[3.6] Immortal Blade Flurry Assassin - Face-tank All Content - [CAN BE DONE ON BUDGET!] - 1 MIL+ DPS
Using this in 3.5 currently, and fuccccckkk me it's expensive! My first ever POE character, and i'm loving it! (Died 83 times though) :P
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" Well, technically there are only two required uniques for the build. This was made back in 3.4 at a time where Lycosidae was only like 20-30 chaos. With 3.5 and the rework of CoC, Lycosidae went way up in price. You can just use rare gear with Lycosidae and Bloodseeker and you can get by just fine. I had Aul's Uprising laying around which is the only reason why I used it here. It is definitely not needed but just for some quality of life since I had one. Glad you are enjoying the build though. Let me know if you need anything else. *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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Hey so I’m broke atm but can two bloodseekers dual wielding work?. It seems the leech would be better and damage no? My chance to hit is 87 percent.
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Also would hatred be okay to run as my aura. And does it activate hypothermia?
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" Honestly, you want to aim for 90 hit at a minimum. Lycosidae is pretty much like a must have for the build. It just sucks that it skyrocketed in price because of all of the Cast on Crit builds. I honestly think that you might be better off just using a rare with a crafted 'Hits can't be Evaded' mod until you can get yourself a Lyocsidae. Heck, you can even use a Ornament of the East since it has that mod as a unique claw too. Since we are stacking crit multi, we need to make sure our accuracy is perfect. Accuracy also plays a roll in crit so that is why it is so important. I think you are better off wielding two Ornaments of the East, or find two rare claws that have the 'Hits can't be Evaded' mod. Of course, the better the rare claw with that mod, the more expensive it will be. Just get 2 Ornament of the Easts if you are on a budget. Blade Flurry alternates your weapons so you can't get away with using Ornament of the East just for the 'Hits can't be Evaded' mod alongside the instant leech from Bloodseeker. Either you have 100% hit or you don't. You are better off using 2 Ornaments in that case. They do have life gain on hit though, so you are technically still getting a form of instant leech, but obviously not like Bloodseeker. Hatred does activate your Hypothermia, but you are better off just getting an abyss jewel that has some added flat cold damage to your attacks. It makes things a lot easier and procs your Hypothermia. I would suggest you just use Blasphemy+Punishment and whatever other aura that brings the most DPS to your build. This can vary for everyone's builds because the mods on your rare equipment or just equipment in general will scale your damage differently. Let me know if you got any other questions. Good luck! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bakuhakubasugasu#6072 um 16.01.2019, 01:54:36
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Hello, I've noticed many inefficiencies with your build which are definitely holding it back.
So in PoB, you have "enemies are shocked" ticked, which is falsely boosting the DPS, because you most definitely are not shocking Guardians, shaper, etc. at all, and even lower tier bosses, you are not dealing 10% of their max life in lightning damage alone, so they will not be taking 50% increased damage, which is what that box does. Un-ticking that box puts you down to 784k DPS, which is already pretty low, but this number is still only against normal mobs, not bosses. You have to change the option "Is the enemy a Boss?". Against standard bosses, your DPS becomes 526k, and against shaper, 446k, a far cry from the claimed 1 mil+ DPS, and quite low for doing quick boss runs. (Note that everyone uses "shaper dps" to gauge their actual single target, because that's when your single target actually matters.) In your tree, you also waste a huge amount of points just for Iron Reflexes and Unwavering Stance, but also half the benefit from your armour by going Acrobatics anyway. You're also skipping a lot of efficient, nearby nodes in the ranger tree. Gear-wise, there are also some major flaws. Your current boots do not give you anything special, and are just a pair of life and res boots (standard). You could have a pair of Kaom's Roots: Which would save you needing to waste so many points getting unwavering stance in the first place, as well as giving you the crazy valuable immunity to action speed slows, even including chill and freeze. (Which also would remove the need for dream fragments, which is completely a waste of a ring slot in this case when you can just run these boots.) Next is Aul's Uprising, it's a nice expensive item, but I found that a nice amulet with a shaper prefix and other damage actually beats it out noticeably, even without haste. This one was quite cheap and doesn't even fully show the potential, it could have had a crit multiplier suffix for even more huge damage, as well as a resistance or 2, or even more life etc. I also noticed you're running wrath and a blasphemy punishment for your mana reservation, which is also sub-optimal. Blasphemy is very short range, and curse effectiveness is nerfed to 40% / 20% against bosses / shaper / guardians. Hatred + HoA + HoP + Enlighten provides by far the most damage as far as aura's / heralds go, even factoring in the wrath Watcher's eye. You need to switch to a hatred crit watcher's eye: (Ignore the matching wrath modifier, that also happens to be on this one, all you need is the hatred one.) I've made my own build similar to this with an actual efficient tree and better use of the item slots (although still hugely cheaper, factoring aul's uprising and my not that great ring atm) Here's a PoB link: https://pastebin.com/9JpmyyJ7 (Please note that I don't currently have a 2 abyssal socket tombfist, nor the jewel that goes in the belt, or an unnatural instinct, all due to funds, but these are all realistic items that would still be insanely cheaper than an aul's uprising.) My shaper DPS: 1.7m Your shaper DPS: 446k And all that you have in exchange is 2k armour and 6914 life vs my 6827, which I could definitely obtain without sacrificing 1.3m DPS. (Also 2k armour will do nearly nothing anyway.) Other flaws / cons about my build: Lack of acrobatics: I found this to be unnecessary, as it also halved my armour and reduced block chance anyway. Only danger without acrobatics is huge machine gun pack mobs, which can be mitigated with taste of hate or atziri's promise for the snakes. Lack of Iron Reflexes: This is quite a flaw, as the build has 5k evasion which does nothing due to Kaom's Roots, and 400 dex which does nothing because of evasion doing nothing and accuracy doing nothing thanks to Lycosidae. This is also not a big problem, many players should know by now that armour sucks, and for physical mitigation, what you want is actual physical mitigation: endurance charges, and basalt flask / taste of hate, which are definitely more than enough, and much more effective than any amount of armour we could obtain viably. Lack of Regen: Only 1% life regen, quite a small amount, only really impacts getting hit by traps, chaos degen ground (-60% chaos res) so doesn't negatively impact much at all. Just replace the sulphur flask with an actual life flask when you go do lab if you need. __________ I hope this helps out :) I was going to make my own guide but there's a much better version of both of our builds anyway, utilizing vaal double strike, dual wield bloodseekers, and duelist tree, does much more DPS and much tankier: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2186326 Still doing 2.9m shaper DPS in 3.5, while being much tankier (8.3k life, plenty of regen even with blood rage, 6k armour). It even has much better clear speed thanks to haemophilia so it's better in every way lol, no reason to play shadow / BF when this exists :( |
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" There are definitely some inefficiencies with this build now that I look back in the build. I originally built this earlier on and only released it back in 3.4. But anyways, I have that super hipster mindset where I don't go full mimic on other people's builds. I would rather explore for myself and build from scratch. I am fine with the critiques, but if you mention so many things when some of these things were already mentioned in the guide (it is long though so I understand), then it gets a bit… yeah. I will for sure take a look and whatnot, but I never said my build was the best or there weren’t any builds better. This is from my own creation without copying a cookie-cutter build from someone else. I know about the ticked damaged calculation settings already. Never once did I say that it was Shaper or boss damage, did I? You can go look through all of my guides and you won't see me claiming that at all. All I am saying is listed damage and not towards bosses or Shaper specifically. And to be honest, you don't need a million plus damage to down these bosses anyways. People can kill Shaper under 1 million damage. I think you totally missed the guide as well. I know it is long, but maybe you did not read it? I already mentioned that Aul's Uprising was clearly not needed. I only honestly made the build because I had an Aul's Uprising that had Haste is reserved for no mana. This is also mentioned in the guide. You can easily get by with a rare amulet which is also mentioned. This build was also released back in 3.4, which is touched upon in the updates section mentioning how the updates affects the build. Honestly, I already feel that this is outdated. I originally built it way earlier but used it as a league starter in 3.4 which I used to to carry me through the league at the start back then in earlier leagues. Because of this, I just listed it here much later compared to when I first used it. I am quite picky about certain things like accuracy. To me, it's almost like, "if your hit isn't 100%, then it isn't good enough." I mean, I don't have OCD or anything, but these small things annoy me where I have to make sure it is 100% hit rate or it is no good. This is why I was utilizing Lycosidae. When I bought it at the time, it was only like 20 chaos which was laughably cheap at the time. Lycosidae obviously skyrocketed in price because of the rework to CoC. Depending on your build, and the items you use, auras, heralds, curses and whatnot will affect your build differently. Going off of pure potential DPS, the current auras I use gave me the best DPS, but with bossing and Shaper, then swapping Punishment out for Hatred would definitely be good. The thing is, I already killed Shaper as is so I basically just never swapped the build out anymore. One thing with me is, I theorize and create builds on the daily. From there, I choose a build I will actually make a guide and character for. Because of this, I might not go back to a character to update it much except for what people ask for, and for whatever other updates, nerfs and buffs happen. These were also items that I already had on me from beforehand which is why I made the build guide. I didn’t really swap out any items except for the corrupted Dream Fragments that had the Cannot be Ignite mod corruption which replaced my regular Dream Fragments. I understand maybe buying these items could cost a lot, which is why I listed that you can go off of a budget and just do everything on rare gear. Since I already had these items, I didn’t really purchase anything else which is why I didn’t use Kaom’s Roots. I didn’t have a pair on me at the time so I just used some boots I crafted from beforehand. This is why I grabbed it on the tree. Now, if I was to make this one from scratch, it might have been a totally different story. Items, skill tree and everything would have changed. That other guys build also uses a Duelist/Champion which is completely different from an Assassin. I don’t really like ‘conditional’ effects. For example, a Champion build only truly has 100% hit rate when they taunt an enemy. Yes, they can inflict taunt on hit at 100% of the time, but going back to the conditional pet peeve of mine, I rather know that my spells and attacks are always hitting without any conditions needing to be met. I understand how powerful a Champion is though. They are easily one of the best if not the best for melee builds. I personally will make one myself within due time. I just don’t really like conditional things or having to swap out gems for certain fights. I am quite tedious on researching and making my guides, but it is ironic that I hate having to open my inventory to use portals, or swap gems for certain fights or going from mapping to bossing. That kind of stuff just annoys me. I already can down end-game content with my current build so I just move on after I clear the end-game content to new builds and theorizing again. I do appreciate the tips though. Because of it, I think my next build (after the other ones I am currently working on) will be a Champion. It just seems stupid broken for melee builds. The taunt and 100% hit rate because of it is just busted. *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bakuhakubasugasu#6072 um 17.01.2019, 02:45:28
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" Yes, I am the same, I didn't play for a long time, well before 3.0, and tried desperately to make the old build styles work (dual strike, lol) because I always liked dual wielding, and I was surprised even reave this patch sucked, thanks to no more stat sticks. I used your guide as a basis to switch my build to (once I found out the hard way that I could no longer stat stick). I didn't mean to shit on your build or anything, sorry if it came across that way, especially with regards to the whole shaper vs non shaper dps thing, I was just simply letting you know. With the duelist / champion thing, I also was not a fan, as shadow / assassin has been my favourite forever, and I wanted to refuse to believe that someone could build a higher DPS crit claw duelist /champion, when shadows / assassins are meant to be the ones specializing in crit claws (all the nodes are in our side of the tree). With the taunt thing, it's just like hypothermia, one hit = chilled / taunted = more damage. I also hate the idea of swapping gems for boss fights, but even with his clearing setup, he still did 1.3m shaper, while having a huge clear speed advantage, it baffles me how it's even possible. I tried switching BF into his build, and it also still did more damage. He just does more damage no matter what, while also being way tankier (250% life vs our 170). Maybe time to buff melee phys shadow GGG? |
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(accidental double post)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von cheezstik#3898 um 17.01.2019, 03:21:46
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" No harm done which I why I agree with you at the end of my post. I know about the Shaper vs non-Shaper thing for sure. This is why I didn't list actual Shaper damage. I think after my next build guide since I already wrote it, I will start including Shaper DPS. Going back to that other guy's build, he is definitely getting a lot more bang for his buck. One thing to note is that there are way more life nodes in the Duelist starting point too. Once you get your damage good enough, you can just grab all of the life nodes you can get. You definitely can get your life pretty beefy that way. We already know how broken a Champion is for melee so that speaks for itself. Thanks for stopping by though. I appreciate it. :) *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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