[3.9] Devon's Poisoning Lawnmower | Poison CoC Cyclone | All content viable
UPDATE: Discovered a pretty big oopsie in the build guide so I fixed it.
Cyclone is not attacking twice per attack anymore. So we're not using EK anymore because it was basically alternating between Bladefall and EK. We left Bladefall and this enabled us to place another support gem (Unbound Ailments). This is a buff. Also fixed the AS cap, it should be just below 6,06 attack speed to cast most efficiently. Sry for the inconvenience! "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro |
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" Hi OP What is your thought between added chaos damage and unbound ailments? Also how would a claw version do? Like using the Wasp nest to start with, some nice claw nodes close by with life gain on hit and we can still get to 100% to poison on hit. And is agony only there for that 20% poison on hit? just because it doesn't have anything support link with it. Zuletzt bearbeitet von waybsterce#6322 um 20.12.2019, 20:16:49
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" Have some att to 3.9? i rly like this build at past season |
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" Sry for the late response, I updated the PoB and the guide for 3.9. Nothing much changed honestly. Just make sure to have as close as you can get to 100% accuracy, 100% crit chance and 6.06 (max) attack speed on your cyclone. Everything else is just stacking spell damage, chaos damage, poison damage, crit multipliers. "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro |
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edited my message to provide a quote
Zuletzt bearbeitet von malignSAINT#1459 um 11.01.2020, 02:46:51
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" So is the POB listed the most current one? I saw a POB linked that was using Phase acrobatics and all that stuff. The current POB doesn't have that included in the build. I am trying this out just because I love BF and cyclone as well as poison builds. I don't see anyone currently trying a build like this on the meta league, so I wanted to give it a go. if you can take the time to let me know if the current POB listed on the guide that doesn't include phase acrobatics or anything is the most current and best that would be amazing! thanks! |
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" Never used phased acro. This one is latest. "Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro "Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro |
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Sorry wrong thread
Zuletzt bearbeitet von BursTyNA#1457 um 13.01.2020, 09:35:58
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I was tinkering with a Cyclone CoC Soulrend fantasy this league and this guide has been an immensely helpful point of reference. Cooked up my own built during long nights, then found this and could take a lot of additional ideas from it while discovering that you already thought of most the stuff I came up with. Thanks for the guide, it's been really helpful! I've only found 3 points where I prefer my own ideas and thought I'll share those. Maybe you'll like the input (or maybe I've missed something). -I dropped Flesh and Stone and kept Precision on a very low level. To compensate for the Accuracy loss I placed a Tempered mind jewel in the middle northern Jewel slot. This allowed me to include a juicy Malevolence for 20% more dmg and Bleed Immunity while affected by Malevalence (Watchers Eye). -Area Damage nodes don't scale poison damage, I dropped the two taken in your PoB-link. -Glorious Vanity Timeless Jewel (Doryani) next to CI gets me the Corrupted Soul Keystone for +1kES. Having 50% of all damage bypass energy shield is amazing since you can recover ES and life simultaneously (I use a claw for life gain on hit) Finally I picked different Ascendancy Nodes and while this is totally a matter of taste imo, maybe you have some thoughts on this? I picked Mistwalker+Oppurtunistic over Unstable Infusion+Deadly Infusion. With an "attacks have +0.5-0.8 crit chance"-corruption on gloves I still reach 90% crit chance. I loose like 17% more damage from the ascendancies not taken, get 20% more damage from Oppurtunistic while there is at most one rare/unique enemy nearby, so that's almost even. I end up with effectively 10% less crit chance (10% less coc-triggers) but gain the defensive utility of Mistwalker (almost always elusive and while elusive no crits taken + 8% reduced damage taken). Not critting 10% of the time hurts but I like the tradeoff for defenses. (One has to watch out that PoB does not display the 20% increased Attack speed while Elusive. Had a messed up attack rate for the longest time >.<) Let tomorrow be about solutions. Today is about vengeance. - John Oliver Had a Chaos-DoT-Caster-guide for any class, then 2021 patches happened^^ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2485596 Zuletzt bearbeitet von Lightelder#6734 um 14.01.2020, 11:19:49
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hey just wondering, in your showcase video your bladefall looks red/orange like it's on fire but mine is just green. what turns it that colour?
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