[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |
Thanks for your reply.
I will definetly go with this as a starter. I think i will go with 2 claws insteed of claw/shield. I am not very good at creating builds so i will wait the full version of this guide. I dont like the posted chests but i am not sure what other options we have. |
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Will finish the build by the start of the League? Want start with this build.
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" One reason would be for bosses. You'll only get two uses of the flask without a good number of adds. 100% uptime will feel a lot better for long boss fights like guardians and Shaper. If you are just planning on farming maps, the flask by itself should be sufficient. Zuletzt bearbeitet von thrackstar#5335 um 05.09.2019, 07:32:59
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I;m considering dual daggers instead of claws. Taproot is solid choice. More crit chance/multi on dagger nodes make Perfect Agony an option. Could be huge for poison scaling. Really need POB update with new gems to check out the numbers.
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Just checked out your PoB link. For fun i tried replacing ST with Viper Strike, dps went from 1,3m to 5,1m. I guess that is a solid choice to gem-swap for bossing aye ?
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" I have never played SSF and I don't know what it is like. If you play SSF, you probably have a good idea of crafting, I think you can easily craft a good weapon to start. " I think so, always bleed or poison did well on act " I think losing one 4 link is too much for flat damage. The ring has interesting interactions but I think strong Rare will be much better for both defensive and offensive. " I will do a PoB update with the path I follow (although of course this may change depending on the needs). " Yes, but as Assasin Cobra Lash gives us additional Crit and Multiplayer from crit, and it has more damage effectiveness, a lot of bosses also have minions in which the chain already changes a lot. As I wrote I will definitely try both skills and I will not stack on anything. But now Cobra Lash seems much better on full poison build, Venom Gyre will be good on hybrid build where hit means something, or on non crit poison build. With such a high Crit chance (On Special Trow PoB shows 78% Effective crit, Cobra Lash + Nightblade support will also give us some good percentage, plus full and low life options from Ambush and Assassinate ofcourse) " Now we are talking about a completely different build :) " The matter with dual wield is a trick, we have to choose the statistics very well in order not to lose on it, probably on endgame it will be a good option but you will need to have two really good claws. After all, Ailment Duration is underestimated by many but poison is very important (which shows how Tempral Chains is close to Despair in PoB when it comes to numbers) that's why Leper's Alms is a very good option for this build. " With how much crit we will have, Perfect Agony is a great option you'll want to have her all the time (certainly for bosses, a little hit damage might be useful for a maping, we'll see). Coralito's we use as our Diamond Flask which gives us Poison Duration. " Build is almost finished, we are waiting for PoB update with new skills. These are completely new skills and reworked mechanic so there is always the possibility that something will change during the league because I intend to check and test a lot of things but anyway I think it looks solid here and now. " Our Crit will be still very high, over 80% effective, I checked in PoB (for now on Special Throw) multi gives a lot but giving up Claw or Poison node for crit node will be dps lose. When it comes to new oil mechanics I think the best will be Constitution for alot of HP, Atrophy/Corruption/Dirty Techniques for DPS ;) " It seems to me that Pestilent Strike will be even stronger, there is only one but, DMG per stack will be much bigger on Viper Strike or Pestilent Strike but we will lose the number of posible stacks on, so everything will need to be calculated in PoB when the time comes, Pestilent Strike is generally very interesting to me, because maybe it is enough to spam it on one target and everything around will die from poison nova? :O Zuletzt bearbeitet von loczek123#6858 um 05.09.2019, 07:57:06
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I will really need a leveling guide for this one :)
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I am very excited to play this build!
I hope it works fine for clear the atlas. |
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" Good point, I'll definitely be trying both myself too. By the way, you think full / low life option is better than the +1 charges one? Zuletzt bearbeitet von thrackstar#5335 um 05.09.2019, 08:14:36
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Thank you loczek123 for putting this together, really helps when you do not have the spare time to research everything by yourself! :)
Gonna start as cobra lash as well, haven't been running poison since double dipping nerf. I really look forward to it and also to see your leveling trees in PoB. As for the debate of claw vs dagger, I've seen some people make the point that daggers (i.e Taproot) with proper dagger nodes get more crit and therefore scales the poison higher when put into PoB... Aside from the claws implicit LGOH, what else would you say is better with claws compared to daggers? |
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