[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
" I'm seeing it as an increase on Total Damage per Poison although I'm still not great at working out poison damage values after playing many phys builds. With the slider for increased duration up all the way on Coralito's, I'm at 5.14 duration on Calcs. I re-used most of my PS/VS build from last league but switched it over to Cobra Lash to try out the changes: https://pastebin.com/t3u7kk9Y I'll also drop Druidic Rite and Primal Spirit, I had picked them up before for the flask duration/charges but with the change to flask charge on crit I'm hoping I can keep my flasks up all the time with reduced duration to proc the 6% life more frequently. We'll see how that all works out. |
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Coralitos shows a little GAIN in poison DPS and huge huge boost for combined DPS with the duration calced in. So overall it looks like a straight upgrade and i already planned to drop the life flask for it, only problem is, that i need to drop the armor suffix on the jade flask for bleeding in that case but this changes nothing in pob ele damage taken values on transcendence version.
This may be taken with a grain of salt because armor gets less effective on higher hits but should make no difference because armor comes after ele res... Maybe u guys can tell us exactly... |
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" I wouldn´t even bother with that - I would just get a jewel for corrupted blood cannot be inflicted, then you won´t need bleed immunity flask mod. Without going through the numbers alone I would definately not drop the mod on the flask. Thats why I would also not drop flask effect, it is not only for life-flasks effective. We profit on many levels from it. But that´s just my 2 cents about it, if you try it and it works then that´s perfectly fien. |
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Does the EHP calc in PoB work with the Ultimate Transcending version of the build?
Showing awfully low numbers that can't be correct. |
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" your import/pob must be bricked, it shows insanely high EHP, over 2million on fire dmg taken for example. (dont take EHP as the EHP in your mind, the EHP people normally talk about is "maximum hit taken" in pob, some dodge eva builds show insane high numbers EHP but very very low maximum taken, so its a bit Pob warrior shit in my mind) @vennto yes sure corr. blood jewel is anyways set in stone, why not? so only bleed left, what shouldnt be too bad on that build anyways, would need to try out... you guys already played it so i guess its exactly that way when u say skip bleed suffix |
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" I mean you can always get bleed immunity on the watcher's eye if you shell out the cash. |
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"Ah, it wasn't bricked, I was just looking at the wrong numbers. It does look pretty insane. |
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Hi all,
thank you very much for this guide! I'm thinking about starting with cobra lash and eventually try out pestillent strike. Do you think its viable to play the expensive pestilent strike tree as Cobra lash or Venom Gyre? Cause I really like the increased block over the Cobra tree. (Respecing the anoint and so on included) Ty in advance! CU in Ritual Edit: Oh and is it still a viable use of mana to slot herald of agony? Seems like a waste, without the ascendancy points. Maybe incorporate a blasphemie dispair instead and change witchfire for coralitos. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Sh4d0ww0lf#7046 um 13.01.2021, 15:12:59
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" Numbers are correct, it's not a PoB warrior. You can analyze these charts. They are primary tool for defense tuning. They are calculated with all defensive mechanics involved. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What you can conclude is that Transcendence variant of the build is insanely strong. Multiple times stronger than the base build. Also it shows the downsides of it, it's degens. Build was already vulnerable to elemental degens but Trans one is even more because of lowered max elemental resistances. This can be mitigated with Loreweave and i'm currently working on it. Nevertheless it's much much tankier than the original and it's not even for comparison with an average PoE build. I gave my gear last night to Vennto to test it out. Challenge was to go into Simulacrum and on wave 20 to stand in mobs for 2s without using Molten Shell. He piled up biggest mob and stood there for 3,5s without a problem. Enjoy it while it lasts. xD edit: also build can't tank 3 Shaper balls without Molten Shell. Thing is that they do 25% ele penetration putting you down do 45% ele res and mediocre life pool. Zuletzt bearbeitet von TorsteinTheFallen#1295 um 13.01.2021, 15:54:56
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" Using herald of agony is mainly because of Circle of Nostalgia, and the more poison damage HoA provides. It will be harder to keep virulence over 30, but that doesn't matter since scorpion damage is on the lower end.(I used alternative HoA gem that applies wither on scorpion hit as well.) |
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