[3.13] Saboteur Pyroclast Mine Crit - Cheap, SSF friendly
Try Sire of shard, it's simply too good for Pyroclast :)
Need a purpose in life...
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Currently trying this build as league starter and loving it. Although one question, i know its intended but is there a way to make Minefield support less clunky?
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I'm definitely gonna try this build but I only have one question regarding the passive tree. After I pick up Coldhearted Calculation, do I go towards Written in Blood or Successive Detonations and so on? Thanks for making the build, by the way!
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"Honestly, we have enough good options for the support gems to bother with Minefield, it doesn't seem worth it at all. Swift Assembly is better. "I'd say towards Written in Blood, at least i went towards Clever Construction, Blast Waves asap for the AoE, and Herbalism (+ Acrobatics). And then once i took the important nodes there i went towards the Scion life nodes. And np, glad it helps o/. It wasn't really planned until i got that mp and saw nobody had a build thread ready for it. |
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How's the overall AoE/General clear for things like the seemingly overtuned mobs from Tower Defense/Blight? I'm running an Arc Miner currently with a 4L Tremor Rod, but the damage potential on Pyroclast Mine especially on single target looks really tempting.
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Even tho I did rearrange the tree to my liking the overall build is great, the pob was just too much foccused on damage wich we clearly don't need. Pyro mines are insane !
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I just wanted to post to say this build is amazing. Using this as league starter this time around, and it just takes a dump on the story (Act 7 atm with pyroclast mines). Setting up your mines before the boss has even started its first phase, (such as Izaro) and watching them melt in 0.1 seconds never gets old. I swapped Minefield support for Charged Mines support, just feels less clunky and everything already dies easily already so prefer the smoother gameplay. Definitely recommended for anyone to give it a go. Gameplay: (Hold right click (pyroclast mines), spam detonate and mana potion). Earlier in the game you might need to throw/move/throw/move to avoid damage/death. In the Blight tower defence you can just set up some ice towers/upgraded at some points where paths merge and stand further back from the choke point and throw your mines, seems to work fine so far with 0 effort/movement required. (Make sure "Always attack without moving" is on.) Cant wait to upgrade gear and test end game content. 11/10 so far. :) Some item trade links to get newer players started: Modify the filters to suit your needs (level/colour/resistance values). Most should be very cheap. I don't know about good uniques for this build, maybe someone could compile a shortlist? Weapons Tremor Rod Rare Sceptre Sire of shards Abberath's Horn Searing Touch Lathi Body Armour Belly of the Beast Tabula Rasa 4Blue Linked body 3Blue 1Green Linked body Rings/Boots 90% resist rings 50% resist boots (some have movement speed) End Game Martyr of Innocence Carcass Jack Kaom's Heart Zuletzt bearbeitet von someshitorOther#1341 um 09.09.2019, 01:12:08
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"I'm not far enough into maps yet to tell you how it is. Up until now it went quite well when i didn't miss a new lane popping on the other side of the screen :x. "You can indeed cut some stuff to get the remaining life nodes in the Scion area earlier for instance, etc. I also feel like Born in the Shadows will be the 4th ascendancy node instead of Explosives Expert by default. We need that defense. Stibnite flask is nice and all but doesn't compare. Feel free to share your tree btw, i'm sure it'll interest some. "Glad to see some fellow miners liking it. Thanks for reminding me i forgot to remove Minefield from the main setup in the thread. I did it in the PoB link and forgot to update. You should try Swift Assembly instead of Charged Mines that clearly doesn't give us much. And thanks for the few links ;). Zuletzt bearbeitet von Harest#1598 um 09.09.2019, 00:57:01
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I'm doing the t2 maps. The damage is impressive (5L), I'm only worried about vitality. There are not many available points in the tree that somehow have to be solved from the equipment.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von jorgomos#3949 um 09.09.2019, 04:35:56
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"You'll want to get all the life nodes in the Scion area, in addition to all the others we take indeed. I put the tree like that in the thread to still get a good overview of what you want to take aside from the Scion life nodes. You could for instance remove Snowforged or Throatseeker nodes and 1 power charge nodes to get the 5 needed nodes. I'll probably try to put Fortify in there and see how it feels. I'm currently using a 1h + shield on my character, so i'll try Shield Charge just a bit, see if it's too slow or not. I was mainly using Flame Dash up until now, with Withering Step here and there. Smoke Mine is also a possibility but for a travel/movement skill i mainly looking for the instantness of the movement. With Smoke Mine, you need to throw the mine first and even if it's very fast i'm not really liking it. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Harest#1598 um 09.09.2019, 06:09:35
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