[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
" Thanks for the help! Here's the final product Btw, I bought it for 10 ex. Neither I nor the seller were sure about the correct price. What do you think? Also, I can't find rings with 3+ % increased life. Did they change the mod or are the rings just difficult to obtain? Thanks again for the build and all your effort! |
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Hey man, loved the build, first build I've done to fully clear all most all end game. I've started min/maxing but don't know what to go for, any suggestions? |
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" 10ex? You practically stole it! Got it in a perfectly craftable state. No risky annuls, imprints and regals, or any of that nonsense. Good job! |
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" 1. Perfect fossil can go up to 30% so it's better than 20% from whetstones. This is to increase the chance of 6-linking it faster only btw, won't affect your target dps. So count your odds of price of fusings vs price of perfect fossils so you don't overpay either way. 2. Quality there are 3 recipes: accuracy + quality crit + quality attack speed + quality (not sure if there are more) pick the cheapest one The bow can then go up to 48% quality in perfect scenario (30 from fossil + 18 from craft), again this is only for 6-linking nothing else. You will remove that craft later. If the bow is blue or yellow shouldn't matter for 6-linking from what I know. 3. If you have a bow with 2 suffixes, you can guarantee +1 to socketed gem prefix by crafting "cannot roll attack modifiers" and using an exalt. Because every other prefix is an attack mod on bows, assuming the bow doesn't have any influence before that. Otherwise you risk getting an influence mod. Also 2-suffix bow with CRAM craft has all suffixes taken, because craft takes 3rd. If you have 1 suffix bow and you want to preserve 1 suffix open for later slam with redeemer or warlord orb or w/e else you like, then you have to block both suffixes with "can have 3 crafted modifiers" (aka multimod) and "cannot roll attack modifiers" that will take both suffix slots and guarantee a prefix. This will cost you 2 extra exalts. Because you will have to remove it and recraft the bench mods after, you can't remove only the CRAM mod and keep the multimod from what I know to avoid paying twice for it. If you craft CRAM on a 1-suffix bow you risk 50% chance for exalt slam to create a suffix instead of desired prefix (+1 to gems). And probably something disappointing like a resistance roll. |
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" How tf did you get that bow? Given your current state of gear, I would try to craft a better amulet, ie one with life. Your gloves can probably be improved a bit too for more chaos multi, but it's a very hard craft to beat the t1 life roll you got there. I'm not a big fan of your gem setup either, tbh. No incAOE-Intensify on contagion surely reduces your clear a lot. The setup in your chest is also... interesting. Less casting, but doesn't benefit from infusion for 10% more overall damage, and is much slower at casting wither (that lasts less time due to swift affliction). Of course, if you're comfortable with these gems setup, feel free to keep them. I just wouldn't personally play like this. Last thing, swap IC for steelskin if you can. You can't consume permanent charges, and if you have enough strength, steelskin will provide more benefits. You may also level up a bit. Given the state of your gear, you are most likely more than able to afford pure elemental stones to run in rotas to xp very fast to 97+ (or just delve lol) " 3%+ life rings were nerfed. Guza's mod used to be 5% (6 with quality) + t1 life in a single prefix. It has been reduced to 2%. This makes vermillion rings slightly better (but harder to gear for for resistances). A two toned ring with the mod is still really hard to beat, and an amazing piece of gear tho. About the price of the amulet: I think 10ex is fine. It's on the cheap side, I would have paid 15. But honestly, it's a niche item (base, mostly, and no one searches for double +1 since it's rare), and this late into the league, you're probably one of the only ones to have seen the trade listing anyways. If you wouldn't have bought it, it'd probably still be listed. So, there's no such thing as a "right" price in that situation, it's just about the agreement you make with the seller. |
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Here’s a nice screen shot of me standing in Sirius’ die beam on awakener 8. I was out of portals but my DoT killed him before I died! Man I need to learn this fight better. Kosis is nothing now, even at 100% delirious. His mechanics are so easy.
https://ibb.co/s6m8Npc Zuletzt bearbeitet von IceColdPorkSoda#4143 um 28.05.2020, 12:54:47
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Considering this on HC in the next league. Is it suitable as a league starter?
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" For HC trade league yes. For SSF, no. |
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Question for the experts: Should I swap soul strike for a quiver with life and chaos dot multi? Right now I have only 4.6k HP and 2.2k ES with Soul Strike, because I can't afford life on my hubris circlet or +1 amulet yet. With another rare quiver I already have I can get 4.8k HP and 2.0k ES with 19% chaos dot multi, but slower ES recharge.
It seems like an almost inconsequential difference, and that I should just focus on farming to upgrade life gear. Zuletzt bearbeitet von GERWARIC#7694 um 29.05.2020, 12:29:19
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I am having a blast playing with this build! I am doing some tinkering with the build and have a couple of questions for the veteran players. First, when you cap resistances on a character, what do you try to get? I usually overcap the resistances to about 105% to help overcome the elemental weakness curse. I also want your advice for chaos resistance. I aim for -10% or so on chaos resistance. What do you recommend?
I am using the CWDT setup in my chest. One of the gems that I use is enfeeble. Does the enfeeble curse work in conjunction with the Witchfire brew despair curse? I don't have an extra curse enabled in my build. Finally, I want some advice on crafting this ring. I have a Vermillion ring that I crafted last night using a ton of alteration orbs. I was trying to get some strength so that I can raise the level of my steelskin gem. I am thinking that the best way to continue crafting is to add the Endurance Charge, then add caster catalysts, and try to slam a crusader's exalted orb on it for spell damage. If the first crusader's exalted orb gives me a different mod, can I slam the ring again with another crusader's exalted orb for another crusader mod? I have never tried that and I am usually running too tight on funds to experiment. Thanks in advance for the advice! By the way, I am not sure how to put the image of the ring in this post, so I am just guessing how to! Ring has 53 strength, 69 life, 47 fire resistance. Zuletzt bearbeitet von fpcards#2812 um 29.05.2020, 16:13:40
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