[3.9] Gryph's CI Vortex + Coldsnap Trickster || Uber Elder+Everything Else

Reopss schrieb:
Hi, I'm lost in terms of how to increase my dps further. Currently sitting @ 1 mil vortex shaper dps. The obvious to me now is that I can go for auls amulet and a bottled faith. But still I feel like im missing something.

https://pastebin.com/FkJBGJbB - my character.

Hey, looking at your character. There are a few things you can do to improve damage in order of priority:

First: Your weapon. change it. You have Cold damage to SPELLS as an implicit on the dagger. This actually puts your DPS to about 450k right now because ANY cold damage on the lightning skills is going to give +25 Cold Res to enemies rather than -50%. Get a new base or buy a new weapon. This will actually more than DOUBLE your DPS output. If you recraft it, try to get T1 (or T2 if you're on a budget) Cold Dot Multi as well. If you hit T1 (heartstopping) invest into Chimeric Chimerals to imprint the MAGIC base before Regal+Annul

Chest Piece: Get a chest with Arcane Surge support. This ends up being 22% MORE damage. Can be crafted with Dense+Aetheric fossils on a fractured base (T1 Flat EV/ES) pretty easily.

Helmet: this is the next big step and probably the most costly. Get a +24-30 ES implicit base (roughly 3ex) and use Dense + Frigid fossils on it. You're after -9% Cold Res to Nearby Enemies with good ES. 400+ is very achievable. Probably want to be able to invest at least 2ex into crafting materials after you get your base.

The upgrades will cost a bit but will VASTLY improve your damage.


One question about the shield.
If I cannot afford Reflection, it means I cannot got to lowlife right?
So my dps will lost 30%...
Any suggestion about that?

Chocodisco schrieb:
One question about the shield.
If I cannot afford Reflection, it means I cannot got to lowlife right?
So my dps will lost 30%...
Any suggestion about that?


Just don't do lowlife then. That's all. I discuss different shield options for prior to Reflection. I suggest an EV/ES Rare or pure ES rare with resists and maybe some damage.

Basically, you don't *need* reflection+Coward's legacy combo for this build to work, it's just a really awesome upgrade that comes with great QoL in addition to dps.

This build can be done on a budget with all rares and/or crappy uniques. The wonderful thing is how well it scales with investment.

Hope that helps!
Gryphenprey schrieb:
Reopss schrieb:
Hi, I'm lost in terms of how to increase my dps further. Currently sitting @ 1 mil vortex shaper dps. The obvious to me now is that I can go for auls amulet and a bottled faith. But still I feel like im missing something.

https://pastebin.com/FkJBGJbB - my character.

Hey, looking at your character. There are a few things you can do to improve damage in order of priority:

First: Your weapon. change it. You have Cold damage to SPELLS as an implicit on the dagger. This actually puts your DPS to about 450k right now because ANY cold damage on the lightning skills is going to give +25 Cold Res to enemies rather than -50%. Get a new base or buy a new weapon. This will actually more than DOUBLE your DPS output. If you recraft it, try to get T1 (or T2 if you're on a budget) Cold Dot Multi as well. If you hit T1 (heartstopping) invest into Chimeric Chimerals to imprint the MAGIC base before Regal+Annul

Chest Piece: Get a chest with Arcane Surge support. This ends up being 22% MORE damage. Can be crafted with Dense+Aetheric fossils on a fractured base (T1 Flat EV/ES) pretty easily.

Helmet: this is the next big step and probably the most costly. Get a +24-30 ES implicit base (roughly 3ex) and use Dense + Frigid fossils on it. You're after -9% Cold Res to Nearby Enemies with good ES. 400+ is very achievable. Probably want to be able to invest at least 2ex into crafting materials after you get your base.

The upgrades will cost a bit but will VASTLY improve your damage.



Thank you very much for your input. I found a temporary replacement for the weapon. Will work on the rest too when I get some currency.
Reopss schrieb:

Thank you very much for your input. I found a temporary replacement for the weapon. Will work on the rest too when I get some currency.

yeah, It's definitely a bit of currency sink. But well worth it.

Speaking of Currency sinks:

I did a thing. Made that base. Now I just need some currency again so I craft it properly. :D


Welp, step one DONE! Can't believe I hit Vortex Damage Enchant on that!


Edit #2:

Finished it! Not gonna go for 500+ES and the -9 Cold res yet. That will probably involve some metacrafting nonsense and I do not have the funds to do that right now. ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Gryphenprey#0653 um 22.04.2019, 23:08:45
Would pandemonis necklace be a good alternative to aul necklace? It has good mods, - to cold res, higher cold damage % than hatred gem?
samuelpettigrew schrieb:
Would pandemonis necklace be a good alternative to aul necklace? It has good mods, - to cold res, higher cold damage % than hatred gem?

Pandemonious, specifically, doesn't really DO anything for this build. Cold Pen is only for hits and we are Damage Over Time.

As far as using Aul's or not. A rare amulet with stats/resists/es will be fine for ALL content. I added Aul's as a way to boost DPS even further. It's a luxury, not a necessity.

If you can't run Aul's, drop Hatred and use a rare amulet with ES, resists, attributes--whatever you may need. On a high-ish budget? Try a Shaper amulet:

That's a good dps boost on an amulet, but falls in the few exalts vs 15-20ex range.

This build operates beautifully on a moderate to low budget. You really don't need all the expensive stuff. That said, we do scale very well with investment.
I can vouch for this build being great from low end to mid-end. I've got like 15ex invested or so and I couldn't ask for much more, but I want that shield badly lol.

I'm assuming once you have the reflection shield you can afford to be capped at exactly 75 resists since you don't ever have to worry about elemental weakness?
Surfinn schrieb:
I can vouch for this build being great from low end to mid-end. I've got like 15ex invested or so and I couldn't ask for much more, but I want that shield badly lol.

I'm assuming once you have the reflection shield you can afford to be capped at exactly 75 resists since you don't ever have to worry about elemental weakness?

I'm glad you're enjoying the build. :D

Also, yes exactly. No need to overcap after you get reflection (bonus points to it for having resists already on it!). Although, personally, I never overcap anyways and just use a Flask of Warding.
Gryphenprey schrieb:
samuelpettigrew schrieb:
Would pandemonis necklace be a good alternative to aul necklace? It has good mods, - to cold res, higher cold damage % than hatred gem?

Pandemonious, specifically, doesn't really DO anything for this build. Cold Pen is only for hits and we are Damage Over Time.

As far as using Aul's or not. A rare amulet with stats/resists/es will be fine for ALL content. I added Aul's as a way to boost DPS even further. It's a luxury, not a necessity.

If you can't run Aul's, drop Hatred and use a rare amulet with ES, resists, attributes--whatever you may need. On a high-ish budget? Try a Shaper amulet:

That's a good dps boost on an amulet, but falls in the few exalts vs 15-20ex range.

This build operates beautifully on a moderate to low budget. You really don't need all the expensive stuff. That said, we do scale very well with investment.

Ok, thanks for the explanation. My thinking was the blind would add an extra layer of defense, since you are shield dashing/flame dashing into packs. Also, Blind also works on bosses, particularly those that are melee based. When you are fighting the bosses, you are constantly dashing around the boss, and dropping vortexes. Blind works on hit, meaning only initial hit of vortex.

Since Vortex "chills" enemies caught into it, would the - cold res not apply to enemies, and work for dot damage? I guess I am confused by the wording and how game mechanics work.

The other mods it has is dex (for green gem req) and cold damage %, and cold resist. The amulet is pretty cheap compared to Aul's. I think Aul is pretty much BiS, because it allows you to have enough mana to run Hatred, which is a pretty huge dps boost.

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