[3.6] Pure Incinerate Trickster - 25M Shaper DPS - Videos Up - Uber Elder Down (Deathless)

Hydra vid up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVaQOJXdXI0

Going to bed for now. I'll be on later to answer questions.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von xRustySpoon#0814 um 23.03.2019, 06:19:20
what would be a good budget option until u can afford/craft this staff?
imperiialm schrieb:
what would be a good budget option until u can afford/craft this staff?

Hi there!

Would also like to know the answer to this question.

Also since it does so much DPS, could you build it as full MF to farm t16s? And go with a more defensive build?
So far I'm liking the build. Question for you, why elemental focus? I get the more elemental damage portion of the skill but ignite can't be inflicted on targets. That would remove the 25% more damage with hits and ailment for each stage. Just curious about your thoughts.

Has the +2 support gems craft gone legacy? because I can't find anyone in standard who has it, I made a staff all ready for multimod but couldn't find anyone?

help pls

bankai1009 schrieb:

imperiialm schrieb:
what would be a good budget option until u can afford/craft this staff?

Hi there!

Would also like to know the answer to this question.

Also since it does so much DPS, could you build it as full MF to farm t16s? And go with a more defensive build?

Great questions. As far as budget options are concerned, you can use a tabula if you really wanted, and then use any combination of weaponry that gives you a bit of damage. We only take a single staff cluster on the tree, so until you can get your hands on a base and start crafting, hold off on taking that and use whatever you have.

Dual wielding wands, a wand and a shield, scepters, a cheap corrupted 6 link staff if you already have a Carcass Jack for example, basically anything that has spell damage, cast speed, flat fire damage to spells, crit chance for spells, crit multi, or any combination of these affixes. The budget options are very, very broad.

As for the second question about Magic Find, in theory you could, but I would advise against it. It's hard enough as is to cap our resists because we need sort of specific rares, so switching to unique MF gear would only serve to exacerbate that problem. And if we look at the build objectively its clearspeed is only okay, you know, it's not off-screening packs with projectiles or anything like that.

Now, the build can definitely, 100% get tankier. We do so much damage that if you were to cut it in half, it would still do more than 99% of the builds people post on these forums. More life, more ES, way more evasion and dodge, these are all possible if you make changes to the gear. The Perfect Form, for example, would be an amazing chest piece for this build. I might even swap myself at some point. You could also swap out a few of the damage flasks we use and opt for more defensive ones instead too. Jades, stibnites, quartz flasks, these would all make you much tankier than the build currently is.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von xRustySpoon#0814 um 23.03.2019, 14:23:22
Sobek462 schrieb:
So far I'm liking the build. Question for you, why elemental focus? I get the more elemental damage portion of the skill but ignite can't be inflicted on targets. That would remove the 25% more damage with hits and ailment for each stage. Just curious about your thoughts.

So, Incinerate builds up stages as you channel, and hits and ailments do 25% more damage per stage, as you said. It doesn't matter whether the target is ignited, you'll always be getting 25% more damage with hits and ailments per stage that you're on. If we swap in ele focus for T16 Guardians, like I do in my videos, then we will no longer be able to inflict ignite with our main Incinerate setup. This is okay. We'll still be doing 250% more damage once we're at 10 stages with hits.

We do, however, still have a 4-link Storm Brand setup linked with Combustion, Curse on Hit, and Flammability. I only, and I repeat, only use this on tough bosses. It not only applies a curse to them (at reduced effectiveness), it ignites them too, enabling the -fire res from the combustion support. So running ele focus really has no downside whatsoever in boss fights.
Ucero schrieb:

Has the +2 support gems craft gone legacy? because I can't find anyone in standard who has it, I made a staff all ready for multimod but couldn't find anyone?

help pls


Sorry, I'm not really familiar with what happens to the crafting bench once a league migrates to standard. Don't quote me on this, but I believe people have said you need to re-grind all the crafting recipes? I would probably ask one of the more well known standard players, I'm sure there are crafters out there who are willing to help. Not sure if they would charge a fee though, it varies from person to person.

This is what I'm running with so far and it's blowing the crap out of red maps already :)

I don't think flat fire and/or anger is right for the build given Incinerate's damage effectiveness is only 30%.

I went with this setup for the moment while I debate on rolling a staff, VD is still pretty consistent single target as long as I release and warp to retrigger which is a nobrainer :)

Thank you for the inspiration as it's been a long time since I played Incinerate.
IGN: CPU, Gas, Cop, Live, Flee, Oil
infinityinc schrieb:

This is what I'm running with so far and it's blowing the crap out of red maps already :)

I don't think flat fire and/or anger is right for the build given Incinerate's damage effectiveness is only 30%.

I went with this setup for the moment while I debate on rolling a staff, VD is still pretty consistent single target as long as I release and warp to retrigger which is a nobrainer :)

Thank you for the inspiration as it's been a long time since I played Incinerate.

Glad to hear. Incinerate has definitely surprised me so far, I'm happy I took a step away from what I normally like to play to give it a shot.

As far as the poor damage effectiveness goes, you're right, but you're also overlooking an important detail. At zero stages, yes, the damage effectiveness is quite poor at only 30%. At 8 stages though, for example, added damage calculates to be 90% effectiveness because of the 200% more multiplier. At 10 stages with the helm enchant, Incinerate has over 100% damage effectiveness.

Now, relatively speaking, a level 26 Incinerate cares a lot less about flat fire damage than say a level 20 Incinerate, so in that regard I guess the efficiency of added damage may lessen, but as far as auras go it's still pretty decent.

Something that you've made me consider, and consequently discover, is that Herald of Ash is actually more damage just by itself than Anger is. This doesn't hold true if your Incinerate gem is only level 20, but at level 26, Herald of Ash is more. That frees up another 25% mana for something like an Aspect of the Spider, and then you're looking at a lot more damage.

I think I'll update the guide to reflect this. Thanks for your contribution.

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