[3.6] The Blizz Sorc - Icestorm/Winter Orb CI Occultist - Viable For Everything
Well I suppose I should give the build a shot when the staff comes by cheap as a six link, must be a sign! Has anyone played this on the PS4? How is the performance with the update?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Chaplin1108#9300 um 19.06.2019, 20:59:05
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" The timer is definitely an issue, but here's what I've found--I'm running Cyclone, this may not work as well for WO: (1) Icestorm is linked with Spell Cascade and Increased AOE. For Legions, we don't care about single-target. (2) Spend 6 seconds casting near the obelisk before touching it, then run away. When the mobs appear, start casting again, ideally you're near the outside of the circle. The Icestorm will still be falling in the center. It will also continue falling behind you as you move around the outside layer of the mobs. I'm still in T5/6, not optimized at all, still crappy gear etc. I'm not clearing the entire set of mobs, but getting pretty close. This method works poorly in closed spaces, but then I think everyone hates enclosed spaces for these, much like Breaches. |
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Someone had a spreadsheet somewhere that attempted to generate a measure of "real" DPS with Icestorm. Does anyone know where that was?
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finally corrupted belt for str/in but only 5% -(
so now gona try to get cool vaal regalia ) well 1k alt and not even close to good rng-( wtf in grandmasterhall....npc that i can't kill...just 0 dmg or he regening ES faster than me dps him with icestorm wtf oO Zuletzt bearbeitet von archwerewolf#0781 um 20.06.2019, 16:13:37
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Is Ice Spear a viable option for mapping? I feel that spell cascade while definitely faster does tend to bring some unwanted lag. Ice Spear so far seems to get the job done for me, while not putting too much strain to my console. Is this viable? Or is there another alternative I can take? I tried just using Elemental Focus but obviously it drains the mana too fast, whereas Ice Spear doesn't deplete it as fast. Any suggestions?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Chaplin1108#9300 um 21.06.2019, 10:28:47
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What's the best way to improve clear speed for this thing on Timeless Conflict?
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well with 2294 int only 14601 dmg icestorm(need cool vaal regalia with %int+%att or just %att)
POB shows 74237 avg hit Hm i thinking mb respec ocult=>elem or not worth it(pob shows +3k avg hit +elem reflect resist)? Zuletzt bearbeitet von archwerewolf#0781 um 21.06.2019, 18:07:06
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" Should post the two POB pastebins so we can check your work. As a sanity check I ran my gear through the witch tree, and got 1885 int, 6345 ES, and 30267 average hit. With the scion tree, I get 2201 int, 7040 ES, and 39961 average hit. Witch: https://pastebin.com/Z0FNECd2 Scion: https://pastebin.com/S9pKmJiF |
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Ok finally crafted...int+ES, regaled it and got %int xD
So should i stay with it or what? ![]() |
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It's cool to see some scions in here. I went with this build as scion last league. It was my first time playing POE. I know it is not a good idea for a new player like me to adopt a build and convert it like this, and going CI build, but I really wanted to play scion, and the scion forum has so few interesting builds. I consider it a success because it was a lot of fun, didn't struggle with the change into CI, and I made it well into end game with it.
Anyway, here is the build I had last league (I need to change the gear options): https://pastebin.com/5Q4JhPiE I notice that you guys are going hard into the Brute Force solution, and I don't really understand why. I get we scale well with Int, but there are other places on the tree and other gems you can use to get Int? I also see some changes on the Inquisitor side of the tree. Faith and Steel and Divine Judgement notables not worth it? I also agree with the assessment that IC seems the better defensive stance option? |
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