[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

With venom gyre the outgoing projectiles do not pierce by default, but the returning projectiles do. So a lot of people end up taking Piercing Shot on the skill tree, at least for speeding up clearing trash.

Can anyone confirm that if you are hitting a boss when using venom gyre and assuming you have taken piercing shot on the tree, does the returning projectile apply an additional poison to the boss? It's hard to tell TBH.

I would have assumed it does, but there is this in from the Wiki in the returning projectile section:

"The projectile returns to the original firer. Targets can be hit once on the way out and once on the way back, however, the specific target they return from is only hit once.[2] Its priority is after pierce/fork/chain.[3]"

Zuletzt bearbeitet von JaguarXXX#5097 um 21.09.2019, 18:27:34
mojospygod schrieb:
mic01851165 schrieb:
Kinda sad still no-one wanna try out melee Pestilent Strike lolz.
It's actually rly rly good.

Honestly it feels better to use than both of the new projs.
I'm just not fine with that 0.5~1 sec ramp up time from both of the new projs before they do the kill. (prob cuz both have low in base dm).
Also w/o the Bino prolif, both of them feel sluggish and underperforming against Legion/ Blight encounter. I'm more used to zome zome to a pack and blow the whole screen up in one hit like all my other builds do, that's why i go for Pestilent strike instead now.

The only downside is you need to swap out some gems against guardians.

Gonna post my video again. Again my gears are far from optimized compare to many of the guys here with over 20+ ex setup (yet I still feel their clear isn't that smooth even with this much investment.)
With the same setup of their overpriced gears, Pestilent strike would blow up packs/ bosses even faster.

(The video is laggy becuz of the recorder, if I don't record it'd go so much smoother)

dont know about you but after doing a t13 blighted map most of the time i have to sit at a place where i can attack 3 choke points without moving and pestilent strike as a melee skill will require me to move which leaves 2 choke points open. i dont think pestilent strike will do enough damage fast enough for me to go between chokes points before they get breached

This is where you're wrong.

For Pestilent strike the bigger / denser the pack the more damage it does because it does "shotgun" like worb does with ances call + melee splash.

Basically I love when the pack piles up in one choke point because instead of hitting twice to kill against singlet target, the bigger pack just blow up all at once and more spread in poison on death. Plague Bearer makes it even smoother because it speed up the first initial damage to make packs explode faster, triggering the spread faster.

The Cove map I run density is way too low. This build actually shrine brighter when the packs are way bigger, like against blight.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von mic01851165#0058 um 21.09.2019, 18:35:52
Krylian schrieb:
mic01851165 schrieb:
Kinda sad still no-one wanna try out melee Pestilent Strike lolz.
It's actually rly rly good.

Honestly it feels better to use than both of the new projs.
I'm just not fine with that 0.5~1 sec ramp up time from both of the new projs before they do the kill. (prob cuz both have low in base dm).
Also w/o the Bino prolif, both of them feel sluggish and underperforming against Legion/ Blight encounter. I'm more used to zome zome to a pack and blow the whole screen up in one hit like all my other builds do, that's why i go for Pestilent strike instead now.

The only downside is you need to swap out some gems against guardians.

Gonna post my video again. Again my gears are far from optimized compare to many of the guys here with over 20+ ex setup (yet I still feel their clear isn't that smooth even with this much investment.)
With the same setup of their overpriced gears, Pestilent strike would blow up packs/ bosses even faster.

(The video is laggy becuz of the recorder, if I don't record it'd go so much smoother)

I've been playing around with it and it's very good, can easily compete with cobra lash/venom gyre. The only downside is that it requires two support gems (ancestral call and melee splash) to make it playable, where Cobra Lash only needs one (gmp).

I tried running it with just one support but melee splash on its own was horribly, it would very often leave a lot of single mobs at the back of the pack untouched. Ancestral call on its own was pretty decent, but I could definitely notice it felt slower to clear.

When it comes to my gear, I can very easily interchange the two skills and very few stats on my items wouldnt benefit pestilent strike, so I feel it was a fair comparison in that sense.

Another big problem is survivability. Melee range leaves me very vunerable and less options strategy wise.

I'll definitely play around with it more, because it definitely 'bursts' faster than cobra lash does.

All the maps I ran were red maps btw.

Survivability is more than fine most of the time, but the REAL issue is against bosses with one hard-hitting single target move that can do 5k+ dm in one hit.

The WORST matchup of this setup is against Chimera because his adds do WAY TOO MUCH damage , so fighting those adds in melee range is really dangerous.
Hi all just wanted to say i took the advice from some posts:

Running Venom Gyre
I took the projectile speed nodes
I took Void walker + 5 pierce boots

I am smoking all content! maps are now super enjoyable, my survivability is up even tho i am sub 4k hp (bad gear)

my weapons are not even ace but these changes really turned my build around
mic01851165 schrieb:
Kinda sad still no-one wanna try out melee Pestilent Strike lolz.
It's actually rly rly good.

Honestly it feels better to use than both of the new projs.
I'm just not fine with that 0.5~1 sec ramp up time from both of the new projs before they do the kill. (prob cuz both have low in base dm).
Also w/o the Bino prolif, both of them feel sluggish and underperforming against Legion/ Blight encounter. I'm more used to zome zome to a pack and blow the whole screen up in one hit like all my other builds do, that's why i go for Pestilent strike instead now.

The only downside is you need to swap out some gems against guardians.

Gonna post my video again. Again my gears are far from optimized compare to many of the guys here with over 20+ ex setup (yet I still feel their clear isn't that smooth even with this much investment.)
With the same setup of their overpriced gears, Pestilent strike would blow up packs/ bosses even faster.

(The video is laggy becuz of the recorder, if I don't record it'd go so much smoother)

Eh the skill looks average at best. Cobra Lash with Bino's clears three times faster. You just lash and whirl and offscreen everything.
jrelthewise schrieb:
mic01851165 schrieb:
Kinda sad still no-one wanna try out melee Pestilent Strike lolz.
It's actually rly rly good.

Honestly it feels better to use than both of the new projs.
I'm just not fine with that 0.5~1 sec ramp up time from both of the new projs before they do the kill. (prob cuz both have low in base dm).
Also w/o the Bino prolif, both of them feel sluggish and underperforming against Legion/ Blight encounter. I'm more used to zome zome to a pack and blow the whole screen up in one hit like all my other builds do, that's why i go for Pestilent strike instead now.

The only downside is you need to swap out some gems against guardians.

Gonna post my video again. Again my gears are far from optimized compare to many of the guys here with over 20+ ex setup (yet I still feel their clear isn't that smooth even with this much investment.)
With the same setup of their overpriced gears, Pestilent strike would blow up packs/ bosses even faster.

(The video is laggy becuz of the recorder, if I don't record it'd go so much smoother)

Eh the skill looks average at best. Cobra Lash with Bino's clears three times faster. You just lash and whirl and offscreen everything.

Well, then Cobra is worse than average without using bino then for Assassin.
Bino is literally a must or both of those skills feel mediocre at best.

Plus like i said Cove pack size sucks so you prob cant tell the difference, but i do agree with +3 chain and prolif bino Cobra may clear more smoothly.
Also like I said my game was literally lagging while recording, it usually goes much smoother.

But my claw setup has life on hit / mana on hit and can do no leech no regen map too and potentially safer clear in mapping.

So it all depend.

And seriously both skills have the exact same setup , the only difference is gem, so feel free to try it or not. It's not like you're stuck with either build.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von mic01851165#0058 um 21.09.2019, 21:36:28
mic01851165 schrieb:
jrelthewise schrieb:
mic01851165 schrieb:
Kinda sad still no-one wanna try out melee Pestilent Strike lolz.
It's actually rly rly good.

Honestly it feels better to use than both of the new projs.
I'm just not fine with that 0.5~1 sec ramp up time from both of the new projs before they do the kill. (prob cuz both have low in base dm).
Also w/o the Bino prolif, both of them feel sluggish and underperforming against Legion/ Blight encounter. I'm more used to zome zome to a pack and blow the whole screen up in one hit like all my other builds do, that's why i go for Pestilent strike instead now.

The only downside is you need to swap out some gems against guardians.

Gonna post my video again. Again my gears are far from optimized compare to many of the guys here with over 20+ ex setup (yet I still feel their clear isn't that smooth even with this much investment.)
With the same setup of their overpriced gears, Pestilent strike would blow up packs/ bosses even faster.

(The video is laggy becuz of the recorder, if I don't record it'd go so much smoother)

Eh the skill looks average at best. Cobra Lash with Bino's clears three times faster. You just lash and whirl and offscreen everything.

Well, then Cobra is worse than average without using bino then for Assassin.
Bino is literally a must or both of those skills feel mediocre at best.

Plus like i said Cove pack size sucks so you prob cant tell the difference, but i do agree with +3 chain and prolif bino Cobra may clear more smoothly.
Also like I said my game was literally lagging while recording, it usually goes much smoother.

But my claw setup has life on hit / mana on hit and can do no leech no regen map too and potentially safer clear in mapping.

So it all depend.

And seriously both skills have the exact same setup , the only difference is gem, so feel free to try it or not. It's not like you're stuck with either build.

Played around with Pestilent strike a bit more, but it just doesn't feel as fast as Cobra Lash. With CL I just dash around and throw my projectiles from a distant to a couple of packs and I can expect them to be dead at best one second later than with pestilent strike, but I wasn't in range for the mobs to even hit me, so CL wins.

And I can clear much bigger packs with CL, I have one pierce, 3 extra chains and 6 additional projectiles. That wasn't cheap, but it shows that with the extra investment you can get more out of CL build.

I believe a build that focuses more on AoE could probably make pestilent strike work really good, but it wouldn't compete with high end CL builds.
Krylian schrieb:
mic01851165 schrieb:

Well, then Cobra is worse than average without using bino then for Assassin.
Bino is literally a must or both of those skills feel mediocre at best.

Plus like i said Cove pack size sucks so you prob cant tell the difference, but i do agree with +3 chain and prolif bino Cobra may clear more smoothly.
Also like I said my game was literally lagging while recording, it usually goes much smoother.

But my claw setup has life on hit / mana on hit and can do no leech no regen map too and potentially safer clear in mapping.

So it all depend.

And seriously both skills have the exact same setup , the only difference is gem, so feel free to try it or not. It's not like you're stuck with either build.

Played around with Pestilent strike a bit more, but it just doesn't feel as fast as Cobra Lash. With CL I just dash around and throw my projectiles from a distant to a couple of packs and I can expect them to be dead at best one second later than with pestilent strike, but I wasn't in range for the mobs to even hit me, so CL wins.

And I can clear much bigger packs with CL, I have one pierce, 3 extra chains and 6 additional projectiles. That wasn't cheap, but it shows that with the extra investment you can get more out of CL build.

I believe a build that focuses more on AoE could probably make pestilent strike work really good, but it wouldn't compete with high end CL builds.

Well with 30+ ex budget gears like your setup, CL probably can mixmax a little more. This is how proj works anyway, they got so many things they can minmax about, like projectile numbers. You can even get some extra projectile from some corruption I think.

With my build you can get it working and clear high end blight / maps smoothly with just some self fossil craft claws and you should be good to go.
Excluding 6L Carcass Jack my gears prob only worth like 2~3 ex.

Also yeah build is identical but some traits do benefit Pestilent strike playstyle more than Cobra Style. Like I even grab that +2 weapon range trait near the life node on the bottom, which normally Cobra player wouldn't even touch it. Also you're using shield so you probably wouldn't even go down in the passive tree board so that's another difference. They're identical but not exactly the same true. I even use aoe enchant for Pestilent Strike on top of Carcass for better aoe clear. (That helm is like 30c though, Pestilent Strike isn't exactly popular, which is a good thing for me because I can finish my setup quite cheaply)

I just wanna stress that with my 3 ex budget gears Cobra/ Venom does feel meh compare to my melee setup. I've been playing the same old Cobra/Venom ever since league start too so I know.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von mic01851165#0058 um 22.09.2019, 02:40:36

Selling Old Gears that I've upgraded for this build

Pm in game if any interest: NeyBlight
JaguarXXX schrieb:
With venom gyre the outgoing projectiles do not pierce by default, but the returning projectiles do. So a lot of people end up taking Piercing Shot on the skill tree, at least for speeding up clearing trash.

Can anyone confirm that if you are hitting a boss when using venom gyre and assuming you have taken piercing shot on the tree, does the returning projectile apply an additional poison to the boss? It's hard to tell TBH.

I would have assumed it does, but there is this in from the Wiki in the returning projectile section:

"The projectile returns to the original firer. Targets can be hit once on the way out and once on the way back, however, the specific target they return from is only hit once.[2] Its priority is after pierce/fork/chain.[3]"


if returning projectile doesnt apply poison, then the only difference in bossing is the helm enchant.

and cobralash doesnt lose as much then..

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