[3.7] Divine Ire Trickster - "Can't Touch This" - 56% Spell Dodge / 67% Evasion / 39% Block

Hello there,

Thanks a lot for sharing your build, I have decided to follow it and so far the run has been pretty decent.

I was hoping you could help me understand what I need to prioritize next in upgrading my character.

I don't exactly understand where all the damage comes from since I am currently sitting only at around 200k hit @ 20 channeling stacks.

I have tried a few simulations in path of building such as raising gem lvls, adding missing gear and etc but still managed to reach only 600k @ 20 channeling stacks.

I have to admit im not very good at this so I would be very grateful if you could help me out in understanding what i need to do to achieve similar damage as in your description.

PoB of my character - https://pastebin.com/V4eEuy7N
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Reopss#2833 um 04.04.2019, 12:07:52
Cheydinhal schrieb:
Maybe my math was a little off, and of course I was pissed of rolling bad RNG. Should have chosen better words

Just felt that you use lucky RNG as your build to be cheap, while its not really cheap, its just cheaper than the chromatic way. But its still not cheap...

I know how it feels to be frustrated with bad RNG - but that's a big part of PoE. It happens when you spend 1500-2000+ fusings on a chestpiece and don't get a 6L - that still doesn't change the fact that the typical "average" is around 1200, and as such, many players still get their 6L with 500-700 fusings. I've made 6L's in as low as 14 and 22 fusings, but also have had one take 2300.

I don't recall mentioning this build was cheap anywhere in my posts. This is specifically a min-max build, and right from the start I mention it's:


Not very expensive to start, and can scale quite high with investment

I know for a fact you can take this build all the way to red maps, even T16, using a Tabula, 2x Brotherhood Rings, Atziri Step and rest all rares. I did that for leaguestart and was farming T16 maps within a week.

Obviously if you want to invest into ANY 5-offcolor chest for any build, it's going to be expensive. That's where the investment comes in. You are essentially paying a lot more for 20% Spell Dodge, free Arctic Armor, and some extra evasion over something like a cheap corrupted 6-link chest.

Actually, I was doing T16 maps still using a crappy Rare-6L corrupted chest with nothing but 110 life and 45 total resists. It's absolutely fine to not have the Perfect Form, and work your way towards farming to build/buy one.
Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
Divine Ire Trickster:
I don't exactly understand where all the damage comes from since I am currently sitting only at around 200k hit @ 20 channeling stacks.

You don't have anything under "Config" checked off. Such as frenzy/power charges. Or "enemy is chilled" for Hypothermia, or "dealt a non crit recently", etc.

Also, you are missing a lot of important flasks - like a diamond flask - which is huge for a crit build.

I fixed the PoB for you:

Now shows 1-million average hits at 20 stacks.
(Note that the config is set to Trash, not Shaper/Guardians etc.)

I didn't change anything from your build besides 1 flask i switched to a Diamond, which you should really have. Ideally a Taste of Hate too and/or Bottled Faith.

Other than that, you just need to start getting better rares.
Jewels are extremely strong on PoE - at very least you want a decent Stygian Vise to utilize an abyss jewel. More jewels = More Life + Dmg. 3900HP is a bit on the low side, try to push hard for at least 4.5K.

Your necklace is also in need of replacement - only has 45 life which is less than the bench could craft for +55. Get some Aberrant fossils and roll them onto a shaper necklace to hit something decent, you are looking for %non-chaos as extra chaos roll which is a HUGE DPS increase. Even if you don't hit life, you should be able to craft on +55 which is good enough.

If I were you, I'd also try to find a cheap corrupted 6-L chest to replace Tabula. You benefit a HUGE amount from having some evasion on your chest, since Escape Artist will convert some into extra ES. Or even try to get a 5-link Perfect Form, it would be a huge upgrade despite going from a 6L to a 5L, since you already deal plenty of damage and you'll feel a LOT tankier.
Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
Divine Ire Trickster:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von KooperT#6353 um 04.04.2019, 15:13:31
I'm guessing you've checked it out in PoB, but is wither totems better than wave of conviction on totems? Does that much of the build damage come from the chaos damage?

Hi. I'm level 80 and I'm wondering on what to upgrade first. I have about 1 ex of currency. Can someone look at at my character and tell me what to upgrade? (SC). Also I'm using zealotry and hatred right now, when should i start investing into a watcher's eye?
Hi thank you for the build.

If I want to utilize my

How would you customize the passive tree to get phase acrobatic?

Should I get devouring diadem for EB to save my SP?

Thank you again !
Grudge902 schrieb:
I'm guessing you've checked it out in PoB, but is wither totems better than wave of conviction on totems? Does that much of the build damage come from the chaos damage?

If you take a look at the PoB section which breaks down our damage type, you'll note that a ludicrously high portion of our damage is Chaos. This is simply how strong the abusing of converting phys -> light -> cold is alongside %extra mods and Harness the Void.

The average "hits" are:
Lightning: 45,000
Cold: 206,700
Chaos: 584,100

As you see, the Chaos damage portion is RIDICULOUSLY high compared to the elemental portion - we're talkking roughly 30% / 70% split.

Also note the above numbers are configured with "1 wither stack"

Here's how it looks with 15 wither stacks:

Note our "average hit" goes from 2.7 million to 4.3 million from 15 wither stacks. In practice however, it's extremely rare/unlikely you will ever get full stacks on a target since just about everything dies in 1-2 beams anyway... and even bosses like Shaper are phased practically instantly.
Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
Divine Ire Trickster:
Beeeaaast schrieb:
Hi. I'm level 80 and I'm wondering on what to upgrade first. I have about 1 ex of currency. Can someone look at at my character and tell me what to upgrade? (SC). Also I'm using zealotry and hatred right now, when should i start investing into a watcher's eye?

Watchers Eye is lowest priority - it's a good DPS increase but I wouldn't consider it mandatory, especially over stuff like chestpiece/necklace.

For starters, you aren't even using the correct 6-L setup in your Tabula.
Your next immediate upgrade should be a 5-L Perfect Form at minimum.
Then a necklace with % as extra chaos.

Also, note that you aren't actually getting Arcane Surge from your flamedash setup, since you are MoM/EB.
Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
Divine Ire Trickster:
Where can i find the 6 socket recipe in delve?

I'm pretty noob in delve, but i got the 5 blue sockets finally ;p
So now i need the 6 socket recipe, it says
abyssal chamber, but what delve depth is that?
KooperT schrieb:
Grudge902 schrieb:
I'm guessing you've checked it out in PoB, but is wither totems better than wave of conviction on totems? Does that much of the build damage come from the chaos damage?

If you take a look at the PoB section which breaks down our damage type, you'll note that a ludicrously high portion of our damage is Chaos. This is simply how strong the abusing of converting phys -> light -> cold is alongside %extra mods and Harness the Void.

The average "hits" are:
Lightning: 45,000
Cold: 206,700
Chaos: 584,100

As you see, the Chaos damage portion is RIDICULOUSLY high compared to the elemental portion - we're talkking roughly 30% / 70% split.

Also note the above numbers are configured with "1 wither stack"

Here's how it looks with 15 wither stacks:

Note our "average hit" goes from 2.7 million to 4.3 million from 15 wither stacks. In practice however, it's extremely rare/unlikely you will ever get full stacks on a target since just about everything dies in 1-2 beams anyway... and even bosses like Shaper are phased practically instantly.

Thanks for the detailed reply!! I'll definitely give wither a go with this.

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