Prism Guardian being so absurdly expensive, is it still recommended, or should we just go for an es on block shield instead?
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" I'd go for ES on block any time of the day, it's really strong. |
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" ES rare shield 100% :) I also added it to the guide saying its much better, especially with prism being silly expensive. Prism was only useful to us when it was a 5c item we could use to quickly goto maps with all aura's enabled without thinking of an enlighten gem. A rare shield is muuch stronger in every way and if you later can get ES-on-block thats superb for added tankiness :) @dsimek Thanks for the feedback:) It's probably also about experience (playing a trapper is not for everyone, the playstyle of "toss traps in direction you are travelling/dashing" is not something every1 can get used to. I literally posted deathless run from act 1 to maps AS league starter and as recent as this league too. So I'm wearing the same rags that everyone wears at a league start. Still went deathless until lvl 89 or 90, before I had 1 death on a lab trial sitting my ass on a spike:) I'm streaming almost daily, so you're welcome to stop by, I also recently (on this page) posted links to some stream highlights from 2 days ago, doing Awakener on a 5L with mediocre ES and farming T16s + doing every single ultimatum and every wave of them:) (deathless for 3 days, aside ONCE when I pushed too hard in a map with -40% block chance;D -- I play a lot of fked mods and try not to skip so much, so ppl get a realistic view of what the build can do ). And no, I don't have any magic special gear;P in fact if you check my public character, most people posting here has better gear than me and are further progressed, cause I've focused a lot on the guide, the forum and my stream, this league:) Just wanted to provide you a different perspective, so maybe if you try it again, you'll know that you shouldn't have to struggle your way to a es-on-block shield or anything ... I didn't have any es-on-block until lvl 90+ and was 5L'ed till yesterday.. burnt 1700+ fuses (lvl 94). Zuletzt bearbeitet von oestergreen#1184 um 28.04.2021, 21:17:12
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It's probably my playstyle and the most important thing is that the build is doing great in endgame. i also watched all of the videos, impressive stuff! also, thanks for the fast reply! when you catch the time i could use some recommendation what to upgrade next cause some of our endgame gear is pretty expensive. I played mines in 3-4 leagues so far and this trapper amazed me, way better than i thought. |
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" I'd give you pretty similar advice i did to the guy on the last page. your weapon could certainly use an upgrade, don't worry about searching for trigger on the wand just make sure there's an open suffix for the craft. the extra 4 seconds doesn't really matter too much. Thread of hope is pretty big damage boost if you can afford it Zuletzt bearbeitet von Numerouswaffles#7973 um 28.04.2021, 23:12:29
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" Hey, no worries, getting experience playing a build improves fast and thanks :) There are some pretty big upgs, your weapon is really badly in need of some love. I know it has the veiled mod, but you really need to still replace it with anything that has 100+ flat% (spell, lightning or elemental or any combination of them to reach 100+) --- lightning added to spells tier 1-3, global crit multi, tier 1-3). I helped some people on the stream tonight and showed them that these weapons are obtainable for less than 10c, yes even with such stats:) https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ultimatum/ZD3q889uQ Boots lab enchant is also a huge upgrade. People who play other builds are often not used to a boot enchant being AS significant and strong as ours. In our case the lab damage boost enchant is permanently active. (because traps kill, we don't kill, but traps inherit all our stats and enchants/buffs.. another reason i keep my wave gem lvl 1, to avoid it accidentally killing stuff and disabling my lab ench) If you have no luck with labs, consider buying a pair of ES boots that has the enchant for around 10c. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ultimatum/rRmjeMgtQ Another biig upgrade for 3c is a Wise oak flask. It's 15% lightning penetration for your single target and for any rare monsters/ulti encounters. Don't go for any cluster setup until lvl 95 or higher. Get super cheap 1-5c jewels that has 4x damage stats. We can get them at those cheap prices because we can use almost ANY combination of stats, that not many other builds need or can use. Our LT is buffed by ANY combination of: +spelldmg, +spelldmg while holding a shield, + lightning% dmg, +global multiplier, +global multiplier to spells, +multiplier to elemental skills, +multiplier to lightning skills, +projectile dmg, +area damage, +trap throwing speed, +++ (there's more, but you get the idea) If you input all those to a search filter and require that it has 3-4 of any combination, you'll get a whole bunch of 1-5c jewels that for this build are super strong. When you get more currency, you can venture into going for double multiplier stats + secondary dmg stats, or 6-8% energy shield. Lastly, replace your lightning penetration with inspiration support for now. Then you can remove your mana flask and replace it with the Wise oak. Pen is good, but inspiration is strong as well and especially when it'll let you drop your mana flask and get an oak. Oh and if you can afford thread of hope(large ring) at about 70c, it's another big upgrade for the lvl 90s. +++ Remember your bear trap for boss fights. Put down the bear traps first on the boss, then continue spamming LTs and just refresh the bear trap if the boss didn't die in the first 4-5 seconds. If you do any combination of the above suggestions, I promise you'll slaughter stuff a lot easier and you'll also be a lot safer as more things will die on and off your screen and quicker. :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von oestergreen#1184 um 28.04.2021, 23:36:29
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Why did you hide your character from your poe profile?
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I'm venturing into red maps and am struggling. Damage isn't a concern for now, but with ~6k ES(with discipline active) and all res + chaos res over 75% and spell/attack block at around 60% before granite flask, I find myself dying more than I like.
Besides ES on block(on the shield) which is currently out of budget, what am I missing? Zuletzt bearbeitet von Borbarad101#3849 um 29.04.2021, 01:17:43
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