[3.6] Immortal Blade Flurry Assassin - Face-tank All Content - [CAN BE DONE ON BUDGET!] - 1 MIL+ DPS
" Do remember, I did build this back in Delve so if some people are trying to play it now, it might be a lot more expensive. For example, Lycosidae is nearly an exalt now because of all of those Cast on Crit builds lol. I don't see the price dropping for that unique for a bit. The two socketed Tombfist is what is recommended. Just a one socket one will get you by just fine and it is only like 5 chaos. A pair of rare gloves gets you by just fine too. Honestly, you can still run this on a budget and without the Enlightens. My buddy runs it just fine and he doesn't have the 2 Enlightens. All he does is run Punishment+Wrath and he is getting by just fine. The Aul's Uprising and Enlightens were what I had laying around that I just decided to use. Completely just quality of life and not required for the build at all. I think my buddy just uses mostly all rare items for his version of the build. I'll see if I can get his character posted or something. He's done all content including Uber Elder with it. Obviously there are going to be some fights where you need to Whirling Blades out of, but you are able to mostly face-tank a ton of the content. As for other non-melee builds wrecking crap in under seconds, I totally understand man. But, I love melee a lot even though it has a ton of drawbacks. Sure, us melee players have to suffer from the ranged debate and hate, but I play what I love and will keep doing so. I personally don't have anything against spell/ranged builds even though I like melee so much. Just play what you like, really. Good luck! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bakuhakubasugasu#6072 um 27.12.2018, 00:05:56
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thx for taking time to write the build.
I have a few questions I haven't seen answered before - I am currently at 42% critchance. I notice from your path of building that is sits at 52% crit chance. How do we get to 95% chance? -Is punishment a good curse when I haven't taken unwavering stance yet? -Due to no enlightment gems I am currently reserving my mana with blasphemy/punishment-herold of purity-herald of ash instead of punishment-wrath. It works fine for me, but i was wondering wether theorycraft agrees.... |
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" With the Assassin's passives, you can easily get to 95% crit chance. If the enemy has full life or low life, then your crit skyrockets to 95% critical strike chance. To be honest, we naturally perform so many critical strikes so we don't actually need an absurd amount of it. With how fast we are attacking and the Assassin's passives, we are naturally performing a ton of critical strikes. Do not worry about getting your normal critical strike chance to 95%. You will notice that you basically are always performing critical strikes. You do not need to grab Unwavering Stance to use Punishment or make use of it. Punishment easily gets us some insane DPS. Your current aura setup is okay, so don't worry too much about it, though I would recommend using Punishment+Wrath instead unless you have some source of flat lightning damage on one of your items or jewels. The same for flat cold damage. We want to be chilling and shocking enemies to further boost up our DPS. It makes a hell of a difference, for sure. Let me know if you need anything else. :) *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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" thanks! |
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So about our freezing and shocking.
"unless you have some source of flat lightning damage on one of your items or jewels. The same for flat cold damage. We want to be chilling and shocking enemies to further boost up our DPS. It makes a hell of a difference, for sure." for shock: "Hits below the minimum threshold of 1% effect are discarded,[1] effectively requiring a hit of 0.2% enemy maximum life." (source: wiki) for freeze: "Freezes with a duration smaller than 0.3 seconds are discarded, effectively requiring a hit of 5% enemy life.[1]" (source: wiki) This would imply that at my level (68) with a assumed monster base hitpoints of 5000, I would need to do 250 cold damage and 10 lightning damge with a crit. my crit multiplier with 5 powercharges is 366 + 150 (base) = 516% let's say my crits do 5 times the damage now. This means I need AT LEAST 50 flat cold damage at my level to freeze. and AT LEAST 2 flat lightning damage to shock. I'm doing 20-35 cold damge now and I'm leaving lots of corpses. I do not think I am freezing them right now. What is your expirience? Zuletzt bearbeitet von Astragoth#6646 um 27.12.2018, 08:26:33
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confirmed, I replaced hypothermia with added cold and now I am freezing.
The same goes for shock. Hypothermia should only be used if you have enough flat cold damage to freeze mobs, wich probably means it is sub optimal vs bosses.... |
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" If you watch my sample video, you can see mobs shattering even with a minimal 50%ish crit chance. You get the 95% crit chance from full life/low enemies which procs way more than you think even if we accidentally hit an enemy and put them out of full life range. As for the boss fights, it still works. I think you are not understanding how ailments work with critical strikes. What you have been explaining about chilling and shocking is under normal circumstances. Critical strikes have 100% chance to inflict the ailment of the said element. This is what makes crit builds so desirable. This is also the reason why even having just a single point of elemental damage is beneficial to this build. You were looking at the actual ailments themselves, rather than looking at the "Ailment" page to understand how critical strikes interact with elemental damage/ailments. Check the page and read what it says. This is why critical strikes with elemental damage is so damn amazing. :) https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ailment Quoted from the Wiki, "Critical strikes have a 100% chance to inflict ignite, freeze and shock." Hopefully that eases your worries and confusion. I've seen other people not understand this mechanic either and always asked why we used Hypothermia in our Blade Flurry setup but this should shine a little light on it now. Chilling and shocking gives us some easy DPS boost. :) Good luck and let me know if you need anything else, exile. *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bakuhakubasugasu#6072 um 27.12.2018, 09:13:48
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thx for clearing that up, hypothermia is going back in
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" Yup, hopefully it all makes sense now. Hypothermia gives us a lot of extra damage and utility. Definitely got to abuse ailments with crit builds for sure. :) Let me know if you got any other questions or concerns. *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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This build was not fun at all while leveling, it was a nightmare trying to play this without a lycosaide, i had to run away from the syndicate guys at level 30 because i was unable to survive their damage even with a bunch of life potions
At the time i started this league, lycosaide was 40c and as a league starter I did NOT have 40c or the means to obtain that kind of currency, let alone kill the syndicate mobs to progress through the map. Luckily I did find a friend that lent me 40c and i managed to obtain one and it made a world of a difference A lot of the stuff in this build is extremely overpriced, dreamfragments with wrath costs a couple of exalts, loreweave, tombfist with 2 sockets - this is not a league starter friendly build despite the reccomendations I nearly quit the game due to the frustration of surviability very early on even with a bloodseeker, had it not been for my friend that helped me out with the purchase of a lycosaide. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Deeeze#2742 um 27.12.2018, 19:47:30
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