[3.10] Ice Golem Golemancer Build -DELIRIUM-BALANCED- ALL CONTENT -Everything Dies-Huge Damage
" that is interesting. I know the knock on them is their roll makes them slower. here's a thought. could be a 1 chaos test. Maybe I can try it tonight for fun. You could have Broken Faith shield with necro aegis passive and link Infernal Legion. With all the harmonies giving regen (assuming that regen stacks) and giving them any fire resistance and of course their own regen they should be fine. golems would have 100% increased armour (which we get from primordial emminence and shield) since they do not have ES and are taking constant damage from infernal and a chance to gain unholy might which would apply 30% extra chaos damage in addition to the 5-10% chaos damage added from physical the shield gives. although infernal legion may be better for a flame golem ultimately since they are all spell and would double dip gems Pacific (GMT -8) Time Zuletzt bearbeitet von Madcow1120#4324 um 24.09.2019, 18:11:54
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" LMFAO, When I read your reply, I was like "Oh Sh*t! Got the wrong base?" Then I remembered base has nothing to do with minions Lol. Got lucky buying a rare, no-link mace with all the needed base stats for just 3.5ex and bought Fated Connection Prophecy for 4ex. Then the rest was history :) And got this armor for 1ex I'm wondering if there are other good armor options? Thanks! Zuletzt bearbeitet von meister1523#4926 um 24.09.2019, 20:38:21
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" u can fallow Enki's Arc Witch detailed leveling guide...and switch to icegolems when u buy primordial jewells |
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" Just Buy Facebrekers stack add phy damage with abyss jewels and unique items and and use Infernal blow then warchief totem they one shot all monsters on Acts no matter if you play Maruder or witch) Zuletzt bearbeitet von real_name_hidden69#7257 um 25.09.2019, 04:47:20
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Uhm just to clarify, if we use the 2H Mace we can only summon a maximum of 9 golems (6 ice, 1 chaos, 1 stone, 1 lightning).
Am I correct? Thanks! |
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" Yes |
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" Thanks! And is getting accuracy stats on Minions still a priority this league? |
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" would also like to know what the chest goal is for people with the multimodded 2h. ign: PhrozenFlame
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" Priority? No Good to have? Yes Just from the base accuracy, and bonuses from the tree, they already have 100% hit, even without precision aura, war banner, or command of the pit gloves. And since we will use war banner either way for "enemies take increased damage", you can just forget about accuracy altogether. If you are using +3 gem 2h mace, then it's especially so due to 26% more accuracy due to gem level of ice golems. tl;dr - accuracy right now isn't an issue, or even a point of discussion of artifically increasing it. |
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" Pretty sure it is all about highest possible life pool. +max life and %max life. Then resistances. Pacific (GMT -8) Time
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