[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

would this be a ssf friendly build?

I know it will be lot of more work to push it into end game...but cane of unraveling might be very hard to get in ssf right?
Cheydinhal schrieb:
would this be a ssf friendly build?

I know it will be lot of more work to push it into end game...but cane of unraveling might be very hard to get in ssf right?

SSF is manageable. I did harvest SSF and found it ok, cane is not that rare but it's also not needed, you can just spellslinger until you get a 6L bow (most likely porcupine card farm) to craft an ED bow

Hyrri's ire is a pain to get though.
Shuggananas schrieb:
Cheydinhal schrieb:
would this be a ssf friendly build?

I know it will be lot of more work to push it into end game...but cane of unraveling might be very hard to get in ssf right?

SSF is manageable. I did harvest SSF and found it ok, cane is not that rare but it's also not needed, you can just spellslinger until you get a 6L bow (most likely porcupine card farm) to craft an ED bow

Hyrri's ire is a pain to get though.

hmm yeah i guess a cane is nice...i dont really understand why do we want a bow? it feels so weird wearing a bow on a caster build :D

Is a +1 chaos wand with some spell dmg and shield with some nice stats not just as good? Sry if this is really noob question lol

ps: i just levelled this build again to maps...and must say its just WAY WAY WAY tankier then the zizaran starter build.....although everything comes with sacrifice...the dmg is also way lower then the zizaran build...so i guess thats normal...the chart is really nice to see what i should do in terms of farming upgrades
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Cheydinhal#5332 um 09.12.2020, 04:35:45
For spellslinger you just play 2 wands with +1 chaos and crafted spell damage and this carries to red maps
Bow gives you +1 gems, +2 support gems. Which translates to +1 to ED and +3 to empower, which means +4 to ED total (on top of the levels empower already gives)

With chaos dot craft on top, it's much stronger than cane
Cheydinhal schrieb:
Is a +1 chaos wand with some spell dmg and shield with some nice stats not just as good?
Playing with wands / spellslinger is good for early levelling, but for endgame bosses you want a second 6-link for blight (killing bosses purely with ED takes ages).

To have 2 6-links you need a staff or bow. The problem with the staff is you can't use offhand / quiver, so you lose a big life + resist stick. On top end a quiver can have ~40% dot multiplier (dot + chaos dot rolls, hunter influence) so together with a +3 bow with ~70% dot multi they beat cane no contest. And you can get 90+ life roll on quiver too.
ahhh lol yeah totally forget u give the empower also this +3 ....holy cow that is huge....

I havent played heist at all....but recently started to really get going in the gauntlet and now in the mayhem....so for flashback i really want to pick a build that can push into end game content.....

I was going for the bonk bonk groundslam champion...but i really dont like the play style....but i really enjoy the ed builds.....
Ill probebly go for a sc ssf as I want to practice end game bosses on sc for my future hc endevours :P

But was kinda afraid this build isnt doable on ssf....but the bow is quite doable....u just need to farm the 6 link bow card i suppose, since it doesnt matter a single bit what bow we get. After that its just find enough mats till u hit the right crafts

And with the hyrri bite...yeah thats a pain, but kintsugi will do until u get that 1 i suppose
Any1 knows if you need a unique warstaff to ancient orb cane of unravelling?
Or will a unique STAFF also work?
Any unique staff. Ancients don't care about base, only class (like you don't need a unique leather belt to ancient HH)
ahh kk thx :)

New question...i just ripped at poorjoy asilum ;(
Probebly to corpse explosion.....and i suspect that is a problem when going into deep delving as well? I never delved much further than 100 depth....but from what i gathered corpse explosion is the biggest thing there....

What can this build change to deal with that?
Will try to hit 90 in endless delve on pure spellslinger I think unless I get a lucky cane and can switch to self cast for the last stretch

Quick and dirty notes for progression
Start :
create ranger : bow + quiver (early start)
shadow : sword + shield (spellslinger switch)
Reroll swords to vaal? >onslaught/AOE
Reroll shields to vaal ? >+1 gems

Start : bow + quiver
Caustic arrow
Lesser poison

level 4 :
level contagion

12 :
level ED x7 (off hand x6)

28 :
SS soulrend (efficacy)
SS contagion
SS ED efficacy swift void
Frenzy hextouch despair lmp/gmp
Flame dash second wind
With spell totem multiple totems

Fossils :
Aberrant : abyssal depths, fungal caverns
Prismatic : frozen hollow, magma fissure
Pristine : magma fissure

Flasks :

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