[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone
Tips for New Vortex Players
1. Cinderswallow Urn should be your first Priority to get. The helps a ton with Mana regen and Energy Shield regen. 2. Cold Snap generates frenzy Charges. Once you gain a frenzy charge you can spam Cold snap up to 3 times since Frenzy charges only go up to three. This can boost your clear speed once you learn how to manage your frenzy charges to keep Cold Snap a instant cooldown. 3. Vaal Cold Snap is very Important. Always save this for a boss it will melt them. 4. Don't run or flame dash directly into packs of mobs always run around or dash to the side your vortex has decent area affect and will kill them. 5. Most should know this but Vortex should always be on left click. To get use to this style of play just run circles around mobs with vortex on left click don't use cold snap at all till you can get used to it. Then add in cold snap to mobs in front of you and the sides. 6. A Low lvl wand can roll + 1 to cold spells very easily with Alterations. Then you can use the craft 3 modifiers on the wand with Trigger a Spell and 20 cold Damage overtime for only 2 exalts. 7. Cobalt Jewels can be huge boost to dmg and energy shield. Heist can drop Cobalt's with %4 cold overtime that are fractured. You can buy these for 5-10 chaos on trade and then roll 8% energy shield with alterations for really cheap. Cobalt Trade Search: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Heist/zagLdrqi4 Zuletzt bearbeitet von donbrawler#1981 um 04.10.2020, 19:02:44
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"There are literally 2 map mods that lower your resists and only 1 is countered by overcapping resists, that is "players are cursed by elemental weakness" which is also countered by using a warding flask. Other curses are only used by mobs or applied in putrid cloister unique map. Normal maps can only roll vulnerability, enfeeble, temp chains or ele weakness, they don't roll flammability for example. "Players have -12% max resistances" is never countered by overcapping resists. Only things that counter it are things that interact with max resistances like loreweave or purity of specific element aura. I'm always baffled why do people spend as much as 90-100 points in resists combined to literally counter ONE MAP MOD. You can always reroll an ele weakness map if it has long phased boss you can't kill during a warding flask coverage. |
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Yeah I really don't get the over capping thing.
Also giving up elusive seems a bit price to pay for the clusters. The only time I feel my dps is lacking is vs sirus, is it worth slowing down all the mapping to have a better time there? |
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Hello everyone. I was messing around on POB and saw that on the CI build you have blasphemy frostbite, malevolence and disc. I don't have the mana to reserve them all. I'm I missing something?
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" Yea I totally get it most people get the bar minimum in resist and go full dps and movement speed and want to clear maps fast. I always had way to many random deaths stacking dps and movement speed. After watching hardcore players stream they always over cap by a lot more and don't worry about things like evasion and dodge or % to not get one shot. So I decided to build my character this way and I have had way less random deaths. Even though I play softcore I would not like to die to randomness. I don't care about Elusive and the randomness of it saving me. I don't want a % chance at dodging a spell or attack that will one shot me. After testing with over capping Hits that would normally one shot me will take me to 20% energy shield and I can react and not die. At the end of the day these are just my suggestions and what work for me. I like to build my own way :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von donbrawler#1981 um 04.10.2020, 23:48:43
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But elusive is mega movement speed - speed in this game imo is THE most important stat.
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" We don't have Discipline cast, we only use Vaal Discipline for dangerous encounters to provide some extra protection through the uninterrupted regen. |
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"Sounds like placebo effect tbh. Unless you don't use a warding flask, but why wouldn't you, uncountered temp chains suck. Having some dodge, some block, etc. is not 100% death-proof but if half the hits don't hit you, you have higher chance to survive than if all the hits hit you. Inreasing max resistance does increase your survivability, I'm not denying that (stuff like anointed flesh notable). SSF people overcap res because it's easier to swap gear pieces without screwing your whole gear setup. With harvest gone you don't always have control which res goes where (and it's a damn shame). Also a lot of damage that can 1-shot is physical especially since ES builds don't have room to build armor or anything similar against phys hits. Also crits. Solaris pantheon helps a bit with that, and there's a mod I reckon from shaper influence on belt. I'm not against building defensively on softcore, I just don't like solutions that barely help if at all. Crafting 3 min endurance charges on jewellery is probably better use of spare suffixes to reduce damage taken that extra resists. If you play the CI version crafting a chest with hunter mod "15% physical damage taken as chaos" is also extra damage reduction, I wonder how many CI builds use that. |
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" Yea, It is good for going fast through maps for sure. Movement speed isn't important to me though and just my play style. Zuletzt bearbeitet von donbrawler#1981 um 05.10.2020, 00:48:20
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Hey guys,
somebody willing to do me a solid and check my current CI character of this build? (https://pastebin.com/UYqj0xW0 community fork) I feel really squishy to everything phys proj. Maybe i am missing something really obvious and i just can't find it. Damage feels solid for clearing, on bosses i am missing out on vaal cold snap, got one leveled but not sure if a 21/23 regular is not overall better than a just lev 20 vaal cold snap. Playstyle is vortex on left click and than i just drop a cold snap into every pack. Really high movement speed seems almost counterproductive since i often speed through 1-2 packs without dropping a vortex when really speeding. Is that normal and do you guys also just basically map clear way more with cold snap than vortex? cause that is what i am doing atm. Thanks for reading and if anyone would look into the PoB i'd greatly appreciate any input. Mirror of Kalandra count: 0
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