[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

qwertz schrieb:

Have just recorded a quick & dirty T16 Beyond Delirium with a suprise visit from some syndicate members (nice exalted drop at the end too). Damage & survivability is ok ;)


Wow, thank you! Amazing, that looks really smooth! May I ask you how much essence drain dps you got? If we compare bows may I achieve that too?

I can't believe you don't get any damage, how?? I even couldn't survive without hh... I switched to CI because this life build felt so squishy in the beginning, maybe i've done something terribly wrong...

Hmm, now I really have to think about that since I would need at least helmet & amulet.

That ex drop :D

Edit: watched the video more carefully and saw the dps in the beginning, thank you!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von dynameinert#4544 um 09.11.2020, 13:36:28
dynameinert schrieb:
qwertz schrieb:

Have just recorded a quick & dirty T16 Beyond Delirium with a suprise visit from some syndicate members (nice exalted drop at the end too). Damage & survivability is ok ;)


Wow, thank you! Amazing, that looks really smooth! May I ask you how much essence drain dps you got? If we compare bows may I achieve that too?

I can't believe you don't get any damage, how?? I even couldn't survive without hh... I switched to CI because this life build felt so squishy in the beginning, maybe i've done something terribly wrong...

Hmm, now I really have to think about that since I would need at least helmet & amulet.

That ex drop :D

At the beginning you can see me hovering over the tootip DPS without any buffs up. Tooltip DoT is 825k. With frenzy charges, infusion, flasks, berserk & arcane surge it goes up to 1.6mil.

PoB DPS is higher (up to 4.5mil) with withered stacks and spider nets.

Defense wise
1) Avoidance: 75/75 dodge, 55% chance to evade, wind dancer, phase acrobatics, a lot of movement speed.
2) Reduced damage taken if you do get hit: Berserk, Wind Dancer & Ascendency all give less damage taken.
3) High regen from ED if you get hit. Happens a couple of times in the video.
4) I've also tried to get some chaos res (have 46% chaos / 76% against DoT).

In the video I also use Flesh and stone for blind / reduced damage taken.
For bosses like Sirus or Uber Elder I swap to Aspect of Spider and also swap the green nightmare for spreading rot.
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Zuletzt bearbeitet von qwertz#1626 um 09.11.2020, 13:50:05
One question why if decided to run aspect of spider i do not have nough mana to reserve it ? i need 1%
Zuletzt bearbeitet von janoks#2280 um 09.11.2020, 17:28:54
janoks schrieb:
One question why if decided to run aspect of spider i do not have nough mana to reserve it ? i need 1%

You run spider OR flesh and stone, not both. With how gem starved we are, I'd heavily recommend spider.
You only run both with the diadem setup, that's the point of the helmet.

dynameinert schrieb:
qwertz schrieb:

Have just recorded a quick & dirty T16 Beyond Delirium with a suprise visit from some syndicate members (nice exalted drop at the end too). Damage & survivability is ok ;)


Wow, thank you! Amazing, that looks really smooth! May I ask you how much essence drain dps you got? If we compare bows may I achieve that too?

I can't believe you don't get any damage, how?? I even couldn't survive without hh... I switched to CI because this life build felt so squishy in the beginning, maybe i've done something terribly wrong...

This build needs to stack different defensive layers that synergise with each other to really shine. The hardest part is getting the EHP to survive the oneshots going through dodge. Also, at the beginning, ED's damage is so low that everything gets to hit you, which is very dangerous.
With a bow like you shown, you should have no trouble reaching 1Mil ED tooltip, slightly outperforming what's in the video.
That said, ED will still stay a low damage skill, and it will currently not one tap 100% delirious t19 maps like a random wander/ice shot char would.
Toxic rain still has better clear in very hard maps since it has better damage, but the regen given by ED makes ED far outperform it imo. And in lower density maps, ED is on par with headhunter builds, so there's that too. If you don't like how ED plays and you'd rather one shot the game, do an assassin scaling an explo chest. Penance brand, blade vortex... The damage and clear is so absurdly high that nothing really has time to kill you, and assassin still offers a very fast playstyle (there's 30% movementspeed on the ascendancy alone). Chaos dots might not have been the best choice for juicy game oneshotting.

That said, if you're a few hundread exalts deep and didn't feel the tankyness, there's probably something wrong you did, yeah.
I think im done with this build, so here are some thoughts:

- Best leaguestarter i've played, got to maps with trash gear, some still from act 1, then you can get to endgame bosses with very little investment sub 10-20 ex

- Very fast mapper, perfect for spamming burials, did very well in heist contracts too, perhaps you could even use some IIQ setup with it, didn't test that, can delve to 600 easly, past 600 too with investment

- As for some more challenging content it needs minmaxing, and even then it doesn't always perform, i.e 100% delirium double beyond T17 Maps take forever, especially beyond and delirium bosses, and you'll never be able to clear incursion, legion monolith or blight encounter in time, so not very viable, although you can complete these maps, t19 tropical island delirium farming is alright, but it has same problems as 100% delirium maps

- Survivability is very good, you can facetank a lot of things as long as you have ED regen, sometimes you'll get randomly oneshoted by something but i guess that's the case with all dodge/evasion based builds

Here are my items:

The only thing that id consider upgrading is bow, with synthesised +1 to socketed support gems, but i didn't want to drop 100ex on something that i don't think would improve my damage drastically. Also unaffected by poison mod on Watcher's Eye is imo very cool QoL mod that enabled me to use Soul of Garukhan, if anyone wondered about some extra mods on WE, which i asked earlier, but sadly no one was answering my questions in this thread.

Overall i would recommend the build, as league starter it's 10/10, then it depends on what you want to do. Personally i enjoyed it, and as someone who only played builds where you only held one button, the 1-2(ED+Con) playstyle didn't bother me at all.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Unista#6323 um 09.11.2020, 19:37:53
qwertz schrieb:
SaikoMVP schrieb:
I am feeling like im touching the roof of this build, i dont even know what can upgrade now to get a bit more damage without loosing survivability.

Feel free to have a look through my gear (character qwertz_heist) for some inspiration. I've also focused a lot on trying to get high chaos resistance.

Apart from the boots the gear is self crafted (cost an arm and a leg though).

At first glance I can see gloves & helmet could be upgraded. I'm not sure you're using a watchers eye?

Enhance on berserk is also really important.

I've posted an Uber elder and Sirus kill a few posts back if you want to see the damage in action.

Yeah i got a watcher eye, the problem with enhance berserk is i will have to drop CWDT and IC or dash (diveregent one with phasing) to fit on my build, maybe find a new ring with a socket so i can put my dash there, idk, i guess im in that point where i have to drop defence in order to have more damage, but i think i wont do it, i dont like to die xD.
First of all, thanks for the guide, it is very helpful for a beginner like myself. It helps alot

I've been following the guide thru out but I am still having some issue in reaching the DPS and also not as tanky as the guide suggested (I get one shot every now and then and also die pretty easily when I stand still and got hit by a group)

I've compared a few times with your build but still cant quite figure out what I am missing...

1.I've got a proper bow as suggested in the guide
2.Upgraded the gems
3.Got 3 endurance charges

Any help would be appreciated...

attached is the export of my char

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Fumoffu925#0209 um 09.11.2020, 20:45:55
dynameinert schrieb:
Hey guys one question:

i switched from essence drain to toxic rain because its a lot better for bossing, map clearing is mostly the same when using caustic arrow. But when i run T16 delirium maps for splinter farming it#s very stressful because the damage is slightly too low to do it very comfortably. So i decided to craft a better bow but had very hard problems to roll the right mods on it. And the few times i got it i was very unlucky annulling. This whole crafting is so much frustating and it's not fun at all wasting > 60ex. Finally i was lucky with the anullment of a pretty good ed bow so i decided to keep it because i am very tired of this farming -> fossil buying -> crafting -> failing again -.- ... so my question is, will the damage be enough to go through those t16 deliriums like butter with a +6 bow and essence drain? i sold some of the stuff that i used for essence drain and have to buy it back.. is it worth or should i rather stay toxic rain and try to sell that bow and maybe craft a new one although i very much hate crafting?

Edit: i have no clue about PoB, especially damage calculations for essence drain.

I dont know how are u getting troubles to clean those maps, im personally farming splinters and i can sustain around 80-100 splinter per map with a "defence" setup with the following gems

Flesh and stone, Anomalous Malevolence, Anomalous Discipline and Enlighten support.

Then i did try a new "offensive" setup with the following gems

Zealotry, Anomalous Malevolence, Anomalous Discipline and Enlighten support.

For this both gems setup you need the devouring helmet and you need to path to charisma to fit zealotry on the build, its a lot of damage, this is my personal setup now and with this one im able to push up my average splinter per map to a 120, and my personal record to 193 splinter in a single map.

The bad thing is you will lose quite some energy shield, in my case 280 points.

And all this with a +5 bow so man with that bow you should do even more damage than me.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von SaikoMVP#6879 um 09.11.2020, 22:24:43

First of all: thank you for the amazing build :)
It’s my second char this season and I really like it.

The only thing I having trouble with is the heists.
After I crack the alarm, the big mob packs behind the doors are often to much for me.

Since I’m playing on PlayStation, I don’t know how to link my char here - so a quick list of the most important things about my setup:
- lvl 73
- 5L cane
- 5L kintsugi
- Vertex Helm with lvl 3 enlighten
- Rest is rare gear to fix resistances
- 3 of 4 labs done (I can’t get that last trail...)

Early yellow maps are super easy, but heists are killing me.
You guys have a tip what I need to watch out for?
Do I need to lvl up more and get the gems higher first?

I just compared the skill trees with my current one and I noticed, that I haven´t taken "quick recovery" and "ind over matter" yet.
Guess I will do that and then try again...

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Morb_84#9037 um 10.11.2020, 00:14:57
SaikoMVP schrieb:

I dont know how are u getting troubles to clean those maps, im personally farming splinters and i can sustain around 80-100 splinter per map with a "defence" setup with the following gems

Flesh and stone, Anomalous Malevolence, Anomalous Discipline and Enlighten support.

Then i did try a new "offensive" setup with the following gems

Zealotry, Anomalous Malevolence, Anomalous Discipline and Enlighten support.

For this both gems setup you need the devouring helmet and you need to path to charisma to fit zealotry on the build, its a lot of damage, this is my personal setup now and with this one im able to push up my average splinter per map to a 120, and my personal record to 193 splinter in a single map.

The bad thing is you will lose quite some energy shield, in my case 280 points.

And all this with a +5 bow so man with that bow you should do even more damage than me.

Well i wouldn't call it troubles, it just doesn't feel comfortable and since these maps became my main income source i want to improve that. I was skeptical about essence drain could even run those maps and i am very happy it can, even way better and smoother than with my toxic rain/caustic arrow setup. The bossing should be a bit worse tho but that doesn't matter since i only do awakener 8 which already worked when i was essence drain with worse gear.

I'm really not sure if i should go back to ed tho, would cost me another 40ex just to try... maybe it's worth it. Sadly i'm currently broke af :D


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