[3.9] SelfCast | Arc Badge Assasin | 10 power and 10 frenzy charges | All content | ~25ex
Videos and Gifs
All 3.9 videos were made at Awakening level 8 Hunter ![]() Redeemer ![]() Crusader ![]() Warlord ![]() T16 Blight Map. No Towers, +126% Monster Pack Size https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuuZzTp0JNY Sirus https://youtu.be/E39wXnwQeR4 Cortex (bad quality) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZQmqajM8DE&t
T16 Maze of the Minotaur + Legion encounter ![]() Full run: https://youtu.be/2eIlUSRIvhc T15 Blight Map. No Towers, Monster Pack Size x2 ![]() Full run: https://youtu.be/Mkh39GJJwX4 T17 UberElder ![]() Full run: https://youtu.be/icJWUmoeKRI
T16 Forge of the Phoenix video only
T16 Elder Guardian Gif Only
T16 Phoenix Guardian Gif Only
![]() PoB https://pastebin.com/iN68hcsY I used crafted items just as a good example of common life/es/res rares. Random bases, random rolls, tried to avoid unrealistically perfect items. No need to copy/craft them, just read a gear section and look for something similar and cheap on the market. General ideas and goals Real mage. No mines/totems/cast on crit/cast on hit or other fraudulent ways to trigger spells. Only self casting. The noblest way of true magic - Merlin and Khadgar would be proud of us. Power and Frenzy charges as the main mechanic. Have you ever seen 10 power and 10 frenzy charges at once? Balanced damage and health. Not a glass cannon.
+ Insane damage scaling. Hight DPS potential. − Not a league starter. Specific items and high level required. − Expensive. Trapper/Summoner can achieve the same level of power, but several times cheaper. + Fast movement speed and clearspeed. − Taking a breath while mapping will cause charges to fall. + Can do all bosses and mapmodes. ~ With some effort can become immune to reflected damage. + Life leech and ES leech. − Needs mana flask for casting. − Elusive. May fade off just before hit, unstable effectiveness. + 99.99% Elusive uptime. Strongest Elusive in a game. Several layers of defence. Big healthpool. Passive Tree, Ascendancy, Bandits and Pantheon
Passive Tree
Lvl 95 Please read gear-jewel section! Passive tree has tricky interaction with some jewels. If you need more points, toss out rare jewels. They become good only with high investment.
![]() Unstable Infusion > Deadly Infusion > Mistwalker > Opportunistic
Helping Alira gives you: • 5 Mana Regenerated per second • +20% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier • +15% to all Elemental Resistances Killing them all gives you: • 10 dex/int/str • One Jewel socket At the beginning of league or in the budget version - help Alira. Once getting an elemental cap is no longer a problem, and you can afford a decent jewel - kill them all.
Soul of Lunaris - Major God. Our default choice. Good in all situations. Soul of Arakaali - For Shaper/Elder/Sirus. Minor gods give rather pleasant QoL bonuses, than significant buffs. Try them all, choose the one that you liked more: Soul of Shakari - Immune to poison and reduced chaos damage taken. Pick it, if you hate Hunter's vipers. Soul of Abberath - Unaffected by Burning Ground, movement speed while on BG. Soul of Gruthkul - Tiny physical damage reduction and enemies attack speed reduction. Soul of Ryslatha - Increased recovery from flask when on low life. Gear, Flasks and Jewels If possible, always prefer Energy Shield based items. Life/flat ES/Res is more important than damage.
Divided into three categories. Mandatory items, they can not be replaced. Without them, this build does not work. BiS items, but can be temporarily replaced in the super-budget/leveling version. Ordinary items, you can use any rare/unique if it fits your needs or recommended stats.
Core Items: Weapons, Amulet, Armour
Void Battery in each hand. Our main source of damage. Badge of the Brotherhood allows us to achieve 10 frenzy charges and multiplies Elusive's bonuses by 2. Stats priority: • Increased Effect of Elusive • Chance to lose a Frenzy Charge Lower - better! • Chance to lose a Power Charge Lower - better! • Increased Cooldown Recovery of Travel Skills Anointment: Hearth of Thunder gives damage and ES leech. Catalyst: • Intrinsic Catalyst enhances attributes. It's might be hard to achieve 5 blue sockets on non pure int body. Rare chest with 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit. Plus huge health rolls and resistance if possible. Some cool damage mods, from best to worst: • 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit mandatory • +X to Level of Socketed Intelligence/Active/Support Gems • Spells have +% to Critical Strike Chance Crafted mod: • Gain (9-10)% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield Luxury upgrade - Farrul's Fur Recolouring is a nightmare. Farrul's Fur has less damage, less life, no resistances. Saves two talents points. Very expensive. But this item changes this build drastically. You WILL have all your charges. Always. No matter of what. Any bonuses to power/frenzy charges from a tree, or from a gear, they all become 100% stable and constant. The next time you see a bonus, such as "10% increased spell damage per power charge" or "1% to dodge attack damage per frenzy charge", you will simply multiply it by 10 and add to your stats as permanent, flat 100% spell damage or 10% dodge. Remember to add and use Aspect of the Cat! Normally, the aspect gives charges every 12 seconds, while they last 10 seconds. There are several ways to fix this: • Passive tree. Two small nodes for Frenzy Charge Duration are already taken in the talent tree. This Is the weakest option. Choose any from below to save two points. • Precursor's Emblem with Increased Frenzy Charge Duration mod. This value must be at least at 26%, to make Frenzy charges last for 12+ seconds. • Less Duration support gem. Place it into same item wich gives you Aspect of the Cat. Keep this gem separated from other, dont link with anything! Less Duration level 20 will cause your Aspect of Cat to rotate twice as fast and give you charges every 6 seconds. How to recolour. • Get a corrupted version with 6 white sockets :) • Or, if already 6 linked: Place your 6 linked Farrul's Fur into the Crafting Bench and spam "at least two blue sockets" until you see 4 (or more) blue sockets. Then start farmimg Jun's mission, your goal is to assign Vorici to the Research Lab and promote him to captain. You can attack Research hideout now, and use Vorici's crafting bench, to recolour 1-3 random sockets into white. • If not yet linked: Place your Farrul's Fur into the Crafting Bench. Craft "three sockets" and "at least 3 blue sockets". Now craft "four sockets", and if the fourth socket is not blue - back to "three sockets". Repeat "four sockets"-"three sockets" until you hit blue socket. Repeat the same for "five sockets". With the sixth it will be easier, we need red. After you got 5 blue and 1 red - link it.
BiS Items: Rings and Helmet
Two Precursor's Emblem. Another huge step in our scaling, very flexible. You can use three defensive mods if you like to be tanky. Or three offensive mods, if you prefer glasscannon style. Balanced choice - 1 offensive and 2 defensive. In addition to mods, there are two types of bases of the rings themselves. Topaz Ring, 3 Power Modifiers, +30% to Lightning resistance, +20 Intelligence Two-Stone Ring, 2 Frenzy and 1Power /or/ 1 Frenzy and 2 Power Modifiers, +16% to Cold and Lightning resistance, +20 to Dexterity and Intelligence Notable modes: • Maximum Power Charges (mirror tier) • Lightning Damage per Power Charge (super strong, recommended) • Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge • Chance to Dodge Attack Hits per Power/Frenzy Charge • Increased Energy Shield per Power Charge • Additional Physical Damage Reduction per Power Charge Full list of all possible modifiers: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Precursor%27s_Emblem Catalyst: • Turbulent Catalyst - enhances Elemental Damage modifiers. Any helm with +1 to maximum power charges. There are two sources, corruption and Warlord's affix. Also try to get some life, ES and resistances from this slot. Enchant: • Arc chains an additional time best for damage • Increased Arc Damage slightly worse version • Increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect defensive choice Luxury upgrade - Crown of the Inward Eye Corrupted +1 to maximum Power Charges Crown of the Inward Eye. Insane helm, gives a lot of health, mana and energy shield. And any Increases and Reductions to life/mana/es will also apply to Spell Damage at 30% of their value.
Ordinary Items: Gloves, Boots and Belt
Not much to say. Pretty basic rares with life/es/resistances. Some nice bonuses: Gloves: • Chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit (Hunter) • Increased Cast Speed. Socketed Gems are Supported by Faster Casting (shaper) Enchant: • of Reflection • of Spite • of Thunder • of the Tempest Boots: • You have Tailwind if you have dealt a Critical Strike Recently (Hunter) Huge damage increase! • Chance to Dodge Spell hits and 30% movement speed (Incursion) • Chance to Dodge Spell Hits (Shaper/Redeemer) • Chance to avoid Projectiles (Crusader) Enchant: • Damage Leeched as Life if you've Killed Recently • Increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently • Increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you've cast a Spell Recently • Increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently Belt: • Increased Lightning/Elemental Damage (Fossils/Crusader) • Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike (Hunter) • Increased Cast Speed during any Flask Effect (Hunter) Catalyst: • Fertile Catalyst enhances Life and Mana modifiers. • Prismatic Catalyst enhances Resistance modifiers.
Before we start. There are many harmful ailments in the game. You can become immune to some of them with the following flask prefixes: Bleeding - of Staunching Freeze - of Heat Curse - of Warding Ignite - of Dousing Poison - of Curing Shock - of Grounding I do recommend to get at least "of Staunching", "of Heat" and "of Warding". Life and mana flasks. Yeah, we have some leech and recovery on kill from other flasks, but better be safe than sorry. Utility flask for maps, when we need speed but not damage. Atziri's Promise - Chaos resistance against some nasty bosses, some damage and our only source of life leech. Cinderswallow Urn - Damage, cast speed and movement speed. Plus insane mana and health recovery on kill. Veiled Mods: • Regenerate 3% of Life per second during Flask Effect a little help against the bosses. • Reduced Mana Cost of Skills during Flask Effect minor QoL upgrade. • Chance to avoid being Stunned and Increased Movement Speed during Flask effect an additional movement speed, if you no longer care about anything else. Diamon Flask - huge damage increase with the possibility to add any affixes you like. If your crit is already capped, use The Wise Oak. In this case Lightning resistance should be your highest uncapped Elemental Resistance! Luxury upgrade - Bottled Faith Bottled Faith is a very expensive, but very powerful upgrade of Diamon Flask.
Watcher's Eye - Just insanely strong jewel. Useful mods for us: • Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance while affected by Wrath Huge impact on dps. • Gain #% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity Defensive choice of a second mod. Very expensive, luxury upgrade. • #% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision Offensive choice of a second mod. Very expensive, luxury upgrade. Rare jewels are one of the most effective slots for taking damage mods. Priority list: • Increased Maximum Life No life - garbage • Critical Strike Multiplier We want to have three crit multi mods. In our dreams. • Spell damage/lightning damage/damage Decent budget option. • Cast speed Decent budget option. • Elemental Resistance Better get it on the rare gear. But if resistance is needed... Abyss jewel to put into a belt. Mods: • Adding fire damage to make Cinderswallow Urn work. • Life • Critical Strike Multiplier Luxury upgrade - Unnatural Instinct Unnatural Instinct - A bit better than rare jewel. Saves one talent point ang gives huge amount of mana, some damage and blocking chance. Put it above witch's starting location.
![]() Glorious Vanity "of Doryani". We need this jewel only for one keystone skill - Corrupted Soul (Gain 20% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield but 50% of Non-Chaos Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield).
![]() Thread of Hope to pick Phase Acrobatics without picking Acrobatics.
![]() Skill Gems
Offensive Skill Links
Placement - Chest Arc is probably the best spell in a game. Its both good for dealing with huge crowds and with single enemy. We can cast it without aiming. We can cast it from any angle, any distance. Vaal Arc also grants a buff making you lucky when damaging enemies with Arc for a short duration. *You can replace Controlled Destruction with Increased Critical Strikes to overcap critical strike chance and become immune to reflected damage. Awakened support gems: • Power Charge on Critical -> Awakened Added Lightning Damage (at least lvl 5) • Lightning Penetration -> Awakened Lightning Penetration • Spell Echo -> Awakened Spell Echo • Controlled Destruction -> Awakened Controlled Destruction • Inspiration = Inspiration Placement - Helm/Boots/Gloves Orb of Storm is our second damage skill. It has an impressive 2m dps, and this damage can be doubled by casting Arc inside the area of OoS. Awakened support gems: • Power Charge on Critical -> Awakened Added Lightning Damage (at least lvl 5) • Lightning Penetration -> Awakened Lightning Penetration • Controlled Destruction -> Awakened Controlled Destruction
Defensife Skill Links
Placement - Weapon Keep CwDT at level 1 and Wave of Conviction at level 7. Placement - Weapon Keep CwDT at the same level as Immortal Call's required level. And one empty slot for Precision lvl1 or Clarity lvl1. Placement - Helm/Boots/Gloves Keep Arcane Surge at ~level 6. Mana spend, required to get Arcane Surge, mush be equal to or less than the Flame Dash manacost. Two auras in the same item, but not linked to Arcane Surge. Placement - Helm/Boots/Gloves Keep CwDT at level 1 and Cold Snap at level 7. Latest changes: 30.01.2020 ‣ Added info about Aspect of the Cat. ‣ Sirus Video added. ‣ Elderslayers gifs added. Zuletzt bearbeitet von PaulMarch#6606 um 30.01.2020, 15:15:56 Zuletzt angestoßen am 28.09.2020, 13:07:16
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i want to try this
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Hey! On paper it looks pretty solid, but all of us want to see your build in action. Could you post some videos please?
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I’ll try to add a video in the near future.
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Woohoo, my first video! Mom, Im Youtuber!
Used GeForceNow for recording, was a bit weird and awkward, but everything went well. And I was lucky to meet Legion Monolith! So even more to show in a single video. I hope that better quality will be uploaded later. Right now its... terrible. |
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Hi I followed this build but did it a little differently please tell me what u think. I got endurance charges from being hit and spell damage 80% along with frenzy on hit from hubris.
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It all depends on the location of these notables. Keep in mind, small passive skills give nothing, and investing 8 points just to get 80% spell damage? Naaah. One point to get 80% spell damage? Jesus, wow!
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Wouldnt Clear Mind be a good choice of jewel for this build?
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This build is already doing massive damage. Right now Im looking for some way to increase survivability, and add curse and leech. While Clear Mind adds nothing but damage it's still a possible budget variant if you can't afford decent gem with increased maximum life.
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Hi, I was looking for a necessary elegant hubris and found such a jewel.
![]() What do you think about him? p.s sorry for my english, i use google translate :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von awakes#3930 um 07.10.2019, 05:13:53
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