[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Hi, I asked myself if the Cluster-Notable Cold Conduction would be a good fit for the build? It should work with the hit portion of Cold Snap and Vortex, I'm not sure exactly how big the shock effect would be. Do you think it would be good for damage?
Hi all first thanks for the build its awesome!
Sorry for asking again it seems that my question got lost and didn't answered,
I have mana reserve problem.
Im using lvl 3 Enlighten linked to malevolence and frostbite aura.
I also have Insightfulness in the tree.
But i dont have enough mana to reserve Discipline + malevolence + frostbite.
What i am missing?

I do not actually know that, but I think some people only use Vaal Discipline for the Vaal Part and not actually reserve mana for Discipline.
Yeah only for Vaal part if CI, but you use the discipline as LL.

Hit lvl96 and I'm 153/154 awakener bonus in atlas - just gotta run a doryani then it's time to focus on league challenges
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Shaddolf#0993 um 08.10.2020, 03:53:40
Aldora_the_Summoner schrieb:
CMvan46 schrieb:
Sorry I might be blind. Is there a full skill tree I'm missing beyond the level tree? and the CI tree?

Yes there is. At the bottom of POB there's a drop down box where you can select one of four options:
CI Lvl 80
Final CI Tree w/Cluster
Final LL Tree w/Cluster

I think what he may have meant to ask is: "Is there a tree for in between levelling and CI-80?".

I'm in the same boat, i don't have the gear to use CI and I finished filling out the levelling tree a while ago, so now I'm level 78ish and have 11 points unallocated (and being a noob, I have no good idea where to use them).

One option I considered was to change to the CI tree at 80, just don't take the actual CI node itself until I have enough ES.

At least that way I'll be able to see the effect of the tree's bonuses to ES and be able to see clearly when I am ready to put the final point in CI.
llMrSinisterll schrieb:
Hi all first thanks for the build its awesome!
Sorry for asking again it seems that my question got lost and didn't answered,
I have mana reserve problem.
Im using lvl 3 Enlighten linked to malevolence and frostbite aura.
I also have Insightfulness in the tree.
But i dont have enough mana to reserve Discipline + malevolence + frostbite.
What i am missing?


I asked this very early in the league and never really got an answer other than "dont use the discipline aura". Basically you NEED the mana reservation reduction nodes(even with enlighten 4) the LL tree has to be able to run everything. It is possible to modify the CI tree to grab those nodes as well but I dont know if that is optimal. Technically with enlighten 3 or 4 you could probably only take a couple of the reduction nodes but it probably makes the most sense to take all of them and forget enlighten like the LL build does(which can run discipline + malevolence + frostbite on mana reserve)
Mentosman42 schrieb:
llMrSinisterll schrieb:
Hi all first thanks for the build its awesome!
Sorry for asking again it seems that my question got lost and didn't answered,
I have mana reserve problem.
Im using lvl 3 Enlighten linked to malevolence and frostbite aura.
I also have Insightfulness in the tree.
But i dont have enough mana to reserve Discipline + malevolence + frostbite.
What i am missing?


I asked this very early in the league and never really got an answer other than "dont use the discipline aura". Basically you NEED the mana reservation reduction nodes(even with enlighten 4) the LL tree has to be able to run everything. It is possible to modify the CI tree to grab those nodes as well but I dont know if that is optimal. Technically with enlighten 3 or 4 you could probably only take a couple of the reduction nodes but it probably makes the most sense to take all of them and forget enlighten like the LL build does(which can run discipline + malevolence + frostbite on mana reserve)

I think someone did answer it. iirc they said Vaal Discipline is the only thing that's used (in an emergency, because it re-start ES regen) - we don't actually activate Discipline itself as an aura.

If you look back through the discussion I'm sure you'll find it.
SpontaneousCombustion schrieb:
Mentosman42 schrieb:
llMrSinisterll schrieb:
Hi all first thanks for the build its awesome!
Sorry for asking again it seems that my question got lost and didn't answered,
I have mana reserve problem.
Im using lvl 3 Enlighten linked to malevolence and frostbite aura.
I also have Insightfulness in the tree.
But i dont have enough mana to reserve Discipline + malevolence + frostbite.
What i am missing?


I asked this very early in the league and never really got an answer other than "dont use the discipline aura". Basically you NEED the mana reservation reduction nodes(even with enlighten 4) the LL tree has to be able to run everything. It is possible to modify the CI tree to grab those nodes as well but I dont know if that is optimal. Technically with enlighten 3 or 4 you could probably only take a couple of the reduction nodes but it probably makes the most sense to take all of them and forget enlighten like the LL build does(which can run discipline + malevolence + frostbite on mana reserve)

I think someone did answer it. iirc they said Vaal Discipline is the only thing that's used (in an emergency, because it re-start ES regen) - we don't actually activate Discipline itself as an aura.

If you look back through the discussion I'm sure you'll find it.

The first sentence of my post is saying the answer I saw was "dont use the discipline aura".
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mentosman42#6052 um 08.10.2020, 11:48:15
Mentosman42 schrieb:
llMrSinisterll schrieb:
Hi all first thanks for the build its awesome!
Sorry for asking again it seems that my question got lost and didn't answered,
I have mana reserve problem.
Im using lvl 3 Enlighten linked to malevolence and frostbite aura.
I also have Insightfulness in the tree.
But i dont have enough mana to reserve Discipline + malevolence + frostbite.
What i am missing?


I asked this very early in the league and never really got an answer other than "dont use the discipline aura". Basically you NEED the mana reservation reduction nodes(even with enlighten 4) the LL tree has to be able to run everything. It is possible to modify the CI tree to grab those nodes as well but I dont know if that is optimal. Technically with enlighten 3 or 4 you could probably only take a couple of the reduction nodes but it probably makes the most sense to take all of them and forget enlighten like the LL build does(which can run discipline + malevolence + frostbite on mana reserve)

I could be reading it wrong, but doesn't the LL version actually use malevolence with blood magic, meaning it reserves life not mana? This is how the LL version runs all of them I think?

The Discipline thing threw me at first too, as I really wanted to run it for the ES boost, and I don't honestly find Vaal Discipline that useful? But maybe I don't understand well enough how to use it. (admission: I'm a casual player)

Also, thanks for the build OP, have really enjoyed playing it so far.
Vaal discipline is the closest we have to a health potion - it's the "oh shit" button when you feel like you're about to die.

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