[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
" dude^^ ur a beast...or im probably just bad^^ with those map mods i would have died atleast 3 times only in the map... about the boss fight, i have no clue why there was no dot... maybe ggg changed the encounter mid league? have fought him about 2 weeks into the league and never again after that. guess we are fine :D |
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" Absolutely understandable. Then do you have any recommendations in terms of how to read the guide. Clearly don't try to apply word for word as some stuff will be out of date. How best to make sure that the end-game build is correctly set up? Just following the updated POB should do it? |
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Is there any reason to squeeze vaal righteous fire in this build? I have no idea how effective it is in terms of dps vs socket. Just thought I'd ask since I saw you mentioned dropping totems and always liked having this boss mode button previously.
Definitely playing this in 3.11, and excited to follow your updates. Checking in on this way too frequently. Thanks for all your work! Zuletzt bearbeitet von chrishobbel#6453 um 17.06.2020, 16:57:16
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Available in harvest btw! Bumps my tooltip from 777k to 924k. This thing is a beast of a weapon. Edit: Slammed it. Meh mod, but at least useful. T1 res would have been pog. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Darkxellmc#0807 um 17.06.2020, 17:07:17
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" What bases and mods would you be looking for on a crafted rare quiver? I got about 6% more DPS with 18% to Damage over Time Multiplier. Would I just look for that, life, and resistances? |
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Would be nice to see modified leveling section to use spell slinger ED Con / Bane since its a much smoother leveling experience.
I found leveling with spellslinger ED Con much better after my test today its really smooth compared to casting both skills and can easily take you to maps before changing into the standard setup. |
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Hey there, just wanted to give you a quick shoutout. I updated my build guide for 3.11 and took the time to mention your guide as an alternative. Happy league start. :)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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"Half of it is probably the fact POB doesn't account for it atm (unless there's a newer version, I downloaded POB fork today and it was in red text). The other half of it is that calculating mob increased damage taken is much more complicated than simple damage buffs on player. Especially with wither, it's a bit hard to know in real scenario what's the average uptime and number of stacks of withered you have. But at 15 stacks of withered this is probably worth closer to 20% chaos multi rather than old 10% corruption had. "I reckon this was discussed before and the answer was along the lines "if you don't play a burst spec that can kill the boss within vaal RF duration it's not worth the hassle", because let's be honest, ED / contagion / blight all take multiple sockets so the build is already stretched thin on them. "I think the 2 mods you'd get most value out of is hunter influenced chaos dot multi (goes up to 25%) and generic dot multi (goes up to 18%), then ofc you'd want decent amount of life. Anything past those 3 mods together starts going into unrealistic territory but maybe with harvest crafting there are some extra options to tweak it further? Also base / implicit doesn't matter, I don't think there's anything useful there. Just needs to be high lvl hunter base. |
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" ^this would lift the guide to another lvl and is 100% worth it... saved me like 3h in my last test run... reduced the time of a10 kitava kill from 8hours to 5hours and im not a racer at all lol... its realy not a big deal to create ruff lvling guide for this, since its super easy even if u not optimize every step. like, lvl 1-28: look for two G-G-G (preferably not bow or chest but either will do) collect, ident and sell all rare drops u aint using to collect alterations... u will need them to buy all the gems when u do the switch. skills used (till lvl28): caustic arrow + pierce + mirage archer G-G-G toxic rain + void manipulation + onslaught or faster attacks G-G-G single target pre merveil -> punkture + lesser poisen G-G skitter bots smoke mine/flamedash/frostblink... pick something or what fits ur links --- switch to spell slinger at lvl28 (ruffly in act3 before or after piety kill): drop the bow and use 2 wands good mods: +1 chaos gems/spell dmg/dot multi soulrend + controlled destruction (replaced later by efficacy) + spell slinger (later add gmp when u have a 4link) B-B-B-(G) essence drain + controlled destruction + spell slinger (later add efficacy when u have a 4link) B-B-B-B contagion + spell slinger B-B frenzy + faster attack G-G bane + dispair (add controlled destruction if u have a spare 3link) B-B wither + spell totem support + multi totem support R-R-B --- done... hf up to high yellow maps or even higher with some investment (but recommend switch to the original build at that point) Zuletzt bearbeitet von sasori1337#6305 um 18.06.2020, 01:42:21
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" Changelog is added, you should find everything needed in it. I'll update the PoBs tomorrow, it's 2am now. The rest of the build is fully updated, as far as I know. Might have missed a few things, but I did my best ^^' The changelog is at the bottom the the thread. " Oh yeah I saw that, looking sick! Gratz for your 40 challenges, didn't notice ^^' Have a good leaguestart too! " Hehe, doing my best to get everything ready in time! Vaal RF just isn't worth a socket imo. It lasts for a bit since we have good skill effect duration, but it's not very useful. Either you oneshot a mob, and more damage is useless, either you don't, and it'll still be alive when vaalRF ends, making it kinda shit. VaalRF is amazing on builds that want a quick "burst" button, but ED doesn't lend itself very well to a burst playstyle... 15% more damage for a few seconds kinda changes nothing. If we had 2 more sockets, we'd use CwDT-Steelskin, that's insane value with wind dancer and I'm tilted I still haven't found a way to free the sockets. Anyways. You'll be happy, shit's mostly updated now ~<3 " Thanks! I'll see what I can do with this. I don't know much about it, never done it myself. I don't have time to write a full leveling section with item links again, i think I'll just quote you in the guide somewhere. I'll check this out in more details tomorrow. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Darkxellmc#0807 um 17.06.2020, 20:17:37
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