[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Qmabyte schrieb:
I must be missing something...

Everyone talks about 14%+ CDR and 7.5 APS which seems fine and dandy.

Upon checking my stats, i barely have 2.6 APS...err...guys ? is there something wrong ?

My gear:


My talent tree (lvl 91)

dont know what to tell ya but ran your char thru pob n you are sitting at 8.39 aps with all flask active
Allright, my cyclone has between 7.2 and 7.75 APS, which should be fine with 15% CDR.
IGN: Cyanyx
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Qmabyte#4414 um 10.07.2019, 19:25:56
Current gear:

Random one shots still happen from time to time idk from what..... 6.3k life and 1.3k shield level 90

p.s with the curse ring+25% reflect damage taken reduction im able to run reflect maps with ease :) and in addition I get endurance charges which are used for CWDT+immortal call setup
Zuletzt bearbeitet von AlextazY#3953 um 11.07.2019, 00:30:02
is there an updated POB for this build???
Ratedetar schrieb:
CBuH schrieb:
Neronne schrieb:
23% CDR is equal to 14% since it isnt enough to reach the 3 tick proc rate (3×33ms).

So 7,56 APS

I have 38% CDR, how to calculate how much need APS? Visually from 38% CDR IceNova works faster than from 14% or 20% CDR.

unless something's changed its always been 0 CDR or 14% CDR. The next break point is impossible to hit with current gear.

EDIT : its Increased cooldown recovery speed and not cooldown reduction. Therefore the formula is :

so you should reach 52% CDR to reach the 3 tick (99ms) procc rate. Which is impossible.

So its either 0% or 14%. Everything above is useless.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Neronne#6251 um 11.07.2019, 03:41:20
Hey guys first time playing a COC build, just been reading up on CDR. I bought a belt a while ago that only has 13% reduction. My currenct APS on cyclone is 7.46. Am I screwed? Posted my gear below.


Also what should I prioritize gearwise in improving DPS. Still leveling so I haven't completely finished the tree yet.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Coatesy#0309 um 11.07.2019, 04:32:26
Neronne schrieb:

EDIT : its Increased cooldown recovery speed and not cooldown reduction. Therefore the formula is :

so you should reach 52% CDR to reach the 3 tick (99ms) procc rate. Which is impossible.

So its either 0% or 14%. Everything above is useless.

Why is it impossible? I have belt 20% CDR, boots 15% CDR, aura 24% CDR. Total 59% CDR.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von CBuH#1165 um 11.07.2019, 04:53:31
CBuH schrieb:
Neronne schrieb:

EDIT : its Increased cooldown recovery speed and not cooldown reduction. Therefore the formula is :

so you should reach 52% CDR to reach the 3 tick (99ms) procc rate. Which is impossible.

So its either 0% or 14%. Everything above is useless.

Why is it impossible? I have belt 20% CDR, boots 15% CDR, aura 24% CDR. Total 59% CDR.

What aura gives 24% ???
Neronne schrieb:
CBuH schrieb:
Neronne schrieb:

EDIT : its Increased cooldown recovery speed and not cooldown reduction. Therefore the formula is :

so you should reach 52% CDR to reach the 3 tick (99ms) procc rate. Which is impossible.

So its either 0% or 14%. Everything above is useless.

Why is it impossible? I have belt 20% CDR, boots 15% CDR, aura 24% CDR. Total 59% CDR.

What aura gives 24% ???

Flesh and Stone 24% CDR. Im using 3 auras, FaS, Disciplene and Herald of Ice. In delve 600+ using Enfeble instead Herald.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von CBuH#1165 um 11.07.2019, 06:14:26

Flesh and Stone 24% CDR. Im using 3 auras, FaS, Disciplene and Herald of Ice. In delve 600+ using Enfeble.

If flesh and stone CDR applies to every spells (not only to blood and sand) then you should be able to reach 52%. Therefore APS should be slightly bellow 10,1.

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