[3.6] The Blizz Sorc - Icestorm/Winter Orb CI Occultist - Viable For Everything

Killed another mini-boss in Memory Nexus (got two of them up to now) in Twisted Distant Memory and it dropped a unique ring with locked explicit.

So it seems these bosses can drop unique league specific items but drop rate is not 100% guaranteed:

This ring has any value to any build or is just pure trash?

On the other hand can we scour fragmented rare items to white ones with only fractured explicit mod(s) and synthesis them to be sure we get an item with implicit from those fractured explicit mods only?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von lilianmarius#0775 um 12.03.2019, 09:06:33
Ah, now that i think about it, i don't know exactly how it works with synthesing implicit.
Will the combined ammount of explicit will force higher grade implicit, or just "allow" it in the hub of possible implicits as it is with ilvl in standard crafting...

If only chance, then crafting of those things will be 3 times harder... but i guess still worth it.
lilianmarius schrieb:
Killed another mini-boss in Memory Nexus (got two of them up to now) in Twisted Distant Memory and it dropped a unique ring with locked explicit.

So it seems these bosses can drop unique league specific items but drop rate is not 100% guaranteed:

This ring has any value to any build or is just pure trash?

On the other hand can we scour fragmented rare items to white ones with only fractured explicit mod(s) and synthesis them to be sure we get an item with implicit from those fractured explicit mods only?

I would consider "additional herald modifier" would be implicit. If it's so, then the sole reason for that ring to exist is to become material :)
But in good meaning of that word, not trash.
lilianmarius schrieb:
Killed another mini-boss in Memory Nexus (got two of them up to now) in Twisted Distant Memory and it dropped a unique ring with locked explicit.

So it seems these bosses can drop unique league specific items but drop rate is not 100% guaranteed:

This ring has any value to any build or is just pure trash?

On the other hand can we scour fragmented rare items to white ones with only fractured explicit mod(s) and synthesis them to be sure we get an item with implicit from those fractured explicit mods only?

Yes, you can scour synthesized items to be white with only the new implicit. You can also scour fractured items to maintain only the locked mods. Although they will need to be rare in order to be combined.

Pretty sure that ring can be tossed in the machine with two additional rings (of any base) to get the unique with two herald mods.
Med1umentor schrieb:
lilianmarius schrieb:
OP in theory but almost impossible in reality without a currency sink. You need 200+ int from 3 fractured amulets + the chance to hit that implicit and not other and don't forget you will need to get some decent STR and DEX also on the explicit to replace the values from Astramentis.

Well, considering that this is endgame gear, it's obvious that it's kinda expensive, but before it was much more expensive, so no.

Firstly, you don't need 200+ int, you need 161+ int. Those values count backwards, the same as +1 to gems implicit said 10, which obviously can't be done, but previous tier said 5. What it means that you need be slightly higher than previous tier and you will get it, meaining - 6.
In our case, previous tier is 160, meaining that we need 161+ int, which isn't even that hard.

I would say that the best way of crafting this would be to buy 3 random amulets with garbage synthesised prefix mod (the same mod, that it would not enlarge hub of possibilities), and craft high int with alteration. Then use regal and annul.
After you get 3 - synthesis, and you get your OP gear in 50% chance.
Sure, it would not be that cheap, but you are way overestimating its difficulty. Knowing your gear from previous league - it will be piece of cake for you.

And missing str and dex replacement was never easier than now. With shaper amulets it always was really hard. Now that we can roll our amu hovewer we want, it's easy to roll some high grade str and dex suffixes.

P.S. But what i really want is boots with combined:

(7–8)% increased Movement Speed

That just my dream. But damn, it would be really hard to craft those. Need atleast 96 MS combined, meaning, that atleast 2 of those boots should be 35% MS.
But perma onslaught definitely worth it, not even mentioning additional 8% MS as bonus :)

Where i can read info about this mods? poedb just shows all mods without what need for them...

Zuletzt bearbeitet von naferit#1770 um 12.03.2019, 11:11:40
Med1umentor schrieb:
AsbelFar schrieb:
Synthetised rings/amulets :

(12–15)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Discipline has (15–20)% increased Aura Effect

#% increased Energy Shield from Body Armour (don't know the values)

Nah, for that build recharge rate is almost useless. If anything, 6% increased int is way better.
20% increased discipline effect is... about 40 flat ES. Nah, 6% increased int will give you more ES.

What about the explicit itself? If it's a prefix, depending on the values I think it's a pretty nice one, not a lot of useful prefixes on rings
Zuletzt bearbeitet von AsbelFar#6192 um 12.03.2019, 10:54:25
naferit schrieb:
Where i can read info about this mods? poedb just shows all mods without what need for them...

1) Go to the page https://poedb.tw/us/ItemSynthesisMods
2) look for mod that you want in 1st column "synthesised implicit".
3) Mod that you need for implicit is stated in 3rd column "Explicit mod stat"
4) 4th column "value" is state how much of 3rd explicit value you need for implicit, but because those values work backwards, it kinda clucnky to read, and therefore we get to:
5) Find the implicit mod that have same same "explicit mod stat" and the same item class (can have more item classes available, but you don't need for all of them be the same, just be sure that your item class included there), but with slightly less ammount of value. You basically found implicit that 1 rank lower, and for higher rank implicit you need that value would be higher at least by 1.

For example, for boots "onslaught" we have 4 ranks
4% increased Movement Speed - Boots - #% increased Movement Speed - 50
(5–6)% increased Movement Speed - Boots - #% increased Movement Speed - 70
(7–8)% increased Movement Speed - Boots - #% increased Movement Speed - 95
(7–8)% increased Movement Speed, Onslaught - Boots - #% increased Movement Speed - 120

It means that if combined movement speed of 3 boots less or equal to 50, it will be 4%.
If between 51 and 70 - 5-6%
If between 71 and 95 - 7-8%
If equal 96 or more - 7-8% and permanent onslaught

Right now i don't know if you are guarantied to get highest possible implicit, or is it just "enabled chance of getting it" like our usual craft with tiers of explicits
Med1umentor schrieb:

For example, for boots "onslaught" we have 4 ranks
4% increased Movement Speed - Boots - #% increased Movement Speed - 50
(5–6)% increased Movement Speed - Boots - #% increased Movement Speed - 70
(7–8)% increased Movement Speed - Boots - #% increased Movement Speed - 95
(7–8)% increased Movement Speed, Onslaught - Boots - #% increased Movement Speed - 120

It means that if combined movement speed of 3 boots less or equal to 50, it will be 4%.
If between 51 and 70 - 5-6%
If between 71 and 95 - 7-8%
If equal 96 or more - 7-8% and permanent onslaught

Right now i don't know if you are guarantied to get highest possible implicit, or is it just "enabled chance of getting it" like our usual craft with tiers of explicits


allready trying:

3 rings with total 147 int = 7% evesion ring
3 rings with total 165 int (max posible) = doble resistanses =\
AsbelFar schrieb:
What about the explicit itself? If it's a prefix, depending on the values I think it's a pretty nice one, not a lot of useful prefixes on rings

Wow, i edited my answer here, i thought you talking about different thing.
About explicit - where did you find about it? I know that we can have it on belt, but never heard about rings.
On belt it's almost BiS, on rings will not be any different, if it's possible.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Med1umentor#6844 um 12.03.2019, 11:36:35
naferit schrieb:


allready trying:

3 rings with total 147 int = 7% evesion ring
3 rings with total 165 int (max posible) = doble resistanses =\

Don't forget that item need to be fractured, but those combined value of mods, don't need to be.
Meaning that if your items have other explicits then it means that those can be randomly chosen as "base for implicit".

We have 2 options. Either find costly high end fractured explicits that we want, and scour item to leave only those. Then regal to turn it into rare, and annul new regaled mod. That way you are supposed to get guarantied your mod (because no other mods there)

Other option is buy 3 garbage explicit mods of the same type, scour them, and then alteration craft mod that you desire. Then regal and annul (50% chance of annuling).
With that you should have 50% of chance hitting your desired mod, or it will spoof and take garbage fractured mod as base. But even considering that chance, it should be cheaper than 1st option

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