[3.7] Essence Drain/Contagion Trickster (the best one)

PanderingFool schrieb:
How is everyone dealing with Mana reservation?

I have Malevolence in an Essence Worm. Flesh and Stone, Blasphemy-Despair, and Artic Armour with Enlighten in a 5L. I'd like to get another ring and move Malevolence to a different slot, but I just don't have the Mana for it. Aul's is out of the question at the momwnt. I could get something for Despair mana reservation, but that still won't cut it.

Appreciate any ideas you guys can throw my way.

I'm using a 4 aura setup with perfect form, so I didn't go for MoM... Arctic armour, malevolence, despair, flesh and stone. Need Perfect Form and Impresence for this, but it's quite viable.

I'l changing to MF to farm BC for Doctor cards, so I might drop Arctic armour and Despair.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
so after you make that 6L bow, what do u do with the 6L in your chest?
Riyomorii schrieb:
I just got Perfect Form as my armour.

May I check what are the passives I am able to respec from?

Where should I allocate these excess points to?

You can drop Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics. That should save you 9 points total. Use them wherever you want, you should know what you'd like best. Pick up more HP, damage, Overcharged, some keystone that looks interesting, etc... Your characters aren't visible so can't give any specific recommendations.

randagast schrieb:
so after you make that 6L bow, what do u do with the 6L in your chest?

Most people seem to use that for Vaal Blight or as a 4L + 2L or 2x 3L for utility stuff depending on build/preference. Look around on here at people who look interesting to you: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?skill=Essence-Drain&weapon=Bow
Zuletzt bearbeitet von matt__#6745 um 07.07.2019, 16:29:56
matt__ schrieb:
PanderingFool schrieb:
How is everyone dealing with Mana reservation?

I have Malevolence in an Essence Worm. Flesh and Stone, Blasphemy-Despair, and Artic Armour with Enlighten in a 5L. I'd like to get another ring and move Malevolence to a different slot, but I just don't have the Mana for it. Aul's is out of the question at the momwnt. I could get something for Despair mana reservation, but that still won't cut it.

Appreciate any ideas you guys can throw my way.

Arctic Armor is free, you're using The Perfect Form, so I'm not sure why that would matter.

Unless I did my math wrong a level 4 Enlighten + despair + Flesh and Stone + malevolence would be 96.8% mana reserved. This lets you get rid of Essence Worm and have more mana than you do right now (not by a ton, you're at 97.6% right now). Keeping Malevolence in Essence Worm would be 92.8% reserved. If you got Impresence you could drop the enlighten and essence worm and only have 75% reserved.

So basically get a level 3 or 4 englighten or an Impresence (or drop blasphemy/despair for a Witches Brew).

With Essence Worm, Arctic Armor reserves 8% Mana. I definitely didn't think about the savings from not having the Essence Worm equipped though. Thanks for pointing it out in the math.
PanderingFool schrieb:

With Essence Worm, Arctic Armor reserves 8% Mana. I definitely didn't think about the savings from not having the Essence Worm equipped though. Thanks for pointing it out in the math.

Oh, interesting. I misunderstood how it was working. I treated it as a flat 40% reserved, so all of my math involving Essence Worm is wrong.

Anyone mind checking out my gear / tree and letting me know what direction I should head in next? I've got about 3.5 ex to spend at the moment and I'm not sure what to spend it on. I know my chest is a bit of a mess, but I've had zero issues all the way up to normal shaper. I'd just like to take this to the next level if possible.
Ckwiesr schrieb:

Anyone mind checking out my gear / tree and letting me know what direction I should head in next? I've got about 3.5 ex to spend at the moment and I'm not sure what to spend it on. I know my chest is a bit of a mess, but I've had zero issues all the way up to normal shaper. I'd just like to take this to the next level if possible.

Top choices:
- Boot upgrade (few chaos). Legion drops have made boots with the hybrid prefix "30% movespeed/10-12% chance to dodge attack/spell hits" incredibly common. You can likely get a 30% movespeed, 12% dodge, 80+ life, some small resistances pair of boots for under 5c. It's ridiculously cheap.
- Level 21 ED

After those:
- Perfect Form. QotF is a pretty good chest for monolith farming actually. You don't need to upgrade it, but Perfect Form is the way to go if you do. Just get it 6-socketed but not 6-linked and use it as a utility space for leftover gems.
- Helm/quiver/belt are all in the same boat. They've all got 3-4 useful affixes, so upgrading them to be 5-6 useful affixes would help.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von rlauren2#1350 um 08.07.2019, 09:39:33
rlauren2 schrieb:
Ckwiesr schrieb:

Anyone mind checking out my gear / tree and letting me know what direction I should head in next? I've got about 3.5 ex to spend at the moment and I'm not sure what to spend it on. I know my chest is a bit of a mess, but I've had zero issues all the way up to normal shaper. I'd just like to take this to the next level if possible.

Top choices:
- Boot upgrade (few chaos). Legion drops have made boots with the hybrid prefix "30% movespeed/10-12% chance to dodge attack/spell hits" incredibly common. You can likely get a 30% movespeed, 12% dodge, 80+ life, some small resistances pair of boots for under 5c. It's ridiculously cheap.
- Level 21 ED

After those:
- Perfect Form. QotF is a pretty good chest for monolith farming actually. You don't need to upgrade it, but Perfect Form is the way to go if you do. Just get it 6-socketed but not 6-linked and use it as a utility space for leftover gems.
- Helm/quiver/belt are all in the same boat. They've all got 3-4 useful affixes, so upgrading them to be 5-6 useful affixes would help.

Awesome, thank you for the info. Would you mind checking out my tree if you have a second? Character is cK_Ed. Once I get the perfect form I spec out of PA correct?
i noticed people have swapped faster casting with arcane surge linked with contagion. does that stack with the arcane surge mod on the bow and what level of arcane surge do we get from the bow?

i'm currently using QotF and i don't have phase acro - playing ssf and haven't found a perfect form. i feel like i would lose too much life/damage if i respec into phase acro. i'm about to take on shaper and urber atziri and i'm a little worried about my defenses. would you guys recommend respeccing into phase acro, and what would you spec out of?

if anyone has time to check out my build i'm open to recommendations

edit: i haven't unveiled the +2 support gems mod yet
Zuletzt bearbeitet von qaizr#7884 um 08.07.2019, 14:50:46
Do u have any lvling skill trees? Feel kinda confused over what i should save for the later lvls

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