[3.9] Gryph's CI Vortex + Coldsnap Trickster || Uber Elder+Everything Else
" No more arcane surge on our Trickster-specific Dex/int body armors is a hard hit in my opinion. |
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" where is the info ? "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." -PoE Design Team Member.
"Get your magic finder characters ready!" -Chris Wilson |
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" Fossil modifier pool is moved to other influence items and those not listed as being moved are removed entirely. Arcane surge was a fossil suffix and it is not listed as being moved to another influence item type, hence, it is removed. |
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" oooooh. i thought that was a shaper mod. ty for info. maybe they change their mind and just move it to another base. "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." -PoE Design Team Member.
"Get your magic finder characters ready!" -Chris Wilson |
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" Pretty easily negated by using a lvl 15+ Arcane surge in hypothermia helmet as our 4th link for Cold Snap. Arcane surge buff lasts about 6.6 seconds in this build (malevolence + entropy + prolonged pain + efficacy support affect its duration), it will be up 100% of the time until we are able to cast at least 3 cold snaps every six point six seconds. Zuletzt bearbeitet von djnat#4628 um 11.03.2020, 11:11:12
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When I played Vortex /Cold Snap before the Occultist nerf I had arcane surge linked to flame dash. Guess that's also still a possibility.
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
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" It is for sure. I just don't love feeling forced to use a non-spammable movement skill when it's not needed for dodging something, just to keep the AS buff up. But it's just a matter of personal preference I think. |
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You're missing out on the additional 10% damage Arcane Surge provides to supported skills, so it is a bit of a nerf regardless. I wouldn't expect it to have any lasting impact on the build, though, given the workarounds mentioned and all the other ways the build has to gain additional damage.
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" No, it is not that big of a nerf because if you support cold snap with the arcane surge gem you are not forced to use a level 1 one like the fossil affix support was. And it gains damage with levels. Lvl 1 arcane surge from the old fossil chest: 10% more + 10% more Lvl 15 arcane surge support: 17% more So all you are losing is 3% damage. Not so impactful I guess. Zuletzt bearbeitet von djnat#4628 um 11.03.2020, 21:40:51
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" Also if you're using a leveled Arcane Surge taking Arcane Capacitor is an option. |
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