[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

does the 5ex ed bow have more dps than cane of unravelling or is it for the soul strike's es recharge?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von TheSThe#1584 um 22.03.2020, 14:28:15
Great build, I've been playing around with clusters, and it looks like it is actually worth it to add an additional large cluster jewel over the Atrophy wheel up top if you can get a good enough one with 8 slots, 3 notables, 2 jewel sockets.

Atrophy costs 6 points, for 7 points you can add Wicked Pall + Unholy Grace + (Touch of cruelty or Unwaveringly evil) and 2 jewel sockets for an increase in damage and survivability as long as you have a good enough regular jewel for the 2nd jewel socket. It also gives you the option to annoint Atrophy for even more damage at the cost of survivability.

It may even be worthwhile to drop the Method to the Madness wheel and small jewel slot for 7 more points and add an additional Medium or medium + small jewel also. Seems like theres a lot of cool stuff you can do with cluster jewels.

Here's the jewels for reference:

Zuletzt bearbeitet von ShAd0w3d#3022 um 22.03.2020, 14:33:01

Not sure what I should do next. feeling like i'm reaching an end to this build. Have all jewels except watchers eye at the moment. Any idea's on what to upgrade? Possibly level 4 empower or ammy with skills/chaos multi?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von DrRats#5197 um 22.03.2020, 14:48:42
TheSThe schrieb:
does the 5ex ed bow have more dps than cane of unravelling or is it for the soul strike's es recharge?

Yes, significantly more.
ShAd0w3d schrieb:
Great build, I've been playing around with clusters, and it looks like it is actually worth it to add an additional large cluster jewel over the Atrophy wheel up top if you can get a good enough one with 8 slots, 3 notables, 2 jewel sockets.

Atrophy costs 6 points, for 7 points you can add Wicked Pall + Unholy Grace + (Touch of cruelty or Unwaveringly evil) and 2 jewel sockets for an increase in damage and survivability as long as you have a good enough regular jewel for the 2nd jewel socket. It also gives you the option to annoint Atrophy for even more damage at the cost of survivability.

It may even be worthwhile to drop the Method to the Madness wheel and small jewel slot for 7 more points and add an additional Medium or medium + small jewel also. Seems like theres a lot of cool stuff you can do with cluster jewels.

Here's the jewels for reference:

Yep clusters are great, what I ended up doing is dropping all but 2 regular jewel slots (Brutal Restraint + Transcendent Mind) I dropped green nightmare as I have more then enough dodge (65% with nothing up) I also dropped Surivalist, put points back into atrophy and then run

and use those jewel slots at the end of medium jewels for stuff like

so setup ends up looking like this https://gyazo.com/89837f3d60a7671375199642c9c2bd6d

if you insist on using green nightmare+survivalist i guess you could drop atrophy but for me dodge I didn't need, was elemental capped without it and atrophy was 14% more dmg for all content whilst green nightmare was 12% more dmg for map clear, 0 for bosses.

this puts me at exactly 1 million ED dot DPS(1,15 mil with spider) in game, 7,4k EHP + 65/50% dodge chance completely unbufeed.

I don't think small jewels are worth it, I wanted to drop Method to the Madness and Atrophy but it just ends up that you want to play them both as you can't socket medium clusters into medium clusters only solution would be either get unique large jewel that costs 1 mirror xd or go for new cluster slot which is too expensive to reach. Oh and touch of cruelty sadly sucks as does arcane heroism since only spell we "hit" with is essence drain projectile, making the uptime dreadful.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von kuriisu#1384 um 22.03.2020, 15:09:59
hi im loving the build so far just that i play on console and our league started wednesday , only saw 1 vertex so far for 3-4ex what would be a good alternative till it becomes cheap?

First of all thanks for the guide! 10/10. It explains almost everything step by step and it´s very easy to follow.
I´ve been having so much fun trying this build that i decided to invest all my currency on it.

According to the guide i think crafting a 6L ED bow it´s the first step; because i have 5ex ready for it. I followed your crafting tips and have the base (6L short bow with +1 to socketed gems). Unfortunately i don´t have the mods on my bench, so can any of you help me with that?
Geicolax schrieb:
sry but i dont know why you all are doing so gr8 with this build. i spend 25 ex. and bought all the gg gear (bow armour helmet and so on excepc the jewel) all my resis are @75% or higher and i have 18k evasion even 40k with flasks 4,5k life 1,9k es 300 unreserved mana. I used the skill tree thats showen in the video. i tryed a t13 map clearspeed was slow and i didnt even dealed damage to the boss at all. ofc i used a map that has mod on it that arent bad for this build but still not even close to what i expected...
well i need someone to help me with this build or explain to me why mine sucks so hard. pls msg me

How tf did you get 25ex with one char in the league and can't even play ED/contagion properly? That's impressive
kuriisu schrieb:
ShAd0w3d schrieb:
Great build, I've been playing around with clusters, and it looks like it is actually worth it to add an additional large cluster jewel over the Atrophy wheel up top if you can get a good enough one with 8 slots, 3 notables, 2 jewel sockets.

Atrophy costs 6 points, for 7 points you can add Wicked Pall + Unholy Grace + (Touch of cruelty or Unwaveringly evil) and 2 jewel sockets for an increase in damage and survivability as long as you have a good enough regular jewel for the 2nd jewel socket. It also gives you the option to annoint Atrophy for even more damage at the cost of survivability.

It may even be worthwhile to drop the Method to the Madness wheel and small jewel slot for 7 more points and add an additional Medium or medium + small jewel also. Seems like theres a lot of cool stuff you can do with cluster jewels.

Here's the jewels for reference:

Yep clusters are great, what I ended up doing is dropping all but 2 regular jewel slots (Brutal Restraint + Transcendent Mind) I dropped green nightmare as I have more then enough dodge (65% with nothing up) I also dropped Surivalist, put points back into atrophy and then run

and use those jewel slots at the end of medium jewels for stuff like

so setup ends up looking like this https://gyazo.com/89837f3d60a7671375199642c9c2bd6d

if you insist on using green nightmare+survivalist i guess you could drop atrophy but for me dodge I didn't need, was elemental capped without it and atrophy was 14% more dmg for all content whilst green nightmare was 12% more dmg for map clear, 0 for bosses.

this puts me at exactly 1 million ED dot DPS(1,15 mil with spider) in game, 7,4k EHP + 65/50% dodge chance completely unbufeed.

I don't think small jewels are worth it, I wanted to drop Method to the Madness and Atrophy but it just ends up that you want to play them both as you can't socket medium clusters into medium clusters only solution would be either get unique large jewel that costs 1 mirror xd or go for new cluster slot which is too expensive to reach. Oh and touch of cruelty sadly sucks as does arcane heroism since only spell we "hit" with is essence drain projectile, making the uptime dreadful.

How are you getting 65% dodge? With pots I have 65%, but just in hideout it is showing 51% attacks and 56% spells. if i gave up surviv and green night it would lower that still? Are you thinking the trade-off is worth it for the clusters?
kuriisu schrieb:
ShAd0w3d schrieb:
Great build, I've been playing around with clusters, and it looks like it is actually worth it to add an additional large cluster jewel over the Atrophy wheel up top if you can get a good enough one with 8 slots, 3 notables, 2 jewel sockets.

Atrophy costs 6 points, for 7 points you can add Wicked Pall + Unholy Grace + (Touch of cruelty or Unwaveringly evil) and 2 jewel sockets for an increase in damage and survivability as long as you have a good enough regular jewel for the 2nd jewel socket. It also gives you the option to annoint Atrophy for even more damage at the cost of survivability.

It may even be worthwhile to drop the Method to the Madness wheel and small jewel slot for 7 more points and add an additional Medium or medium + small jewel also. Seems like theres a lot of cool stuff you can do with cluster jewels.

Here's the jewels for reference:

Yep clusters are great, what I ended up doing is dropping all but 2 regular jewel slots (Brutal Restraint + Transcendent Mind) I dropped green nightmare as I have more then enough dodge (65% with nothing up) I also dropped Surivalist, put points back into atrophy and then run

and use those jewel slots at the end of medium jewels for stuff like

so setup ends up looking like this https://gyazo.com/89837f3d60a7671375199642c9c2bd6d

if you insist on using green nightmare+survivalist i guess you could drop atrophy but for me dodge I didn't need, was elemental capped without it and atrophy was 14% more dmg for all content whilst green nightmare was 12% more dmg for map clear, 0 for bosses.

this puts me at exactly 1 million ED dot DPS(1,15 mil with spider) in game, 7,4k EHP + 65/50% dodge chance completely unbufeed.

I don't think small jewels are worth it, I wanted to drop Method to the Madness and Atrophy but it just ends up that you want to play them both as you can't socket medium clusters into medium clusters only solution would be either get unique large jewel that costs 1 mirror xd or go for new cluster slot which is too expensive to reach. Oh and touch of cruelty sadly sucks as does arcane heroism since only spell we "hit" with is essence drain projectile, making the uptime dreadful.

Yeah that makes sense, I think touch is actually pretty good though if you are also running Aspect of the Spider since it should proc off the aspect's hinder also - thats a permanent 10% more multiplier vs anything you are close to (including bosses)

Also, the small cluster for Elusive does seem very worth it for clear speed unless you get it on boots.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ShAd0w3d#3022 um 22.03.2020, 16:17:33

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