3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

How to summon spectres ? Spell echo double and i got only 2 Frost Sentinels , rest 2 is shit !!!
Can someone tell me what to improve next ?

My char is public!

My thoughts:

-Thread of hope


-Lethal Pride

-I have a nearly max Astramentis but need more oil for the anointment

-6l Victarios

-6l "crafted" btw minion weapon

-Minion jewel with blind + leech together (now those 2 stats are seperated in 2 jewels) so i get another "open" jewel slot

Just dont know what to focus on first?

kracher schrieb:

Hello how do you get Frost Sentinal 3 times. Through Spell Echo in the ring, I always get an unwanted one.

Use Raise Zombie on any unwanted corpses and leave only frost sentinels on the ground.

I started Delirium's league with this build and realise it's really not a cheap build.... the end game demands a tons of exalts to be optimised.

If we assume that (as the author of this thread said) POE fun is constructed on 3 simple rules, thats to say, fast, strong and defensive, it is very diccult to build a solid character to achieve this goal.
I'm playing atm map T11 and, neither i die because squishy (thanks to simulacrum wolrd's explosion impossible to anticipate most the time), nor i survive at the price of strong defences but i a am TERRIBLY SLOW for clearing.

No it's not at all a friendly build. this is for rich players. (i hope i will till the end of the league)

Anyway, it's fun to play. (happily).


ps : half the players here plays in standard league where currencies are not a real problem. it changes precisly the vison of the end game.

it's said.
wftico schrieb:
How about the jewel clusters in Delirium. What jewel nodes are worthy to pick up, any opinions / experiences here? Are they even worth the investement? And if so, what to skip for it in the tree?

Thanks :)

There is a Cluster Stacking Setup in the guide.
n0rek84 schrieb:

I've got my first EX just dropped and I want to buy some gear, probably a mix of tanky and budget version like I did in previous league but I'm struggling to understand why we're using Discipline in tanky gear instead Determination?
Plus the budget version includes Enlighten support lvl4 which costs 6ex... not much of a budget for me

Determination is totally fine. You'll just have to lose something else because of it's higher mana reservation.

As for budget setup, you don't need Enlighten level 4. As stated in the guide:

"Ignore gem levels in the setup. You do NOT need level 21 gems etc.. just get a level 1 gem and start leveling it up as you go. Same with Enlighten, just start leveling one and get it to level 3. If you can't run all auras (which you won't be able to initially), simply drop Flesh and Stone."
Hi there,

Is there any video showcase with ACTUAL high tier/juiced delirium content?
HoundsOfShadow schrieb:
Is there a way to buy a Hubris gem you know will be minion damage? Is it based on the numbers of the coins? Or is it completely random?

Specific number correlates to specific changes. But there is no list of what numbers give what stats.

See the FAQ for more info on Elegant Hubris.
Thargz89 schrieb:
Hi there,

Is there any video showcase with ACTUAL high tier/juiced delirium content?

See the Cluster Stacking Setup vids in the guide in the setups section.
Cyrom schrieb:
Essence Glutton makes it worth to keep the Cyclone setup tho, the regen from consuming corpses is actually not too bad especially when combined with Bottled faith. I just cannot drop these amazing boots
especially since i annointed them with cleansed thoughts wich makes chaos res capping so easy and i love the stun and knockback immunity. I am now sitting at 7.3k ES and 6.1k HP 1m+ dps per zombie.

Can you post your PoB please?

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