(3.14) Toxic Rain + Caustic Arrow | 5-10m Sirus DPS | Fast + Durable | 50c Budget/SSF Uber Elder
Where does the build get endurance charges for cwdt-ic?
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" Alteration until you hit attack speed or dot multi, then regal and hope for a second suffix and 0 prefix. If its 2 suffixes then craft cannot roll attack mods and exalt slam for +1 gems and complete the bow with multimod etc. If your regal hits a prefix, then use beastiary for remove prefix add suffix and then continue like before. If you alt and regal and u end up with 2 prefixes and a good suffix, then annul one of the prefixes first and then continue with beastiary and then multimod etc. That covers all the scenarios. If you want to have both dot multi and attack speed, then you'd have to use imprint beast, but its really not worth it. You can also harvest craft the attack speed (add speed or add attack seeds). |
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Will there be a Harvest related seed to add Chaos DoT multi onto this ammy later;
I missed the harvest league so wanted to check, ill later multi mod it and add +1 to projectiles and -mana non channel cost but wanted to try to squeeze that last god roll in without risking the base. |
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"Yes, it's a 50/50 chance to get chaos resist or chaos multi, but within 2 augments it's guaranteed as long as you have 2 suffix open and all prefix blocked. "What +1 projectiles? Never heard of it. I only know the +1 to socketed proj or aoe gems on helmet or glove, but nothing on the neck. That same mod on neck gives inc aoe or inc proj damage / speed but it's a prefix same as -mana so you can't fit that. Is there some new mod this league I don't know about or is there some mistake, because I don't wanna you find out you multimodded for nothing because what you wanted to craft isn't a suffix. |
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" K thanks, I was thinking of something else on the projectiles, ill just go mana cost and try to get that chaos dot later on, still unlocking things. I had bought a hunter influenced i83+ base for 30c and got lucky on abberant fossils so was hoping I could get that DoT on later. |
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"You defo can, I think back in harvest I spent like 800 alts trying to get +1 dex on a base to start the craft, in the end I had to buy the base myself (at least I got +1 int one I sold to ED folks and another with malevolence reduced reservation). This was the neck, lucky I didn't get chaos res so had a space left to craft. There's no catalyst to boost chaos damage, but I think there's one to boost mana crafts if you go for -mana cost it can be boosted to -10 from -9. |
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is possible to farm atziri/uber with the budget version ?
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"All you need to farm Atziri is build that is reflect immune (this one is) and avoid mechanics like flameblasts / storm calls / mirror clone (that one's on you). This build doesn't have any uncontrollable chain or anything that would make you always hit the mirror clone but you need to position your shots away from it. Actually the vaal temple trio (the first miniboss) could be the most scary as they can 1-shot you. |
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Updated PoB link by chance?
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" https://pastebin.com/EgE8iLJ8 OP posted several a few days back for tr and deadeye. The TR is fine, im playing TR currently in league start stuff and facerolling everything still. Is the decent stuff I have, ive been insanely close to a BiS bow a few times now doing Corroded/Shuddering/Metallic Resonators on a 6 link thicket bow so hopefully ill get lucky soon. It sucks blowing 15c per roll this early in the league, its like an ex a month from now. Zuletzt bearbeitet von JCOH35#4078 um 19.01.2021, 18:30:17
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