[3.6] The Blizz Sorc - Icestorm/Winter Orb CI Occultist - Viable For Everything
" Honestly, I think after testing it I'll drop the purity of ice for regular content and swap it in for places that I don't want/need Herald of Ice. Uber Elder, Shaper, Aul, Deeper Delves...that sort of thing. Flask is good enough everywhere else. |
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Assuming that you somehow luckily had Unnatural Instinct drop for you, is there any good place for it in the build, or would you rather be better off selling it?
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Better to sell it now - we used to be able to add it at the socket above the witch start, but the tree has moved around a bit and now it's bad for us.
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Hm wana ask advice. got 2 ex, what i should upgrade from my gear?
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Watcher's Eye with ES on hit is a pretty huge improvement for this build.
Otherwise, just look for similar gear but with 50 more ES - it should all be doable, and all look about similar quality at the moment. |
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Hey guys. I just started playing this build and at lvl 81 I decided to add some links to my Whispering Ice. Before I played with 3 link i didn't notice any mana issue and I think dmg was fine. After I made 5 link the mana cost is huge.
My setup looks like: Winter Orb -> CwC -> Energy Leech -> Elemental Focus -> Cold Penetration and unlinked Conc Effect. With three auras reserced I'm left with 226 / 1130 mana and can't spam after few seconds. Help me pls ! ps. And I forgot my question. So did I play with unlinked sockets and less dmg or just mana multiplier grows with links ?? Can somebody comfirm that ? "When your back is againt wall, and you opponent is bleeding your dry, There is only one appriopriate response: Unbridled, overwhelming violence" Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ares48#4629 um 16.06.2019, 06:32:22
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Normally we 5L the clearspeed staff and 2L (WO + CWC) the boss staff. The 5L staff does give mana issues with the normal build, the solution is -n cost to mana crafted onto rings.
Alternatively, if you go the route I did (almost no %ES from tree, max int), mana regen is enough that it isn't a problem. Later on with the normal build, you'll also hit enough int that you don't need that on the rings anymore. The third option is to just use a 4L staff until you have enough int. Damage scales on the WO on your clearing staff with links, but links don't affect ice storm (except that you need to link WO with CWC to trigger it). Zuletzt bearbeitet von NoImagination#6952 um 16.06.2019, 07:02:52
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" Do not use Elemental Focus linked to WO, this way you wont be able to freeze mobs so no more HoI explosions. |
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This build practically have died in 3.0.
I see some corpse moving around.. PoE 3.0 is a total disaster and ban redo trying to follow the fate of Diablo 2 - turning their servers into a ghost zone. |
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" How is that , can you please be more explicit lol? We are in 3.7 now and previous league (Synthetis - 3.6) this build was more powerful than ever Zuletzt bearbeitet von lilianmarius#0775 um 16.06.2019, 20:47:42
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