[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Guys a little help someone with a budget gear could post it???? (I have 10ex)

also jewel plssss
Has anyone played around with wanding PS and using Spellslinger for ED/Cont? Trying it now and the power charge gen and culling isn't bad. still working on build (bad RNG this league, only 1 ex so far) but its working alright.

Just wondering what others are trying. I know you lose lots of dps from Cane, but it may be a way to solve the Clunky-ness from dual casting.

This is current setup btw, yes i know gear isn't nearly min-maxed, been getting bad rng all over place (6 linking good chest and getting good roll on hunter wand i'm building for despair on hit

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Draconas19#1553 um 21.03.2020, 17:35:57
paccianivive schrieb:
Guys a little help someone with a budget gear could post it???? (I have 10ex)

also jewel plssss

Everything you're asking here is literally available on page 1...
dude the budget build its like 20ex? the jewel is different and also some gem I guess
paccianivive schrieb:
dude the budget build its like 20ex? the jewel is different and also some gem I guess

We are week one. 6L cane will drop to 60 chaos and vertex to 10. Then the "3ex budget" costs around 1.5ex.


I'm sorry, I can't check everyone's gear anymore.
Try to read the Faq if you have a question. Otherwise I see a lot of people helping, so I hope you'll get someone to look at your gear if you need help.
But I can't spend my whole life on this thread. I already read everything, can't check everyone's profile, sorry. No, I can't tell you what to upgrade next. The build guide has budget-midrange-expensive items for each slot, so pick one in your budget category and get the midrange item. DO this for all items one by one, and then to the expensive category, and you're done.
Start with damage imo.

Gl hf!
Cheapest way to get a 6l Maraketh bow (3-4ex) and a 6L Hyrris (6ex)? Is it to sell fuses or to buy one and try six linking the other?
Transcendent mind and spreading rot have different effects
I'm having trouble with the Awakener fight, the first phase is easy (A6, killed him on A5), but the big laser that follows you in the second phase keeps oneshotting me. My profile is public, am I missing something tree- or gear-wise? Anybody got any tips for me?
i know this build is mainly for clearing but I feel my single target dps is very very bad, can someone please help and tell me what's the main thing i should get to increase it?

orbar24 schrieb:
i know this build is mainly for clearing but I feel my single target dps is very very bad, can someone please help and tell me what's the main thing i should get to increase it?


Same here, i have some extra dmg on gloves and amulet and still nothing...
I just had a 10 min fight with eradicator, he literally bored me to death.

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