[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Oof, don't try beating Oshabi if your shaper dps is only at like 600k without wither and 1,1m with wither. She is so goddamn tanky. I just died 6times on a lvl80 Oshabi encounter.
Almahid schrieb:
I am going to invest some currency and try this build out. Can easily spend around 30-40EX(without claws which i am going to craft by myself, got 1 already).

And here is my question: should i go for transcendance with loreweave or try The Perfect Form first? What will have better clear speed/survi?

But i still need to lvl Pathfinder(64lvl so far)

Better clear will have base version with Perfect Form, its faster.

It easier to switch and get going with base version than going strait to Trans because it requires t1 items.
You will learn mechanics and will experience big survivability jump when you prepare your full items for Trans version.
Out of curiosity (and you might have already answered that before, but thread is moving real fast now!), what's your opinion on the reworked skills? Do you still think that Cobra Lash is the worst on single target with the new chaining damage? How would you rerank those, if you would at all?

And thanks for the build! been doing it for a few leagues now, every time I have a blast! Trying out CL instead of PS this league and it's been going pretty good! Even if I'm still early mapping.
So I am having some major bossing issues ever since I hit red maps, especially when it comes to conquerors and Maven. I thought my gear was decent to at least do red maps but I've pretty much been hard stuck lvl 89 past two days. Is there anything I can currently get that would be a complete gamechanger? Cause currently not too sure if I want to invest more currency since I am not having the greatest of times, especially with it being melee.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Kapaya#6980 um 20.01.2021, 14:57:13
Hello, can I ask you about explode mod on chest, is it helpful for this build and do we gain juicy chain explosions due to poison spread? I am asking cuz I'd like to have better clear on monoliths.
Kapaya schrieb:
So I am having some major bossing issues ever since I hit red maps, especially when it comes to conquerors and Maven. I thought my gear was decent to at least do red maps but I've pretty much been hard stuck lvl 89 past two days. Is there anything I can currently get that would be a complete gamechanger? Cause currently not too sure if I want to invest more currency since I am not having the greatest of times, especially with it being melee.

You'll have to get new claws or in some other way boost your damage. Claws are the most obvious damage boost.

lampicka95 schrieb:
Hello, can I ask you about explode mod on chest, is it helpful for this build and do we gain juicy chain explosions due to poison spread? I am asking cuz I'd like to have better clear on monoliths.

Didn't tried it...
Gardosuro schrieb:
Out of curiosity (and you might have already answered that before, but thread is moving real fast now!), what's your opinion on the reworked skills? Do you still think that Cobra Lash is the worst on single target with the new chaining damage? How would you rerank those, if you would at all?

And thanks for the build! been doing it for a few leagues now, every time I have a blast! Trying out CL instead of PS this league and it's been going pretty good! Even if I'm still early mapping.

Nothing is changed in that sense. Damage of Cobra will start to drop in higher tiers but test it.
Yalpe schrieb:
foskety schrieb:
is it not possible to have -

herald of agony - culling strike - malevolence - enlighten 4

arctic armor w/ perform form no reservation

aspect of the spider from fenumus

all on at the same time?

Unless I am doing something wrong I have to drop one..

You can if you have a big enough mana pool. That will come with levels or flat mana on items. You can remove culling strike in the meantime, its just QoL.

You have 55 unreserved mana its fine with regen and leech you have atm. Also you need one -mana cost of skills craft.
TorsteinTheFallen schrieb:


I checked your char and yes you have mana issues vs bosses. This is most likely due to low damage that you have atm and damage reduction that bosses have, especially if you are using GMP (big mana cost multiplier). It will be better as the damage increases.

What you can do that will completely fix your mana issues is to craft on one ring that has craftable prefix "Non-Channelling Skills have -9 to Total Mana Cost".
Either that or Gemini claw.
If you don't have required crafting mod either ask someone or use Crafting service from the Community section page.

Thanks for the detailed answers, the mana craft is certainly on the do list.

What would be the next bigger step to upgrade my dmg, with lowest cost? I have most bases right, but need to craft them properly (helmet, amulet).

Possible steps I see as of now are Spider-gloves, craft the helmet or get new claws. also the anointment is still open for 4 skill-points. somehow I assume the crafting will be the more expensive part.

Besides that, I am enjoying your build, the tankiness is already amazing, never tried the pathfinder before, didn't expect that. to bad, ggg isn't doing anything for better potion qol, even picked extra potion duration on tree out of laziness :S

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