[3.9] Gryph's CI Vortex + Coldsnap Trickster || Uber Elder+Everything Else

Maarys schrieb:

I'am using your build for this league, but i've many trouble to survive, i can kill everything but i've been one shoted really often, idk if i've missing something.

This is my gear :

Tree and gear looks good. Though you should make sure everything is 20% Quality.

The Chest piece could be a lot better defensively, so if you're having issues with dying but are fine with damage, maybe try getting a more defensive chest? You can probably get another 1k+ ES from a better chest.

You can also try running Grace over Malevolence.

Hope this helps!
Maarys schrieb:

I'am using your build for this league, but i've many trouble to survive, i can kill everything but i've been one shoted really often, idk if i've missing something.

This is my gear :

To add to Gryphenprey said, you are using "Atziri's mirror" not "Atziri's reflection". There are 2 little differences: "Unaffected by curses" and, well, 15ex in price.

I suspect this curse things kills you quite a lot, I personally would stay away from "Coward's legacy" without the reflexion version.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von roselan#6478 um 15.09.2019, 10:09:12
Hi, thx for your answers, i've find a Watcher's Eyes with shield on hit with discipline and and more easy to survive now, i've didn't find a new chest atm but still on research, and yeah i've still got the mirror and not the reflection. I've to try a good belt and wait until i've my reflection shield.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Maarys#7453 um 15.09.2019, 10:21:36
Maarys schrieb:
Hi, thx for your answers, i've find a Watcher's Eyes with shield on hit with discipline and and more easy to survive now, i've didn't find a new chest atm but still on research, and yeah i've still got the mirror and not the reflection. I've to try a good belt and wait until i've my reflection shield.

I didn't even notice it wasn't reflection. Lol. Change out Cowards Legacy for something else until you have reflection. Being cursed with vulnerability that has 50% boosted effectiveness is very bad for living. XD
On a side note, there are 2 nice 6L chests for 4ex on the market right now (at least nice in my eyes, and disclaimer, I've nothing to do with the vendors).

edit: they seem long gone.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von roselan#6478 um 16.09.2019, 00:38:17
Pretty sure that this dagger is close to BiS for this build (well, except for the crappy implicit.. but hey, can't control what drops... my OCD finally paid off, where I pick up and ID all one-handers! IT even dropped with 2 prefixes and 2 suffixes, so isolating the good prefixes was trivial.)

Any thoughts on what the last suffix would be best? I'm thinking either arcane surge or ??

With this shield, the above dagger and a level 21 vortex, end up with a level 24 vortex!

Zuletzt bearbeitet von toxic678#2264 um 16.09.2019, 20:33:15
toxic678 schrieb:
Pretty sure that this dagger is close to BiS for this build (well, except for the crappy implicit.. but hey, can't control what drops... my OCD finally paid off, where I pick up and ID all one-handers! IT even dropped with 2 prefixes and 2 suffixes, so isolating the good prefixes was trivial.)

Any thoughts on what the last suffix would be best? I'm thinking either arcane surge or ??

With this shield, the above dagger and a level 21 vortex, end up with a level 24 vortex!

Very nice dagger!

And yeah, a shame on the implicit but...MEH!

as for suffix, just cold damage. 14-16% or w/e it is. if you have arcane surge chest, that's ideal. If you don't you can go that route to save a socket, but personally I would just put AS on Flame Dash so you can have the damage+regen where you actually need it (bosses).

I believe reflection still a better shield but that is a nice alternative.

if you put under the boss 3 Vortex the damage from them will add up?
Aptacc schrieb:

if you put under the boss 3 Vortex the damage from them will add up?

Vortex does not stack with itself.

You can, however, stack Vortex+Cold Snap+Vaal Cold Snap
Hey, Hi !

How about the proc of Elemental Overload with this build? It procs well without orb of storm linked to critical chance gem ?

It's reliable ?

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