[3.10] LL Winter Orb Trickster (RETIRED)
![]() I'm retiring this guide as of 3.10. It's a decent build but subpar for the investment required without worb buffs. Please feel free to use the template and ask questions. If you need help, I'll try and answer. 3.10 changes: -> +1 skill gem wands instead of shaper sceptres. -> Inspiration support instead of ES leech for mana management. -> Anoint Charisma. -> Cluster notables (Delirium jewels): Hex Breaker, Precise Focus, Enduring Focus. (In order of importance to get. I don't think they're worth it unless you have perfect 4 stat cluster jewels) Note: Please post all your questions in this thread or come by the stream, don't pm me in game. Make sure your profile is PUBLIC before asking for help so your character is visible. If you have issues with the trees and you're loading them into the poe website, don't. Import them into Path of Building. Please check out the FAQ section before asking questions. I don't claim my guides to be original or super efficient. I write guides to share characters I'm fond of. Gameplay on youtube, or if I stream. ======================================================================= Pros: Fast map clear. Easy to play. Good single target. The day they buff worb again, this build is going to be broken. Cons: Expensive. No regen maps are annoying. Introduction
Soo, I wanted to make something with the new channeling buffs trickster got, to be able to perma keep up power and frenzy charges, and abuse all the broken stuff added this patch. Infused channeling, energy leech supports and cold to fire double dipping chaos damage. I also wanted to try out Escape artist and Ghost Dance and go hybrid ES/acro, but that chunked my ES pool too much so I didn't. I've been staying away from Winter orb for a while and decided to finally give it a try after all the channelling buffs. There's two ways to maximize damage in Worb. Eternity shroud as life based/Mom/EB/CI and Shavs as LL. Based on my playing around with PoB, the LL version does more damage and has more ES while not having to deal with getting shaper gear in every possible slot. PoB
I'm using LocalIdentity's fork https://pastebin.com/zNsYBZiF The PoB includes normal trees and cluster trees. The cluster jewels in the pob are perfect and still barely worth it imo. Final Tree
Alira Ascendancy
Swift Killer > Ghost Dance > Escape Artist > Harness of the Void Pantheon
Solaris/Lunaris and Ralakesh/Shakari. Current Gear
Jewels: Gear slot analysis:
You can't get these anymore. Instead, (ideally) get two profane wands with +1 to all spell skill and +1 to cold spell skill gems and cast speed. Multimod spell/non-chaos as chaos and crit multi. Budget option: Any budget rare wands with cold to spells, spell damage, spell crit, crit multi. Helmet:
Since most of our damage is chaos, void gaze is really good. The % elemental as chaos is good too. BIS - Winter Orb has +2 maximum stages. Budget option: Any rare with ES, resists. Chest:
Yes it's legacy. No you don't need the legacy version. Budget option: None. Core Item. Gloves:
ES, resists, dex/str. Fingerless silk gloves is the best base. BIS - Commandment of Blades. Boots:
ES, resists, movement speed, dex/str. BIS - 16% increased Attack and Cast if you've killed recently OR #-# cold damage if you've been hit recently. Amulet:
Budget option: Anything with ES, multi, stats, res. Belt:
Fossil craft with dense fossils on a crusader crystal base for the es recovery rate and some combo of flat es and % es. Rings:
ES, resists, dex/str. The -9 craft doesn't exist anymore. To sustain mana, craft -3 to cost of channelled skills and use Inspiration support instead of ES leech. Cinderswallow will also help with the mana. Yes the pyre is legacy. No you don't need a legacy one. Flasks:
Main clearing setup. Use Dying Sun and Bottled Faith instead of the Quicksilver and Jade for bosses. Jewels:
Look for multi and cast speed. On the socket close to Singularity. Let's you grab it and Divine Judgetment. Try and get good corruptions on it (Corrupted blood, Silence) Near the melding cluster. Likewise with corruptions. Zealotry and Hatred BIS mods for damage. Gem Links
Chest: Swap ES leech for inspiration to fix mana. Remaining links (put them wherever you get the right colors): Videos:
Phoenix My character in this video is using legacy sceptres, pyre and legacy -9 mana cost craft. However, I'm not using Dying Sun or Bottled faith. Bottled faith along with +2 wands, inspiration (instead of ES leech) and normal pyre should outperform what's shown in this video by far (specially cause of the cast speed from the wands). Check the PoB for details. 3.7 videos:
3.6 videos: FAQ:
I'm dying too much, don't have enough damage, can't do T16s deathless.
Check your CDWT gem levels. Check the PoB. The ones linked to CDWT are kept at low levels intentionally so they proc more often. Are you level 90 (at least)? Do you have 6k EHP? Do you have at least 18/20 gems? Are you following the tree? If not, then do those. If yes, then make sure your profile is public and let me know, I'll try and take a look. More often than not, it's because your character is lvl 83 with shit gear, improvised passive choices, missing uber lab and 18/0 gems. When do I switch to ES tree?
Whenever you have like 4-5k ES after switching. Check pob if you have have that about of ES if you switch, and change if you do.
Added guide? Updated tree for 3.7. Updated for 3.10 Other guides: I make build guides for fun. YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664 Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664 Zuletzt bearbeitet von cent664#3461 um 13.12.2020, 05:08:30 Zuletzt angestoßen am 25.01.2020, 18:15:29
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already leveling a new character with ur guide. thanks!
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" Yeah no problem! good luck! I make build guides for fun.
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664 Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664 |
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With the watchers eye, for both stats on the jewel is quite expensive, which would you say would be better of the two.
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" You can check the damage comparison in pob, I'd say the hatred one most likely. Bosses are not always going to stand on top of the consecrated ground to take that 10% increased damage. I make build guides for fun.
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664 Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664 |
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thamks, jut out of curiosity are we limited to one watchers eye
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is HoA better than HoI?
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" Yes. I make build guides for fun.
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664 Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664 |
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How don't you die from elerefect on Atziri?
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Just started levelling, I see you mentioned going EK, however I went freezing pulse then straight into WO, works a treat.
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