[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
Its been a week since I changed over to your build. I tried almost every possible tree and gear variations since the league started with the exception of Zeel Amp, Devouring Diadem, and the Maraketh Jewel and spent close to 150 regrets changing up my tree, I even considered socketing in an Eldritch Knowledge to grab Utmost Intellect. On my journey to where I am now, there are two things that I consider mandatory and that is Acrobatics and Hyrri's Ire and another two things that I really like, that being Aspect of the Spider and Flesh and Stone. Sadly I can only have one of these.
The only thing I changed on your tree is coming off Natural Calm and picking up Void Barrier. I did this because my life total is only 4.6k and my ES is just shy of 50% of that which I believe is the proper ratio and also because I needed that extra 8% all resist at the time. Of all the variations I tried the last few weeks, yours is by far the tankiest (is this even a word), with more than enough firepower to do anything in the game. I think I can stop tinkering with this build now. Thanks for putting your build up, I learned a lot from you. I bought a Watcher's Eye last night. My final gears. And one last thing, never put a 5 link on a six socket chest, either do 2 + 4 or six link it, that last socket is useless. On a 2 + 4, I can at least put in a Cwdt and cold snap on it. Zuletzt bearbeitet von IchiMorghulis#4560 um 12.07.2019, 18:24:59
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So, first time killing Shaper and did it with this variation of ED Trickster. It went very smoothly. I died 3 times to him and were my fault for getting hameha'd by his beam.
Maps were also really good with this build. I respeced from Ghazzy's ED build as it was way too squishy. The tankiness/dodge chance in this build pretty much made me unkillable. High tier monoliths were not a problem at all. Going to try Uber Elder in the next couple of days after I upgrade my gear! |
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" Glad to hear it! For the chest, I still haven't bothered upgrading mine, I really need to do it... ^^' I'll probably try out a 6l CwDT setup for a while, see how that goes. I just don't need the damage right now, I'm only using soulrend to kill immortal totems. Good thinking for your tree changes. They are suboptimal for my own setup, can't be bothered to count why. I totally aggree for aspect and flesh and stone, but I still haven't found a good way to run both. I'm actively looking tho. Have fun! :p " Good job ^^ To be fair ED trickster isn't the best for shaper since the damage isn't amazing, some other builds just instakill him... But anyways, it does the job ^^ Also, please quality your gear, you're triggering my OCD :p Good luck out there! ^^ |
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" Thank you for your quick answer! It seemed that i already had one craicic chimeral. I noted that as a hint, bought another one and tried my luck. I think i'm on the right way. Thx again for the awesome guide, although u could have been a bit nicer to a few who critized (justified or not) your build :P Here is my equipment: I just really like Bane and it's area of effect to kill of remaining mobs and clear urnes etc. Don't know why, but i just feel uncomfortable, if i leave them alone. When my Bane is high enough, i will change one of the support gems for despair. Next goal is a watcher eye. I have the funds, but i'm not sure if it is worth the 11ex~, what do u think? Zuletzt bearbeitet von BloodyHawl#4496 um 13.07.2019, 08:12:25
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" Nice gear. You probably don't need vaal grace tho, I think you're already dodge capped. Anyways. I don't know if the watcher's eye is worth it. It's around 10% more damage, so I guess it's not bad? I personally didn't really see a difference between before and after, but since I put all my currency in this char, I did it anyways. As you want I guess ^^ |
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Here is the question: what's more important: aspect of the spider on a belt or 21/20 ED? Have currency only for one of them
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I'd say the 21/20 ED gem. The level of ED boosts your damage by a lot.
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Hi, i haven't really swapped over from the "traditional" setup, but will probably go over to try how i like this variation. As far as pure damage output goes, what would be the best upgrade for me? My budget is right now is about 40ex and 1k chaos.
I know your argument against Blight and Diadem as I have read your OP. I am also aware of your other setup for defensive benefits and they are definitely on my list to try, but right now I'm a bit lost on how to get more damage. Inside my hideout with Malevolence active I get to 280k dot dps tooltip, but people claim they can get to 400k+ and I'm just not sure where such a big gap comes from. Thanks a lot |
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" Hi! So, I looked at your profile a bit in poe.ninja, there is indeed a reason you aren't dealing as much damage as you could. Before the damage, I'd like to point out that your ES amount is very low and could probably be improved. That doesn't matter if you're doing t2 glaciers, but that's something to keep in mind. The reason you aren't dealing as much damage is really simple: you do not have enough increased damage source and chaos multiplier. For reference, I have 520k tooltip dps in hideout with nothing up. ■ You can craft damage on your belt and rings. That's an easy 60% increased damage, around 10% more. ■ You're missing 2*16=32% chaos multiplier on your gloves and amulet. Your blight setup does a whooping 5k dps according to poe.ninja, an elder pair of gloves would boost your ED way above what blight gives you. Around 20% more dps with these two. ■ You took the wrong ascendancy. 8% More with the right one. 20% more if you find a way to generate frenzies (green nightmare should help). ■ You have only one jewel, and it's a 2prop one. I have 3. 6% more damage overall. ■ You do not have a watcher's eye with chaos multiplier. 15% more damage with one. Here's poe.ninja links if you need them: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/david0925/Inalet https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Darkxellmc/Darkxell_JustInTime With all of the above, you'd probably around double your damage. Also, I think you're pathing a bit too much on the left side for life. You can probaby get as much EHP by taking ES instead and save points to get more jewel sockets (life too, and more damage). Good luck! |
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Hi, at the moment I play a Vaal Ice Nova Assassin for farming Glacier. Sadly it is very VERY squishy and I am looking for a solid build to quickly farm Glacier. How does this build interact with the Legion mechanic? Does it clear whole monoliths? If so I really would like to swap to this build cause I like the style of it.
ty |
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