[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
" The PoB section is 3.9 already. " Yep, pretty much. If your goal is just to kill sirus, big damage trivialises him. A good old necro is probably the cheapest/most straightforward way to do this. Level 8 sirus is perfectly doable. I did 2 deaths level 6 (5% less boss health, no big diff) with garbage gear. That said, due to the way the fight rolls it's better to just oneshot all phases and ignore all mechanics... LL mines are indeed a great ways to do that. Like every goddamn league :'/ " Very long uptime flask. The buff is also kinda nice, but mostly because of the 4 uses 6.5 seconds uptime, allowing warding to always be there when needed. Feel free to swap to a jade or basalt if you don't like it ^^ |
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" Usually it is so, but to reach cap block, those builds use glancing blows keystone from the kiloava's lethal pride, so now they block only 50% damage. |
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" I killed it twice. 1 deathless, another 4 death because of the storm. The fight is easy but storms are too random ... My char has 30/40 ex budget. |
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" I must say I'm ashamed. I ripped a sirus set yesterday by dying twice in the first phase and made him summon 2 additionnal storms. I wanted to record a deathless kill and was very confident it would be fine. I got oneshot twice by rain of stars in the fighting phase. I thought it was a bug, since the hovering clone isn't supposed to use that attack during fighting phases. He does, but a nerfed version that is usually ignorable, the only thing that matters is the desolated ground it leaves behind. Turns out the reason it consistently oneshot me was... My 49% fire res. Cleared 8mod phoenixes (twice) and uber elder, as well as hard constrictors. Now i understand better why burning ground was feeling very hot, why tolman corpse explosions were obliterating me and why any fire hit would do insane damage. I was really worried as I felt really squishy for some weird reason... I invested in much better gear now (farmed 15ex yesterday, setup went from 3ex total to ~10), and I'll fix my jewellry to be rescapped tomorrow. I'll record a deathless kill next time I get to sirus, or I carry someone. Sorry for the wait lol. Gl hf. Don't be like me... >< |
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Anyone able to take a look at my character and tell me where I can improve?
I dropped cane of unraveling because I needed more defense from an ES shield. Definitely better now but now my damage obviously is lacking. Red Maps are too tough right now, still get one shot too easily with the slow AF casting speed of 1-2 Contagion Ed combo. Damage is lacking too, things aren;t really opping outside of white maps. I've blown about 150 c on this character and Im pretty disappointed so far since I thought ED Contagionw as top-tier but right now my SRS league starter with like 15c investment is disgustingly further along. Only have 2 exalts worth of currency and can't seem to progress far enough into any content that will give me anything worthwhile so I feel pretty stuck right now. Wondering if I should switch to Devouring Diadem and Cloak of Defiance to save the passives to invest in some tankier nodes. Also thinking of putting Bane with maybe Temp Chains or Enfeeble in my shield Any help is appreciated. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Goldenhawk07#5154 um 02.01.2020, 12:07:18
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" Well, dude... i wouldn't mention that you are on 5-link, but your ED is 18 lvl. And even starting point of it! So that means that you tried the red map with 17 lvl? Your damage would be so small that i'm not surprised that you die all the time. Ok, lets get to it from the start. Lets be fair, for usual map clear - you don't really need much defense. ED characters are such thing: they encounter the pack - they delete the pack, rinse and repeat. If your damage is lacking, then monsters that usually die before doing anything now get a chance to kill you. So in the nutshell, before you get your character actually tanky and going, your best defense will be an offense. So ditching the cane of unraveling was a huge mistake. Secondly, you are 74 lvl. What exactly are you doing in red maps? That lvl don't have any exp penality even for T1 maps. You should clear white ones, yellow at most. Don't jump on something that you can't chew. I admire your confidence to even try red map with 2.9k life, and 100k ED dot. The best advice would probably be - don't act like a summoner. They usually can get away with things that other characters will be just dead meat. Just don't jump into content that not for your level. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Med1umentor#6844 um 02.01.2020, 13:02:17
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Hi and thanks a lot for the guide. I love the play style of ED+contagion, watching packs just crumble before you :D However, I'm in red maps now, and the single target is awful for my character. Can anyone please take a look and give me some advice (character name EddyContagious)?
Considering upgrading to a bow, but they are 10 ex on PS4 and I don't have the multimod prophecies nor the Jun crafts yet to craft my own bow (yet). Also, keep in mind that the only lvl 4 empower for sale on PS4 costs like 20 ex. So that's a big nope for now :< |
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" How...? 15ex is usually my budget for the entire league. I must be doing something very wrong and I've been playing since 2012 :( Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots. "You want my sockets?" |
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Today I started red maps and my damage feels a bit low. I'm crafting the bow, this is what I got:
I must multimod + level support gem + chaos damage over time or should I remove crit too? Some bosses start to oneshot me, maybe my HP/ES+mana is wrong? Maybe it is time to add min. endurance charge or what should I improve? Thkx again for this amazing build. |
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" Yeah sorry I should have been more clear; I don't mean I should be able to do Reds im just using that as a sort of barometer for where I'm at. I'm probably at about T6-8 comfortably depending on boss and meta mods. I'm more wondering where to go from here. What upgrades to focus on and prioritize, I made some passive changes and went back to Cane so I'm probably in a better situation than I was in. I feel like I need significantly more Health, a bit more ES, a lot more Cast Speed or some what to otherwise avouid spellcasting interruptions, and I'd like to know how I'm supposed to use MoM when I have mana reserved, or does that not matter because MoM will take from my ES? If so how do I know when's a good time to go into that node? You make a good pint though that I need to kill faster to stay safe, my cast speed is what's killing me there I think, doing the combo even on a pack at the edge of the screen sometimes means getting too close for my comfort. |
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