[3.9] Pirate's Sire of Shards Fireball Miner [Beginner/console friendly]
LEVEL NINETY UPDATE! Current status in Blight:
-Cleanly running T14/T15 maps and taking all comers, including a few Maraketh monoliths and plenty of Blight bosses and Syndicate events. 119/159 Atlas progression, still waiting for T16s to start dropping :'( -Atziri, (non-uber) Elder, and Mastermind down very, very easily. Someone at GGG might really want to look at the hilariously busted interaction between immolate and pyroclast mines, just sayin... -Done a bunch of uberlab carries, build confirmed super-effective -Mostly working on finishing Zana questline and filling Atlas in, occasionally shooting some video when I'm not blasting music or having dumb conversations with guildmates (but sometimes those conversations creep in anyway XD) " No can do, at least not until GGG allows us to selectively keep certain characters private. I've always got some W-I-P builds that are barely-half-cooked and in need of tons more tweaking. I updated the Gear and POB sections with my current loadout, which should help you along plenty. I don't think I understand what the issue you're having with the SOS is though? It's a staff. Staves can get 6 sockets. Getting 3 green sockets on it is the only tricky part XD. Zuletzt bearbeitet von ARealLifeCaribbeanPirate#2605 um 16.09.2019, 05:47:32
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" i am so stupid , was thinking it is one handed and may have only 3 :D Zuletzt bearbeitet von unhack#7330 um 16.09.2019, 06:24:55
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what do you think about Xoph's blood? would that suit this build?
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" That's an interesting question! I actually had to go into POB and play around a bit, because it's not something I even looked at. The life version: Xoph's Blood is a decent mid-late amulet on this build if you have one lying around somewhere, but they're far too rare/expensive to be worth buying just for this miner because you'll eventually be changing off of it anyway. It gives you slightly more hp than a decent rare, but actually ends up being much less damage than a rare amulet with some spell damage and crit multi because this build already has such a ridiculous amount of fire pen, which is where the damage boost of Xoph comes from. The biggest difference is going to be in your late-game utility, though: Xoph's gives Avatar of Fire, which means you can't do cold damage to freeze enemies. And not being able to freeze/shatter in deep delves makes things a lot harder than they have to be. The ES version: no, you want Presence of Chayula, zero exceptions. Being stunned as an ES miner means you are going to die. Zuletzt bearbeitet von ARealLifeCaribbeanPirate#2605 um 16.09.2019, 15:42:34
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Speaking of cold damage, what's your take on putting in ice bite permanently?
The only reason I die now is getting too excited and blowing up a pack of porcupines. Also, smoke mines, yay or nay? I'll try swapping out faster casting in the Flame dash 4L, honestly since the rework I've never felt that faster casting did anything anymore. That said might as well add a few observations with this build for newcomers: - Pyroclast has a significant windup time (around 2-3 secs?) before it achieves DELET THIS levels of DPS (when it sounds like popcorn). For bosses that means you want to pre-detonate them before you dash in, or time the intro animation. - There are several power checkpoints in this build that when hit boosted my gameplay in a big way: > 5-linking the sire of shards. Before socketing in fork a 4L pyroclast does so much better even for mapping. > Getting at least 1 rolling flames jewel. Even with a lot of AoE passives I still needed the jewel to enable the meme value you see in Pirate's videos. > Getting a Dying Sun. While the build is hits its stride well without this, the jump in power granted by the 2 extra projectiles makes all the diff. Don't forget this also helps pyroclast. |
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" I haven't 6L my Shards yet but now that I have Pyro mines for single target ice bite forever is sounding pretty good on Fireball. " Smoke Mine is a bad choice unless you swap out Summon Skitterbots for a different aura/herald, because those little metal jerks will detonate your smoke mines for you and randomly warp you around without warning. And you can drop faster casting if you feel you don't need it, because it only matters for the second/third consecutive flame dash (first is instant now), and lower the level of your Arcane Surge to compensate for the cheaper mana cost. UPDATE/EDIT: I am definitely going to change the 6L recommendation to Ice Bite, because even in just a 5L my fireball mines are absolutely decimating 8-line T16 blights so extra damage wouldn't really serve any functional purpose. Much better to have that utility for porcupines, detonate dead enemies, etc. Zuletzt bearbeitet von ARealLifeCaribbeanPirate#2605 um 16.09.2019, 18:25:00
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Pirate I'm back to play another of your builds, don't ask about my last I was looking at my phone -.-
Going to be using this guy as a map/lab farmer in HC, will hopefully have some good results out of this one too! But i can without a doubt say your builds are the most fun I've had in PoE Just a question, what about using Snakepit for fork and using another gem like Minefield? Zuletzt bearbeitet von MrToweliee#0264 um 16.09.2019, 22:02:46
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" Oh man, sorry to hear about the Champion. Since you were my beta-test for the Champ version of Taskmaster in HC, how did it go up until the RIP? (Whenever you feel like you can talk about it) This build is going to be a lot more fragile than the last one, but compensates with substantially higher clearing speed. Should do you fine for building up maps, but the Sab nerf in 3.8 has really made this build a lot less viable than it used to be for ultra-endgame. Now, as for Snakepit: if you can get one for cheap (and balance your resistances around losing the ring slot), it's a hell of a good ring on this build. I would actually sub in Ice Bite or Combustion instead of Minefield to replace your Fork, because Minefield is just... unnecessary, is the only word, for the fireball setup. 1-2 mines will clear all packs within a couple screens of where you put them, so slowing down your clearing ability to place 5 mines at once is complete overkill. That being said, I've never been one to let logic or good decisions stand in the way of having a good time, so if you just enjoy gratuitous overkill then by all mines go right ahead and swap Minefield into your SOS. 23 mines each shooting 11 fireballs is really something to behold. Zuletzt bearbeitet von ARealLifeCaribbeanPirate#2605 um 16.09.2019, 23:58:45
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Sure i'll leave my thoughts on the other thread
" True, but also what I was going for, the viable meme factor. That makes sense though, ice bite because of the Skitterbois/Frenzy? Seems very doable to balance res losing a ring slot, isn't a unique intensive build right? |
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Three points/questions:
1) Does Ice Bite actually function with the fireball mines? The skill gem says "Supports any skill you use to hit enemies yourself. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or MINES." 2) What are your thoughts about using a Snakepit in the left ring slot for free Fork? The build uses a ton of rares (helm, ring, amulet, belt) and has a ton of %resist on the tree and Alira perk, so I've not had a problem overcapping my resists despite running a Snakepit for a pseudo-7link Fireball. 3) What are your thoughts on Blastchain vs High Impact Mines for the fireball setup? I'm leaning towards blastchain as with 23 mines + ~15 thrown, a sequence of 38 mines gives an average of 95% more damage across all mines, while high impact is only 46% more damage and only applies to nearby enemies and not those struck by far-flying fireballs. Thanks a ton for your guide! |
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