[3.24] 🗡The Nightblade🗡Nightshade Tincture | Incorporeal | New demo video up
400th reply of this thread.
I have just noticed that there are two Nightblade Flurry Assassins classified in the current league Ladder :) Both play the 3.8 version of the build and their respective char are level 96. Both use the Brutal Restraint jewel (but it's impossible to know what stats they give). From my quick calculations in PoB, their DPS are very similar. One stacks with poisons, the other with Impale. Magicgrey has a stuff that must allow him to melt the Metamorphs within seconds : an awesome amulet with phys as extra cold and lightning, an excellent Loreweave and an almost perfect Ryslatha's belt. And look at that 400pDPS Eagle Impaler dagger. Indeed, it must strike like an eagle :) Character. Account. Now, I strongly suspect the second player, Snny, of being French, seeing the name of his chars :D (He has a Gladiator called "Macronisme", which means he is probably well balanced and very proud of himself :) ) Character. Account. His left dagger has lightning dmg, the other has "phys as chaos" ; "Vulnerability on hit" on the gloves, an excellent Stygian Vise etc. He's using a max Impale setup. His tree goes to the Marauder area and uses the Tempered Flesh jewel, like a true Berseker. Congrats to both of you ! ;) * This thread has just passed 300k views, thx to all for your unwavering* interest ;) *= my messages can never stun you and you never evade them. Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443 Zuletzt bearbeitet von rahsaan#5526 um 16.01.2020, 16:44:43
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Sorry if this has been mentioned somewhere but why aren't the uber lab points allocated??? What would be a good choice for these?
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" My mistake. Actually, I haven't completed the Uber Lab in league. For me, there are two possible choices : Ambush & Assassinate or Opportunistic I prefer A&A because it makes the end of hard fights faster. Once they reach <33% HP, you deal them more dmg and you cull them. Updated links with Uber Lab Ascendancy : PoB level 90 : https://pastebin.com/EECGSgZr Poeplanner : www.poeurl.com/cIQr * Talking about hard fights, I was able to go to the third phase of Sirus in league. I'd need a bit more DPS, a bit more life/mana to tank, and learn to react quicker to this deadliest attacks. * I find that the Conquerors fights are pretty well done. Drox is a bit inferior, as he is just a fat tank. You have to kill his numerous banners and dodge his big fists of justice :D It may take a while and become tedious. On the other hand, Veritania, the Redeemer is very good. The fight is crystal clear, her attacks are well telegraphed and all. How can an elegant woman like her be so hateful ?... Damn Atlas corruption. Here is my video for it. I have fought her in t12 but died twice. I was frustrated and felt the need to come back : "damn, I can do better than that !" So I bought better daggers, got more life and mana, and then won deathless at tier 14. Because in this game, you want to feel : #8 : The Thrill of Victory Hope you like it :) Next time : Al Hezmin, the Hunter Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443 Zuletzt bearbeitet von rahsaan#5526 um 17.01.2020, 04:45:22
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So I've finally found the last trial in maps, and could complete the Uber Lab.
All went well, I killed Izaro easily on the 3rd fight. But just after, one of his lieutenants properly killed me in one hit. #Get rekt, n00b. Then on the second try, in the middle of traps, a mob dropped me an exalted. I nearly got sawn in half/beheaded/impaled but got it. Thx for the compensation, Izaro. That was my chronicle live from 2014, thx for reading. ![]() Now I'm going back to farm the Docks. * A new player has entered the league ladder with our build : Beli1987 has two level 100 chars in Std. His BF Assassin in league is level 96 and he plays the 3.8 version : Aspect of the Cat and Warlord Mark on rings, a nice Sacrificial garb and an excellent amulet with phys as extra cold and lightning. He had the idea to put 20%q on the Ryslatha's belt. With 20 Abrasive Catalysts, he now has 45% more max and 45% less min phys dmg = 19% more phys dmg. Character. Account. With 20 of those catalysts, a perfect +40/-30 Ryslatha would become +48/-36 = ~24% more. * Fellow player Al3afreet has also begun doing the build. He already has the #1 Essence Drain Occultist in league : check his char ezAwakener here. He has suggested me a full phys to cold conversion for the build. I think this is an excellent idea indeed, as it fits very well the Assassin's theme : you instant-freeze and kill your enemies. To get 100% cold dmg : 40% with Winter Spirit on the tree, 25% with rare Redeemer gloves and (up to) 40% with a Watcher's Eye/Hatred. Or 50% with Hrimsorrow/Hrimburn gloves. His character has mirror-tier gear : a body armour with +1 curse and "Enemies explode" + Whisper of Doom anointment for a total of 3 curses. When I saw his PoB, I said : - That's totally awesome, dude... But maybe you need a bit more life. You know how I am ;-) Last but not least, Al3afreet has crafted the #1 attack dagger in league. With 556 phys DPS and 10% phys as extra chaos, it is even better than the legendary Loath Bane Ambusher. It's a one of a kind weapon, as it can't be crafted anymore due to a recent nerf to the Awakener's Orb. Just look at this beast : ![]() He has already made a mirror copy for himself. * Have a very good sunday, Exiles :) Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
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Hey bro, love the build, but i was wondering if this build could use another skill
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" Cyclone, with same support gems. I've also tested Dual Strike. Requires some changes : Ancestral Call and/or Melee Splash + Tribal Fury Anointment. Multistrike for bosses Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
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I'm actually going to try charged dash, following the MOM tree but going dagger + shield and using devouring diadem (and the queen's hunger!). POB numbers look alright, not fantastic, but been meaning to take charged dash to end game for a while and also play an assassin with the whole nightblade and elusive shenanigans. This guide seems a perfect entry into that.
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" More tankiness so less DPS, that's the rule. I like Charged Dash, it's really fun to play. Clever concept. But it can feel clunky against bosses. Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
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" True that. I'm using unshattered will though, so it helps out a little on the damage front. Took bits of your old and new trees, so going with cat's aspect and deadly infusion I'm getting about 2mil without flasks up. |
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" True that. I'm using unshattered will though, so it helps out a little on the damage front. Took bits of your old and new trees, so going with cat's aspect and deadly infusion I'm getting about 2mil without flasks up. |
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